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Open access
17 November 2021

Moniliophthora perniciosa (witches' broom disease of cacao)

Datasheet Types: Pest, Invasive species


This datasheet on Moniliophthora perniciosa covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Seedborne Aspects, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Prevention/Control, Further Information.


Preferred Scientific Name
Moniliophthora perniciosa (Stahel) Aime
Preferred Common Name
witches' broom disease of cacao
Other Scientific Names
Crinipellis perniciosa (Stahel) Singer
Marasmius perniciosus Stahel
International Common Names
cacao witches' broom disease
escoba de bruja del cacao
balai de sorcière du cacaoyer
vassoura de bruxa
Local Common Names
Hexenbesenkrankheit: Kakao
EPPO code
CRNPPE (Crinipellis perniciosa)


Terminal broom (plagiotropic). Infection of an active apical bud in the initiation or early part of its growth gives rise directly to a hypertrophied shoot or terminal broom. This is generally associated with an apical swelling.
Vegetative broom - line drawing
Terminal broom (plagiotropic). Infection of an active apical bud in the initiation or early part of its growth gives rise directly to a hypertrophied shoot or terminal broom. This is generally associated with an apical swelling.
S.A. Rudgard/CAB International
Terminal broom (orthotropic).
Terminal broom
Terminal broom (orthotropic).
S.A. Rudgard/CAB International
Stem canker (CA) and necrotic leaf (NL). Swelling of infected petiole or pulvinus forces the leaf into an unnatural angle.
Stem swelling and leaf necrosis
Stem canker (CA) and necrotic leaf (NL). Swelling of infected petiole or pulvinus forces the leaf into an unnatural angle.
S.A. Rudgard/CAB International
Axillary broom associated with stem swelling (SS) and swollen distorted pedicel (PE).
Axillary broom
Axillary broom associated with stem swelling (SS) and swollen distorted pedicel (PE).
S.A. Rudgard/CAB International
Chirimoias (bottom): swollen, unfertilized ovaries enlarge into distorted, nearly spherical fruit, seldom more than 5 cm diameter. Hypertrophied fruit (infected when young) become carrot shaped (top).
Distorted fruits
Chirimoias (bottom): swollen, unfertilized ovaries enlarge into distorted, nearly spherical fruit, seldom more than 5 cm diameter. Hypertrophied fruit (infected when young) become carrot shaped (top).
S.A. Rudgard/CAB International
External necrosis develops on directly infected mature fruit (11-13 weeks after penetration by fungus). Form of necrosis depends on age of fruit when infected and tree genotype.
Pods: external necrotic lesions
External necrosis develops on directly infected mature fruit (11-13 weeks after penetration by fungus). Form of necrosis depends on age of fruit when infected and tree genotype.
S.A. Rudgard/CAB International
Diseased pods showing premature ripening and some necrosis in area of lesion.
Pods: premature ripening
Diseased pods showing premature ripening and some necrosis in area of lesion.
S.A. Rudgard/CAB International
Left: section of diseased pod showing liquified muciliage and gelatinous interior to testae. Right: section of diseased pod showing solidified muciliage, internal necrosis and intact cotyledons.
Sections of diseased pods
Left: section of diseased pod showing liquified muciliage and gelatinous interior to testae. Right: section of diseased pod showing solidified muciliage, internal necrosis and intact cotyledons.
S.A. Rudgard/CAB International
Basidiocarps of C. perniciosa on a necrotic broom. Cocoa Growers' Bulletin No. 41, April 1989.
Basidiocarps of C. perniciosa
Basidiocarps of C. perniciosa on a necrotic broom. Cocoa Growers' Bulletin No. 41, April 1989.
S.A. Rudgard/CAB International

Taxonomic Tree

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Notes on Taxonomy and Nomenclature

Witches' broom is caused by a basidiomycete, which was originally named Marasmius perniciosus (Stahel, 1915). The fungus was reclassified as Crinipellis perniciosa by Singer (1942), but a new combination, Moniliophthora perniciosa (Stahel) Aime comb. nov., has recently been proposed (Aime and Phillips-Mora, 2005), and this name is now used. Fruiting bodies (basidiomata or mushrooms) of the fungus were only produced in pure culture relatively recently, and scientific proof of pathogenicity was established in 1983.


