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Open access
29 September 2009

Arthurdendyus triangulatus (New Zealand flatworm)

Datasheet Type: Invasive species


This datasheet on Arthurdendyus triangulatus covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Further Information.


Preferred Scientific Name
Arthurdendyus triangulatus (Dendy, 1894) Jones and Gerard (1999)
Preferred Common Name
New Zealand flatworm
Other Scientific Names
Artioposthia triangulata (Dendy, 1894)
Geoplana triangulata Dendy, 1894
Local Common Names
Newzealandsk fladorm
Faroe Islands
selendski flatmaðkurin
Nýsjálenski flatorm
New Zealandsk flatorm
Nyazeeländska plattmasken


The 'New Zealand flatworm', (Arthurdendyus triangulatus) extended and showing its speckled underside.
Extended individual
The 'New Zealand flatworm', (Arthurdendyus triangulatus) extended and showing its speckled underside.
A.K. Murchie
Close-up of a 'New Zealand flatworm', (Arthurdendyus triangulatus) extended and showing its speckled underside.
Close-up of a 'New Zealand flatworm', (Arthurdendyus triangulatus) extended and showing its speckled underside.
A.K. Murchie
The 'New Zealand flatworm', (Arthurdendyus triangulatus), as typically found, under plastic sheeting.
Individual under plastic sheet
The 'New Zealand flatworm', (Arthurdendyus triangulatus), as typically found, under plastic sheeting.
A.K. Murchie
The 'New Zealand flatworm', (Arthurdendyus triangulatus), as collected within a plastic jar.
Individuals in a plastic jar
The 'New Zealand flatworm', (Arthurdendyus triangulatus), as collected within a plastic jar.
A.K. Murchie
Close-up of a 'New Zealand flatworm' (Arthurdendyus triangulatus), as collected within a plastic jar.
Individuals in a plastic jar
Close-up of a 'New Zealand flatworm' (Arthurdendyus triangulatus), as collected within a plastic jar.
A.K. Murchie

Summary of Invasiveness

A. triangulatus is a free-living terrestrial flatworm. Native to New Zealand, it was found outside its natural habitat in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 1963 (Ministry of Agriculture, Northern Ireland, 1963, 1964). The species is harmful because it is a predator of earthworms and a decline in earthworms could reduce soil fertility and earthworm-feeding wildlife. The flatworm is found in Ireland, Great Britain and the Faroe Islands. Although capable of active movement the flatworm has been spread mainly by the trade in containerised plants. Its tendency to shelter under debris on the soil surface and its sticky body, have facilitated inadvertent carriage on plant containers, agricultural equipment and soil. There have been several scientific reviews of the biology of A. triangulatus published (Blackshaw and Stewart, 1992; Cannon et al., 1999; Boag and Yeates, 2001). A. triangulatus is considered an indirect plant pest by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) (IPPC-Secretariat, 2005).

Taxonomic Tree

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Notes on Taxonomy and Nomenclature

The classification of free-living flatworms is currently undergoing revision, in particular due to molecular phylogenetic studies. This classification follows Sluys et al. (2009).
Arthurdendyus triangulatus was originally described as Geoplana triangulata by Dendy (1894). Fyfe (1937) transferred it to the genus Artioposthia due to the presence of muscular gland organs (adenodactyli) in the genital atrium. Jones and Gerard (1999) subsequently erected the genus Arthurdendyus for planarians with elongate ovaries lateral to the male copulatory apparatus and a bell-shaped pharynx.


A. triangulatus is a large terrestrial flatworm measuring up to 10 mm wide and 200 mm in length when fully extended. However, the length is highly variable depending on the state of extension. The body is that of a flattened strap, narrowing towards the anterior. The colour is liver brown with a pale marginal fringe that extends from the underside. This fringe and the underside are beige and flecked with grey. The anterior head has a pink tinge with a row of minute black eye spots present on each side of the tip. The flatworm is covered in mucus and sticky to the touch. Non-specialist descriptions are given by Willis and Edwards (1977), Boag et al. (1994a) and Jones (2005). Egg capsules are shiny black and ovoid, typically measuring 4-8 mm in diameter.


