Supporting you in your teaching
CABI publishes upper-level undergraduate and post-graduate course texts across the life sciences and tourism. All of our titles are available as e-inspection copies, and select textbooks may also be requested as print exam copies.

e-Inspection copies of CABI books
In line with our mission and commitment to the environment, our textbooks are available as electronic inspection copies only. This also helps us to keep the price of our textbooks as low as possible.
Instructors teaching relevant courses may request an e-inspection copy in order to assess its suitability for your students. To do so, find the title you are interested in on the CABI Digital Library, and fill in the request form, using the book's ISBN.
VitalSource users
If you already use VitalSource for your e-inspection copies, you should also be able to request sample copies of CABI books via your Bookshelf.
Adopted a CABI textbook?
We love to hear your feedback! Let us know how you're using our books, and what you like and what could be better - this helps us to improve our textbook publishing programme as we bring out new titles and new editions.