After Holliday, 1970.Pileus crimson tinted, generally faintly, becoming paler with age; conspicuous red-black spot in centre, with others radially arranged and of the same colour; radially grooved, campanulate, later expanded and often with a concave margin and a convex but umbilicate centre, or convex to flat with a depressed centre; 2-25 mm, mostly 5-15 mm diameter; if dry swells out when moistened. Hypotrichium of thick-walled non-amyloid hyphae. The hairs are scarce, most numerous in the centre, with a red, thick wall when fresh, hyaline when dried and old, always bluntly rounded on top, 80-150 x 4-12 µm. Lamellae whitish, rather thick (0.2 mm), medium broad to rather broad (1-2 mm), collariate, distant (8-20 entire lamellae, mostly 15), corresponding with grooves in pileus. Cheilocystidia rather regular, bottle-shaped, 35-50 x 9-14 µm. Pleurocystidia none. Stipe white, except at the thickened sub-bulbous base, which is a light citron-yellow, but later becoming yellow to white above and dark brown to brown-red below; almost naked but white pubescent from mycelium at the base, 5-10 x 0.5-0.7 mm above and x 0.7-1.1 mm at base; hollow, the lumen 0.3-0.4 mm wide; rhizomorphic strands none. Context very thin (30-40 µm) in the pileus, reviving. Hyphae with clamp connections. Basidia 31-32 x 7-9 µm, 4-spored. Spores in print pure white, hyaline, 7-11 x 4-5 µm.

Distribution Map

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Distribution Table

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Risk of Introduction

RISK CRITERIA CATEGORYECONOMIC IMPORTANCE ModerateDISTRIBUTION Western HemisphereSEEDBORNE INCIDENCE LowSEED TRANSMITTED YesSEED TREATMENT NoneNotes on Phytosanitary RiskThe existence of recognized pathotypes with different levels of virulence means that movement of germplasm between different regions/countries with witches' broom should only be undertaken with great care to avoid transmission of the disease (Frison and Feliu, 1989). Diseased material and isolates of the fungus should also not be exchanged for the purposes of research between regions/countries for the same reason. M. perniciosa is declared a notifiable pest in Guyana.Witches' broom is absent from the major cocoa-growing regions of Africa, Asia and the Pacific. Spores are not sufficiently long-lived to be disseminated naturally over the huge distances between the present distribution and these new areas, so the disease will not enter these regions unless introduced by human activity. Introduction will only occur through the movement of diseased cocoa material which is then able to produce basidiomata sufficiently close to a cocoa-growing area to allow infection. On this basis, post-entry quarantine is advisable in cocoa-growing regions where the disease is currently absent.

Plant Trade

Plant parts liable to carry the pest in trade/transportPest stagesBorne internallyBorne externallyVisibility of pest or symptoms
fungi/fruiting bodies
YesYesPest or symptoms usually invisible
Yes Pest or symptoms usually invisible
Fruits (inc. pods)
fungi/fruiting bodies
YesYesPest or symptoms usually invisible
Yes Pest or symptoms usually invisible
Stems (above ground)/Shoots/Trunks/Branches
fungi/fruiting bodies
YesYesPest or symptoms usually invisible
True seeds (inc. grain)
YesYesPest or symptoms usually invisible
Plant parts not known to carry the pest in trade/transport
Growing medium accompanying plants
Seedlings/Micropropagated plants

Hosts/Species Affected

M. perniciosa occurs in the Amazon Basin region on wild cocoa and on other related species of Theobroma and Herrania, on Bixa orellana, lianas and on wood from the understorey and litter (Rudgard et al., 1993). Isolates of the fungus within this complex differ in both morphology and pathogenicity. Three varieties, differing predominantly in the colour and size of the basidioma cap (pileus), have been described. Four discrete biotypes have been recognized, each with different pathogenicities; those associated with cocoa and related hosts (C-biotype); species of Solanum (S-biotype); Bixa (B-biotype); and the liana biotype (L-biotype) (Griffith and Hedger, 1994).