A. triangulatus is widespread but relatively rare in its native range, which is restricted to the South Island in New Zealand. It has established itself in Ireland, Great Britain and the Faroe Islands but not so far in continental Europe. This is something of a puzzle as much of the horticultural plant trade to the British Isles and the Faroe Islands, the presumed method of transfer of these flatworms, passes through other countries, in particular the Netherlands. It was possibly introduced into Great Britain on plants collected by the Edinburgh Botanic Gardens since it was discovered there in 1965 (Boag et al., 1998b). Analyses of genetic variation in A. triangulatus using PCR-RFLP, suggests multiple introductions of A. triangulatus into the UK (Dynes et al., 2001). This contention is supported by the presence of several other non-indigenous flatworms in the UK and Ireland, e.g. Australoplana sanguinea, Kontikia andersoni and A. albidus. Therefore, the fact that this species has not established on continental Europe may be due to other factors such as climate. However, it would seem likely that at least some areas of continental Europe may be at risk from invasion by this species (Boag et al., 1995a).

Distribution Map

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Distribution Table

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History of Introduction and Spread

A. triangulatus was first found outside of New Zealand in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in 1963. Exactly how this species came to be in Belfast is unknown but it is thought to have been carried inadvertently with ornamental plants such as daffodils, roses or rhododendrons (Willis and Edwards, 1977; Blackshaw and Stewart, 1992). A similar situation is likely to have happened in Scotland. The first record was from the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh, and many flatworm records have been associated with botanic gardens, garden centres and nurseries (Boag and Yeates, 2001). As an example, 22 live flatworms (though not A. triangulatus) were found within a Dicksonia antarctica (tree fern) from Australia (Parker et al., 2005). The spread of A. triangulatus to the relatively isolated Faroe Islands, was thought to have occurred via goods from Scotland, although direct transmission from New Zealand cannot be excluded (Mather and Christensen, 1992).


Introduced toIntroduced fromYearReasonsIntroduced byEstablished in wild throughReferencesNotes
Natural reproductionContinuous restocking
Faroe Islands 1982  YesNoMay have been introduced accidentally from Scotland or New Zealand
Northern IrelandNew Zealand1963 YesNoAccidental introduction (Blackshaw and Stewart, 1992). First confirmed record of this species outside of its native range in New Zealand
UK 1965 YesNoTo Scotland and England, associated with botanic gardens and nurseries

Risk of Introduction

A. triangulatus has been present in Ireland and Great Britain since the early 1960s. It has become almost ubiquitous within the populated areas of Northern Ireland (Moore et al., 1998) and has a cosmopolitan distribution in Scotland (Jones and Boag, 1996; Boag et al., 2006a). The colonisation of the Scottish and Faroe Islands demonstrates how this species can be easily spread from infected areas to relatively isolated regions. The risk of introduction of A. triangulatus is most severe in local regions of Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. Unless steps are taken to limit local movement of this species, it is likely to continue to spread in Ireland and Great Britain.
A. triangulatus has not established on continental Europe, despite being present in Ireland and GB since the 1960s. Climate matching would suggest that A. triangulatus could establish in large areas of north-western continental Europe such as Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium (Boag et al., 1995a; Boag and Yeates, 2001). The fact that A. triangulatus has not already been found on continental Europe is a puzzle and may suggest more stringent environmental conditions necessary for establishment. Outside of Europe, there are regions in the United States, Canada, Japan, Argentina and Australia, which are theoretically at risk from invasion by this species (Boag et al., 1995b). Perhaps of particular risk is Tasmania, which would be climatically similar to the South Island of New Zealand. A. vegrandis, another New Zealand species, has been found on the Australian subantarctic Macquarie Island (Greenslade et al., 2007).

Means of Movement and Dispersal

Natural Dispersal (Non-Biotic)

In theory, A. triangulatus could be dispersed by floodwater washing along egg capsules or even adults but this is not considered a major mechanism for spread.  