Host Plants and Other Plants Affected

Growth Stages

Flowering stage
Fruiting stage
Seedling stage
Vegetative growing stage


Taken from Rudgard (1989) with permission of Cadbury Limited/International Office of Cocoa and Chocolate.Vegetative BroomsThe abnormal morphology of a vegetative broom involves features such as the proliferation of axillary buds and/or stipules, hypertrophied petioles often with smaller laminae, hypertrophy of the main axis in the cortex and secondary phloem and an increase in the number of nodes and/or the shortening of internodes.Hypocotyl broomApparently healthy seeds from pods infected with M. pernisiosa may grow into seedlings that are hypertrophied below the node of the cotyledons. Vegetative brooms may be produced from buds at this node, and the cotyledons may remain attached for a prolonged period. The infection can kill the seedling.Plagiotropic/orthotropic broomDirect infection by the fungus may occur at one of several points on an elongating shoot.- Necrotic leaf: infection of leaf petiole/pulvinus results in swelling which can force the leaf into an unnatural angle. Sometimes the veins and lamina are enlarged. Death of the pulvinus tissue causes the leaf to die without abscissing, giving a necrotic leaf.- Stem swelling: infection of the main axis at an internode or node results in hypertrophy of the immediate area involved. This swelling usually dies, forming a canker and the bark may dry and crack open. Vascular transport to the distal part of the branch can be cut off and the shoot dies back to the region of the canker, forming a girdled branch.- Axillary broom: axillary buds associated with necrotic leaves and/or stem swellings may be stimulated into growth as a hypertrophied shoot or axillary broom. In some cases more than one axillary bud may grow into a broom from the same original infection.- Terminal broom: infection of an active apical bud in the initiation or early part of its growth gives rise directly to a hypertrophied shoot or terminal broom. This is generally associated with an apical swelling.Cushion BroomsThe following symptoms may be found in various combinations on the same cushion.Single flower broomDirect infection of a flower causes it to wither progressively from the petals to the base of its pedicel. The flower does not appear hypertrophied and does not absciss.Simple flower broomFlowers form with thickened, generally green, pedicels and enlarged petals, and the ovary may be slightly swollen. Large numbers of such flowers may form on a particular cushion. They do not absciss and eventually dry in place.Compound flower broomFlowers are produced on compound pedicels (dichasial cymen), which are hypertrophied. Otherwise symptoms are as in the single flower broom.Strawberry fruit (Chirimoia)Simple or compound flower brooms may have swollen, unfertilized ovaries that continue to enlarge into distorted, nearly spherical fruit, seldom more than 5 cm in diameter.Vegetative cushion broomHypertrophied shoots may arise from infected cushions. These shoots have similar abnormal morphological characteristics to vegetative brooms.Diseased FruitYoung fruit may be indirectly infected, and hypertrophied fruit may form with a thickened stalk and broad shoulders which taper to a blunt tip, giving a carrot-like profile. Seeds are present, although their cotyledons are usually watery. Necrosis sets in before the fruit reach full size, and spreads rapidly over the whole surface area.When infected young fruit suffer physiological wilt through direct infection, the infected areas retain their natural colour, even after the healthy tissues have senesced/yellowed and died. The infected areas may remain as swellings as the rest of the fruit dies.External necrosis develops on directly infected mature fruit from 11-13 weeks after penetration by the fungus. The form of this necrosis depends on the age of the fruit when infected and genotype of the tree. There are various classic symptoms in infected fruit, which may occur in several combinations.-Pod shape: either normal or with localized hypertrophy and distortion.- Lesion: either never attains mature colour (green island) or comprises a dark brown or black necrosis with an irregular border, with several possibly occurring on one pod.- Maturation time: either normal or premature by up to 6 weeks.- Mucilage: either liquefied brown or yellow, or solidified.- Cotyledons: either formed or partly/completely unformed with a gelatinous interior to the testa.- Seeds/beans: either separate or partly/completely cemented to each other and the pod wall. Almost all seeds from diseased pods with extensive lesions are killed, or are not viable. Healthy seeds and seeds with non-lethal infections can be found in fruit with localized lesions, that often occur at the limit of the susceptible stage of fruit development at 10-12 weeks old.

List of Symptoms/Signs

Symptom or signLife stagesSign or diagnosisDisease stage
Plants/Fruit/abnormal shape   
Plants/Fruit/lesions: black or brown   
Plants/Fruit/lesions: scab or pitting   
Plants/Fruit/malformed skin   
Plants/Inflorescence/distortion (non-graminaceous plants)   
Plants/Leaves/abnormal forms   
Plants/Leaves/necrotic areas   
Plants/Seeds/fused together   
Plants/Seeds/lesions on seeds   
Plants/Stems/canker on woody stem   
Plants/Stems/discoloration of bark   
Plants/Stems/witches broom   

Similarities to Other Species/Conditions

The symptoms on vegetative shoots and inflorescences are not similar to those caused by any other diseases. However, symptoms on mature fruit can be confused with the other major fruit diseases of cocoa caused by Phytophthora palmivora and Moniliophthora roreri. The lesion arising from an infection from P. palmivora is distinct from one caused by M. perniciosa in that it spreads in an expanding, circular shape from the point of infection to cover the whole pod in 3-5 days. Incubation of the pod in moist conditions at about 20°C will provoke sporulation of P. palmivora with the production of sporangia. External and internal symptoms are almost identical between M. perniciosa and M. roreri. The only distinguishing test is to cut open the fruit and incubate in moist conditions in 20-30°C, which will provoke the formation of a white pseudostroma on the cut surface if the symptoms are caused by M. roreri. A few minor primary and some secondary pathogens have been recorded on cocoa pods, with the most common of the latter group being Botryodiplodia theobromae.