Vector Transmission (Biotic)

  A. triangulatus may occasionally be carried sticking to domestic animals (Moore et al., 1998).  

Accidental Introduction

  A. triangulatus has predominantly been spread by movement of horticultural and garden plants (Cannon et al., 1999). Within infected regions, movement of garden plants, topsoil, manure and baled silage is the most probable means of transfer (Blackshaw and Stewart, 1992; Moore et al., 1998; Boag et al., 1999; Murchie et al., 2003).  

Intentional Introduction

  Intentional introduction of A. triangulatus is forbidden under national legislation (e.g. in the UK, The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, The Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (Scotland) 2011, and The Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011).
There have been anecdotal stories about greenkeepers releasing flatworms in order to reduce earthworm casting on golf and bowling greens, but these are unsubstantiated.

Pathway Causes

Pathway Vectors

Pathway vectorNotesLong distanceLocalReferences
Land vehicles (pathway vector)Could be moved on soil attached to farm equipment Yes 
Plants or parts of plants (pathway vector)Probably both adults and egg capsules could be introduced in this wayYesYes
Soil, sand and gravel (pathway vector)Local movement of topsoil and dung can facilitate flatworm spread Yes

Plant Trade

Plant parts liable to carry the pest in trade/transportPest stagesBorne internallyBorne externallyVisibility of pest or symptoms
 YesPest or symptoms usually visible to the naked eye
Growing medium accompanying plants
Yes Pest or symptoms usually visible to the naked eye
 YesPest or symptoms usually visible to the naked eye
Plant parts not known to carry the pest in trade/transport
Stems (above ground)/Shoots/Trunks/Branches

Hosts/Species Affected

A. triangulatus is a predator of earthworms and therefore an indirect plant pest. That is, the flatworm does not attack plants directly but by reducing earthworm numbers, soil fertility and hence plant productivity are also reduced. The concept of an indirect plant pest has been accepted by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) (Schrader and Unger, 2003; IPPC-Secretariat, 2005; Murchie, 2008).

List of Symptoms/Signs

Symptom or signLife stagesSign or diagnosisDisease stage
Plants/Roots/reduced root system   
Plants/Whole plant/dwarfing   


Diagnosis is by morphological features or species-specific DNA diagnostic primers. A. triangulatus is a distinctive species and microscope or molecular means for identification are rarely necessary. Jones (2005) provides user-friendly description of British terrestrial flatworms, including A. triangulatus.

Similarities to Other Species/Conditions

A. triangulatus could be confused with other flatworm species but is considerably larger that the native Microplana flatworms in Ireland and GB. The ‘Australian flatworm’, Australoplana sanguinea is similar in body shape but is orange. Terrestrial leeches also have a cursory similarity but are segmented.


Typically found under debris on the soil surface, mostly in gardens or on the margins of agricultural land. Increasingly found in pasture in Northern Ireland (Murchie et al., 2003) and in potato fields in the Faroe Islands (Christensen and Mather, 1998). A. triangulatus may be active on the soil surface at night.

Habitat List

CategorySub categoryHabitatPresenceStatus
TerrestrialTerrestrial – ManagedCultivated / agricultural landPrincipal habitatHarmful (pest or invasive)
TerrestrialTerrestrial – ManagedManaged forests, plantations and orchardsSecondary/tolerated habitatHarmful (pest or invasive)
TerrestrialTerrestrial – ManagedManaged grasslands (grazing systems)Principal habitatHarmful (pest or invasive)

Biology and Ecology

Reproductive Biology

  As with other flatworms, A. triangulatus is a hermaphrodite. Mating has not been observed in this species but both male and female reproductive organs are fully functional (Fyfe, 1937; Baird et al., 2005b) suggesting that cross-fertilisation is the norm.   A. triangulatus produce shiny black ovoid egg capsules. These are extruded through the dorsal surface or the gonopore on the underside (Blackshaw and Stewart, 1992). In an experimental study, a maximum of nine egg capsules were produced during a 16 week period, equating to roughly one egg capsule every two weeks (Baird et al., 2005a). The size of egg capsules varies depending on the size and nutritional status of the adult. Baird et al. (2005a) gave the smallest egg capsule in their study as 2.5 mm x 2.4 mm (8 mg) with the largest as 8.0 mm x 5.6 mm (180 mg). Egg capsules are typically found in the same habitat as the adults. In the wild, in Northern Ireland, the main period of egg-laying is normally March to July, with a smaller peak in August to September. The time to hatch for egg capsules is dependent on temperature, taking 49 days at 10°C and 38 days at 14°C (Baird et al., 2000). Egg capsules contain between 1-14 juveniles, with an average of 6 (Blackshaw and Stewart, 1992; Christensen and Mather, 1997).   Unlike other flatworms, it is unlikely that A. triangulatus could reproduce by fragmentation as they are susceptible to any form of mechanical damage (Willis and Edwards, 1977).  

Physiology and Phenology

  Terrestrial flatworms possess few water-saving adaptations and therefore A. triangulatus is susceptible to desiccation (Blackshaw and Stewart, 1992). Flatworm presence at the soil surface shows a marked seasonality with a decline during the hottest months of July and August (AK Murchie, Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Northern Ireland, personal communication, 2009). It would seem that A. triangulatus migrate to the lower and cooler depths of the soil during these periods. Willis and Edwards (1977) record flatworms, presumably aestivating, from depths of 250-300 mm, tightly coiled within small chambers.  


  A. triangulatus feeds on lumbricid earthworms in the invaded areas. Little is known about its natural prey in New Zealand, although it is assumed to be megascolecid earthworms (Johns et al., 1998). The matter is complicated because much of New Zealand gardens and pasture have been colonised by European earthworm species (Stockdill, 1982). In laboratory tests, where A. triangulatus was presented with earthworm prey in Petri dishes, there was little evidence of direct preference for individual earthworm species (Stewart, 1993). Differential impacts on earthworm species observed in field sampling are likely due to earthworm niche characteristics, such as burrow width, which increase vulnerability to predation (Blackshaw and Stewart, 1992; Lillico et al., 1996).  Anecic earthworms, which come to the soil surface, are particularly at risk (Jones et al., 2001).  When no earthworms are available, A. triangulatus may occasionally feed on slugs (Gibson and Cosens, 2004).   Blackshaw (1991) found that A. triangulatus consumed 1.4 Eisenia fetida per week and converted 36% of the earthworm tissue into flatworm tissue while Yeates et al. (1998) reported a 53% food conversion efficiency. Lillico et al. (1996) gave a lower figure of 0.67 earthworms per week with a conversion rate of 10%. Baird et al. (2005a) worked on the basis of bodyweight and fed A. triangulatus at one-half of their bodyweight (c. 0.5 g) in E. fetida every two weeks, which gave a 12% reduction in weight over 100 days. The conversion of earthworm prey to egg capsule production was calculated as 13%.  

Environmental Requirements

The main factors limiting A. triangulatus dispersal are soil temperature, soil moisture and the availability of prey (Boag et al., 1998a). Soil temperatures greater than 20°C are detrimental to A. triangulatus, with 100% mortality after 3 weeks (Blackshaw and Stewart, 1992). Similarly, consistent low temperatures of -2°C caused 100% mortality after 3 days, whereas at -1°C mortality had only reached c. 50% after 21 days (Scottish Executive Rural Affairs Department, 2000). There has been little quantitative work on the effects of soil moisture on A. triangulatus, although it is clearly important (Boag et al., 2005). Part of the reason for this, is that in the UK and Ireland, soil moisture and temperature are often correlated, with high temperatures corresponding to low soil moisture.


Climate typeDescriptionPreferred or toleratedRemarks
Cs - Warm temperate climate with dry summerWarm average temp. > 10°C, Cold average temp. > 0°C, dry summersPreferred 

Rainfall Regime


Notes on Natural Enemies

Predatory ground beetles of the families Carabidae and Staphylinidae will prey on A. triangulatus (Blackshaw, 1996; Gibson et al., 1997) but it is unlikely that they will do so in sufficient numbers to limit flatworm spread. There are also consistent reports of birds and other generalist worm predators such as shrews feeding on flatworms (Cannon et al., 1999). However, it would seem that flatworms are not choice prey and are distasteful to most predators (Cannon et al., 1999). Arthur Dendy, who described A. triangulatus and in whose honour the genus is named, describes tasting two specimens of land planarian. He found it to be “an exceedingly unpleasant sensation” (Dendy, 1891). Ducks, geese and even ferrets are known to feed on them without ill effects (B Boag, The James Hutton Institute, UK, personal communication, 2013).
Little is known about the natural enemies of A. triangulatus in New Zealand, although they are presumed to be ground beetles and other flatworms. Planarivora insignis (Diptera: Keroplatidae) is a parasitoid of terrestrial flatworms in Tasmania (Hickman, 1965). It is possible that a similar species may exist in the native habitat of A. triangulatus.