Biology and Ecology

There are two phases in the disease cycle of M. pernisiosa. First, the pathogen invades young growing tissue, induces hypertrophy and hyperplasy and lives as an intercellular obligate parasite (biotroph). The hypertrophied tissue dies and the fungus then invades cells, growing as a saprotroph. In due course, when conditions are favourable, basidiomata are produced on which the infective basidiospores are formed.Infection of young cocoa tissue begins when germ-tubes from basidiospores enter through stomata or penetrate directly through the epidermis or trichomes. After stomatal entry, hyphae from substomatal vesicles then colonize the host tissues intercellularly. The time taken for symptoms to appear can vary considerably (3-14 weeks), but is usually about 5-6 weeks. The fungus appears to cause a hormonal imbalance, so that host cells are larger than usual, particularly those of the cortex and pith, and the tissues become swollen. On vegetative shoots, apical dominance is lost, many axillary buds develop into lateral shoots, and a broom is formed.In green brooms the mycelium of the fungus is composed of relatively wide (5-15 µm), intercellular hyphae, often appearing swollen and flexuous but without clamp connections. This mycelium colonizes the various parenchymatous tissues of the broom but to different extents. Its cells contain one nucleus and it is considered to be monokaryotic. It has not yet been grown on artificial media but mycelium of similar appearance has been obtained by inoculating cocoa callus with basidiospores.Brooms usually remain green for a relatively short period. They begin to dry out from the shoot tips, turn brown in about 5-6 weeks and then progressively become dry. There are changes in the fungal mycelium associated with the death of the broom tissue. Fungal hyphae are to be found inside cells, and the broom becomes extensively colonized by a mycelium with binucleate cells which appears to develop following anastomosis between adjacent cells of uninucleate hyphae. As the broom dries these intercellular hyphae become divided into thick-walled chlamydospores. Basidiomata do not form on brooms which have recently dried; there is usually a dormant (induction) period of at least 4 months before they are produced, even if the brooms are transferred to favourable regimes of wetting and drying.Chlamydospores germinate in brooms kept in these conditions and give rise to hyphae, 1.5-3 µm wide, with clamp connections and binucleate cells, which grow through all the tissues and eventually aggregate beneath the bark and form basidiomata. This saprotrophic mycelium can be readily isolated on agar media and produces degradative enzymes in vitro, but it cannot infect cocoa (Rudgard et al., 1993).Source and Production of InoculumBoth host and environment factors can influence the timing and quantity of basidioma production. Generally, more basidiomata are produced on vegetative and cushion brooms than on pods and numbers increased with broom size. Productivity also varies on brooms of similar size taken from different clones. Total productivity on vegetative brooms varies from about 5 to over 100 basidiomata per broom.Brooms can remain productive for over 2 years. The wetting and drying of brooms are the most important environmental factors. Seasonal patterns of basidioma production occur indicating a general association of basidiomata with rain. Both in the field and under controlled conditions, most basidiomata form with moderate amounts (8-16 hours) of wetness per day. Less than 4 hours or more than 20 hours is inhibitory. Little fruiting occurs at mean air temperatures over 30°C or below 20°C. A short period of wet weather is normally required to induce the first basidiomata after a distinct dry season, and brooms in their second year of production respond more rapidly than younger brooms. Fruiting is generally reduced on brooms on the leaf litter within the plantation, probably because these remain wet longer than brooms in the canopy.Basidiospores are discharged at night mainly between 18.00 and 06.00 h with most basidiomata releasing spores between 22.00 and 04.00 h, provided the humidity is high enough to keep basidiomata turgid. The limits for spore release appear to be 10 to 30°C with 80% RH to near saturation, but the discharge of basidiospores is optimal at 20-25°C and 80% RH. These factors also affect longevity and spore productivity of basidiomata, with most of them releasing spores over 2-4 days if conditions remain ideal, giving a total production of about 2.0-3.5 million spores.Spore traps at various heights beneath the diseased cocoa canopy have shown between 1500 and 4000 basidiospores per cubic metre of air at peak release times, and most spores sediment out slowly, owing to predominantly still conditions under canopies. The possibility of long-distance spread (50-70 km) of basidiospores is known from work in Ecuador using seedlings as trap plants, and infection gradients have been established using susceptible cocoa seedlings placed up to 300 m from an isolated inoculum source. Basidiospores have also been shown to be distributed by rainwater running down branches and trunks of diseased trees.M. perniciosa is not primarily seed-transmitted, but cocoa pods that become infected will contain diseased seeds. It is possible that the disease can be transmitted by seed, if a seed with a non-lethal infection is planted, giving rise to a diseased seedling, from which basidiomata can be produced once the infected tissue becomes necrotic.Disease DevelopmentM. perniciosa has a considerable capacity for producing inoculum but the factors affecting inoculum efficiency are not fully understood. It is known that percentage infection is reduced with decreasing inoculum dose. Inoculum efficiency is certainly affected by the nature of the cocoa material, as shown in experiments with standard inocula. The age of the cocoa tissue at inoculation also influences infection. Young flushes, particularly the developing buds, are most susceptible. As the flush develops it becomes more resistant, and inoculations of shoots with hardened leaves and a dormant bud are usually unsuccessful. However, inoculation of a hardened flush immediately beneath the growing tip can cause a slight swelling, leading to the formation of a canker. The susceptibility of fruit also changes with time. The exact period of susceptibility is difficult to determine because symptom expression (necrosis) is delayed, but it appears to be about 12 weeks from fruit set, with young pods over 6 cm long seldom being infected. Infection is also influenced by environmental factors of which the most important appears to be water films on susceptible tissues. Basidiospores of M. perniciosa germinate rapidly in water; germination occurs within 3-4 hours at 22-24°C. Under these conditions the minimum period for infection may also be as little as 4 hours.Disease development is related to the frequency of wetness periods and the available amounts of both fungal inoculum and susceptible host tissue when these periods occur. In addition to earlier work, a major international study in the late 1980s provided data for describing and analysing witches' broom epidemics in all the major cocoa-producing regions where the disease was found at that time. However, several problems were found in explaining disease dynamics and efficiency. Nevertheless, positive relationships have been established frequently between fruit disease incidence and such factors as the numbers of young fruit (infection courts), basidiomata and appropriately timed wetness periods that occurred 12 weeks earlier. Significant relationships between shoot growth or flower cushion activity and infection have been found, and studies in some locations have also linked numbers of basidiomata and the total number of vegetative brooms produced between 5 and 8 weeks later. Similarly, the relationship between infection and shade, which itself influences vegetative shoot growth, is not clear. Paired trials of shaded and unshaded cocoa in different locations have not shown consistent effects of different relative amounts of shade on disease incidence.