Impact Summary

Environment (generally)Negative

Impact: Economic

The economic impact of A. triangulatus is by reducing earthworm activity, which then limits plant growth. It is likely that the most serious impact will be in pasture. There are two reasons for this. First, A. triangulatus is commonest in relatively wet mild climates that are suited for grass production. Second, arable cultivation in itself is physically damaging to both earthworms and flatworms.
Results from a long-term field experiment into the effects of A. triangulatus on earthworms showed an overall reduction of 20% in earthworm biomass comparing high and low density flatworm plots (Murchie and Gordon, 2013).   Obtaining a good estimate of the economic value of earthworm activity in pastures is difficult due to the many factors involved and also because many yield experiments have been limited to pot studies. Perhaps ironically, some of the best field data comes from the introduction of European lumbricid earthworms to New Zealand and Australian pastures. Stockdill (1982) gave an increase in grass yield of between 9 and 29% in an area of a field in which one species of European earthworm (Aporrectodea caliginosa) had established for 10 years. In soil cores inoculated with Aporrectodealonga grass yield increased by up to 61%, although the results were highly variable across the ten Australian locations (Baker et al., 1999). In Ireland, reclaimed peat soils seeded with perennial ryegrass and white clover, treated with slurry and inoculated with earthworms showed an increase in herbage yield of 49% compared to similar plots without earthworms (Curry and Boyle, 1987).   Taking an estimate that earthworms contribute 20% towards grass yield and that A. triangulatus predation reduces earthworm biomass by 20%, the effect of A. triangulatus colonisation could be a 4% reduction in grass yield. Boag and Neilson (2006) calculated that the New Zealand flatworm could conservatively cost Scottish farmers c. £17M.
As highlighted by Alford (1998), one of the main economic effects of flatworm infestation could be limitations on trade. This applies to international trade and also to local trade in the sense that a garden centre, nursery or topsoil distributor may be held liable for distributing a harmful invasive species.

Impact: Environmental

Impact on Habitats

A flatworm-induced reduction in earthworm populations could change soil structure and hydrology (Haria, 1995; Haria et al., 1998) leading to poor soil drainage and encroachment of Juncus rushes in pasture (Alford, 1998). There is evidence of a build-up of dead organic matter on the soil surface at flatworm-infested sites (Blackshaw, 1995). Under apple trees, without herbicide treatments, A. triangulatus achieved densities of 9.3 m² and there was a build-up of thatch to a depth of 4 cm (Murchie and Mac an Tsaoir, 2006). Furthermore, it was speculated that this dense thatch provided an ideal microclimate for A. triangulatus.  

Impact on Biodiversity

 A. triangulatus is an invasive earthworm predator that directly reduces earthworm biodiversity. The extent to which A. triangulatus depletes earthworm populations varies across studies. Depletion of earthworms in relation to the presence of A. triangulatus was first noted by Blackshaw (1989), studying the effects of seaweed fertiliser on earthworms. The capability of A. triangulatus to reduce earthworm numbers was subsequently confirmed by field and laboratory studies (Blackshaw, 1990; Blackshaw, 1991; Blackshaw, 1995; Lillico et al., 1996; Blackshaw, 1997b; Blackshaw, 1997a). Perhaps the severest impact of A. triangulatus has been in the Faroe Islands, where the flatworm proved capable of locally eradicating earthworms within one year (Christensen and Mather, 1995), although this phenomenon may be restricted to horticultural or potato growing sites. In particular, the Faroese ‘reimavelta’ technique, which involves growing potatoes under inverted turf, restricted earthworm movement and provided ideal conditions for A. triangulatus predation (Mather and Christensen, 1992; Christensen and Mather, 1998). At other sites though, the impact of A. triangulatus has been less severe, with several reports of long-term coexistence (Boag et al., 1994b; Gibson et al., 1997) albeit with a reduced earthworm population (Cannon et al., 1999). Blackshaw (1995) considered that fluctuations in A. triangulatus and earthworms numbers from year to year, provided evidence of a predator-prey cycle.   It is increasingly clear that there is a hierarchy in earthworm vulnerability to A. triangulatus predation (Boag et al., 1994a; Lillico et al., 1996). Deep-living earthworms such as Octolasion cyaneum or endogeic species may be less susceptible to flatworm surface predation (Blackshaw, 1995; Boag et al., 1997), whereas anecic species that have semi-permanent burrows and feed on the surface may be most susceptible (Fraser and Boag, 1998). Multivariate analyses of earthworm species in two flatworm-infested fields and non-infested fields in Scotland, suggested that Aporrectodea caliginosa (endogeic), Aporrectodea longa (anecic) and L. terrestris (anecic) were most affected by A. triangulatus presence (Jones et al., 2001). In a replicated field experiment, there was a significant decrease in anecic earthworm biomass in plots with enhanced A. triangulatus populations, but no overall effect on epigeic or endogeic species (AK Murchie, Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Northern Ireland, personal communication, 2009). There is a threat therefore that A. triangulatus could deplete certain species, possibly to the point of local extinction, whilst maintaining themselves on less susceptible species. Furthermore, A. triangulatus are capable of surviving for over one year without feeding (Blackshaw, 1992; Baird et al., 2005b); therefore a residual population may remain in an area depleted of earthworm prey and prevent re-establishment of vulnerable species (Blackshaw and Stewart, 1992).
A decline in earthworms could have knock-on effects on earthworm-feeding wildlife (Alford, 1998). In the UK and Ireland, most vulnerable are badgers, hedgehogs, moles (not Ireland) and many familiar garden and farmland bird species (e.g. blackbirds, thrushes, rooks and lapwings). Earthworms are also an important food source for many invertebrates: e.g. carabid beeles (Symondson et al., 2000), testacellid snails and indigenous flatworm species. The only specific study on this topic was done on moles (Talpa europaea) in southwest Scotland. Boag (2000) found a significant negative relationship between the presence of A. triangulatus and that of moles.

Threatened Species

Threatened speciesWhere threatenedMechanismsReferencesNotes
Lumbricus terrestris
Faroe Islands

Impact: Social

A. triangulatus is a garden pest spread by the movement of plants. Gardening is a popular hobby and many gardeners exchange plants through semi-formal networks such as gardening societies. Inadvertent spread of A. triangulatus has happened by this mechanism and therefore, where A. triangulatus is present, movement of containerised plants should be minimised.

Risk and Impact Factors


Proved invasive outside its native range
Has a broad native range
Highly mobile locally
Benefits from human association (i.e. it is a human commensal)
Long lived
Has high reproductive potential

Impact outcomes

Changed gene pool/ selective loss of genotypes
Damaged ecosystem services
Ecosystem change/ habitat alteration
Host damage
Modification of hydrology
Modification of nutrient regime
Negatively impacts agriculture
Negatively impacts livelihoods
Reduced native biodiversity
Threat to/ loss of native species
Negatively impacts trade/international relations

Impact mechanisms


Likelihood of entry/control

Highly likely to be transported internationally accidentally
Difficult to identify/detect as a commodity contaminant
Difficult/costly to control


Economic Value           
In theory, A. triangulatus could be a biological control for some earthworm species, e.g. invasive earthworms in North America. However, this would be dependent on limiting spread and given the adverse effects documented in the UK and Ireland, probably counter-productive.  

Social Benefit

  No obvious direct social benefit other than being a useful educational tool for invasive species: A. triangulatus, as a large and slimy earthworm predator, has caught the public imagination in the UK and Ireland.   The mucus of A. triangulatus is rich in proteins, which protect against predators, disease and the environment, as well as facilitating earthworm predation and consumption (McGee et al., 1998). It is possible that some of these proteins could have beneficial characteristics.  

Environmental Services

A. triangulatus does not burrow but rather squeezes through gaps in the soil. It therefore does not confer the same aeration and drainage benefits as earthworm burrowing.

Detection and Inspection

A. triangulatus is mainly detected by visual inspection under plant pots, stones, wood, plastic sheeting and other debris on the soil surface (EPPO, 2001). The flatworm may also be detected by use of the expulsion techniques (e.g. formalin or mustard) used to assess earthworm populations (Gunn, 1992; Murchie et al., 2003). Shelter traps may be placed on the soil surface, these can be pieces of wood, tiles or plastic bags filled with soil. A sampling strategy to quantify the detection of the New Zealand flatworm was published by Boag et al. (2010).

Prevention and Control

Due to the variable regulations around (de)registration of pesticides, your national list of registered pesticides or relevant authority should be consulted to determine which products are legally allowed for use in your country when considering chemical control. Pesticides should always be used in a lawful manner, consistent with the product's label.

SPS Measures

A. triangulatus is considered an indirect plant pest by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO). The EPPO standard ‘Import requirements concerning A. triangulatus’ relate to the importation of containerised plants and specify: 1) plants should be grown on raised and slatted benches; 2) or come from an area free from A. triangulatus; 3) or a representative sample of the product should be examined and found free of A. triangulatus; 4) or the consignment should be subject to heat treatment.   As A. triangulatus is on quarantine lists in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Iceland (Cannon et al., 1999; Boag and Yeates, 2001; Schrader and Unger, 2003), plant health inspectors can take appropriate action against this species.  

Public Awareness

  In the UK and Ireland, there has been considerable media interest in A. triangulatus, although this was sporadic and varied considerably from year to year (Moore et al., 1998). In Northern Ireland and Scotland, most horticultural producers, farmers and gardeners are aware of A. triangulatus and its potential impact on earthworms.  


  There are no formal mechanisms for eradication of A. triangulatus, at least in the UK and Ireland. Part of the problem with A. triangulatus is that it was initially considered inconsequential and it was only after it was well established in Northern Ireland and Scotland that negative effects were apparent (Murchie, 2008).  


           There are no established parameters for containment of an A. triangulatus invasion. Given the relatively low speed of natural movement of A. triangulatus, the zone would most likely be infected premises. The main factor in A. triangulatus spread is movement of plant or soil material.  

Cultural Control and Sanitary Measures

  Hot-water treatment could be used to kill A. triangulatus in plant containers (Blackshaw, 1996). Immersion of A. triangulatus in water at 30°C for 20 minutes, killed adults within 24 h. A slightly higher temperature of 34°C and a lower exposure time of 5 minutes resulted in mortality within 1 h (Murchie and Moore, 1998).  

Physical/Mechanical Control

  A. triangulatus are prone to mechanical damage (Willis and Edwards, 1977), so cultivation of the soil is likely to be detrimental to this species, as it is to some earthworms (Ernst and Emmerling, 2009). Removal trapping of A. triangulatus using shelter traps on the soil surface was attempted by Blackshaw et al. (1996) who concluded that this method was too time-consuming for widespread control. It may, however, be of value where A. triangulatus re-invasion is limited.  

Movement Control

  A. triangulatus moves using cilia, peristaltic muscle contractions and mucus production (McGee et al., 1997; Gibson and Cosens, 1998). It is possible, although it has not been tested, that barriers repellent to slugs (e.g. copper, ureaformaldehyde, garlic (Schuder et al., 2003)) may also be effective against A. triangulatus.  

Biological Control

  Classical biological control using the flatworm-parasitic fly, Planarivora insignis, has been suggested (Blackshaw and Stewart, 1992; Blackshaw, 1996; Cannon et al., 1999). However, there has been little work on P. insignis aside from the paper by Hickman (1965), who described the species and its basic biology. During 1962, Hickman (1965) collected 118 Geoplana tasmaniana, of which 33 (28%) were parasitised by P. insignis. A. K. Murchie (Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Northern Ireland, personal communication, 2009) revisited the same site in Tasmania and collected 37 terrestrial flatworms of various species in August 2004, but found no evidence of parasitism. L. Winsor (James Cook University, Australia, personal communication, 2009) commented that parasitism of flatworms by P. insignis was relatively rare. The other problem is that it is not known whether P. insignis would parasitise A. triangulatus and to what extent. Clearly more research is required in this area and especially whether A. triangulatus has a similar parasitoid attacking it in New Zealand.   The slug parasitic nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita was tested against A. triangulatus but did not cause significant mortality (Rae et al., 2005).  

Chemical Control

  Chemical control of A. triangulatus is problematic because they are a cryptic, soil-dwelling species and therefore difficult to target. In addition, any pesticides applied to kill A. triangulatus may also affect their earthworm prey.   Individual A. triangulatus in Petri dishes were exposed to a selection of 14 then-approved grassland pesticides. At 1000 ppm a.i., flatworms survived over a three week period when earthworms died (Blackshaw, 1996). The only pesticide that killed A. triangulatus but had minimum effects on the test earthworm species, Eisenia fetida, was gamma hexachlorocyclohexane (lindane), since withdrawn in the UK. A similar result was obtained in cage bioassays with flatworms maintained in compost. Gamma-HCH, tebufenpyrad, imidacloprid, abamectin and pirimicarb (all insecticides or acaricides) did result in some mortality of A. triangulatus (KFA Walters, Central Science Laboratory, UK, personal communication, 2009) but this was generally low and these results need to be substantiated with greater replication.       

Monitoring and Surveillance

           Monitoring and surveillance of A. triangulatus is by visual inspection underneath stones, wood and shelter traps positioned on the soil surface. There is no nation-wide or formal mechanism for monitoring A. triangulatus.  


           Enhancing earthworm populations through provision of soil organic matter (e.g. farmyard manure) may mitigate against flatworm predation.  

Ecosystem Restoration

It is possible to inoculate depleted sites with earthworms (van der Werff et al., 1998), although this would only be justified if A. triangulatus were removed and would be dependent on the scale of their impact on the earthworm population. Given time and removal of flatworm predation, it is expected that earthworms will naturally recolonise infested areas.

Gaps in Knowledge/Research Needs


  The economic impact of A. triangulatus is dependent on the contribution of earthworm species to soil fertility. To fully assess A. triangulatus impact, more information is required on the community ecology of earthworms. Although the value of earthworms to crop production is widely recognised (Edwards and Bohlen, 1996), the role of ecotypes and individual species needs to be clarified (Neilson et al., 2000). In essence, if A. triangulatus are reducing anecic earthworms, will this have a disproportionate impact on soil fertility or will other earthworm species compensate?   The importance of earthworms as a food source for mammals and birds requires investigation. This is particularly so if conservation measures are to be applied to these species. For example, farmland birds are being used by DEFRA as an indicator of environmental quality and indices show that farmland specialists have shown a decline since the 1970s (


More research is required on mechanisms to control A. triangulatus or prevent spread. From a practical viewpoint, hot-water phytosanitation provides a relatively cheap and easy means of disinfecting containerised plants. However, the precise temperatures required, the penetration of heat into compost or soil and the resilience of egg capsules to this treatment need to be determined.

Links to Websites

GISD/IASPMR: Invasive Alien Species Pathway Management Resource and DAISIE European Invasive Alien Species Gateway source for updated system data added to species habitat list.
Habitas – Invasive Species in Northern Ireland 
Invasive Species Ireland 
North European and Baltic Network on Invasive Alien Species (NOBANIS) 
The Food and Environment Research Agency, UK. Flatworm webpage 


Aarhus UniversityNordre Ringgade 1, 8000 Aarhus CDenmark
FERA (The Food and Environment Research Agency)Sand Hutton
York, Y0411LZ
The James Hutton InstituteInvergowrie, Dundee, DD2 5DAUK
Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute (AFBI)Newforge Lane
Belfast, BT9 5PX
Northern Ireland
Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA)1 Roddinglaw Road
Edinburgh, EH12 9FJ
University of Canterbury UCPrivate Bag 4800, Christchurch 8140New Zealand


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