Seedborne Aspects


Cocoa pods infected with M. perniciosa can contain diseased seeds (Cronshaw and Evans, 1978; Frison and Feliu, 1989).

Effect on Seed Quality

Almost all seeds from diseased pods with extensive lesions are killed or are not viable (Frison and Feliu, 1989).


The pathogen can be transmitted in the hypocotyl of an ungerminated seed and it will remain viable as long as the seed is alive. Disease symptoms only become apparent once the seed has germinated (Cronshaw and Evans, 1978). Discharged basidiospores germinated and were infectious to pre-germinated cocoa seeds causing hypocotyl hypertrophy plus root and shoot reduction (Almeida et al., 1997).

Natural enemies

Natural enemyTypeLife stagesSpecificityReferencesBiological control inBiological control on
Cladobotrytum amazonenseParasite
Fruit bodies
Hypocrea rufa (green mould of narcissus)Mycoparasite   Brazil; Rondonia 


South American national average yields of cocoa vary from 750 to about 200 kg/ha. Unfortunately, there are few reliable estimates of losses to witches' broom over entire regions. In Colombia and Brazil, good yields can be maintained even in areas with high disease pressure. Average losses in these regions are probably about 30%, though up to 90% losses can occur where no cultural control is applied. Yields in Ecuador, Trinidad and Venezuela could probably be greatly improved with better disease management (Rudgard et al., 1993).An estimate of growers' receipts calculated in 1985 in countries affected by the disease was US $788 million, calculating from a world market price of $2400 per ton at that time. The price then fell to about $980 per ton in the autumn of 1992, although it rose to stand at above $1600 per ton in April 1996. With losses fixed at an oversimplified estimate of 30% overall, this would mean that $120 million of potential earnings were lost in 1985, and about $49 million at prices prevailing in the autumn of 1992. These global losses will have increased as the disease continues to spread steadily through eastern Brazil (Bahia State) where it was first recorded in 1989. There is also an unquantifiable, but nonetheless important, indirect loss of yield due to debilitation of trees by M. pernicosa.

Detection and Inspection

Symptoms on fruit and young seedlings are normally clearly recognisable by external inspection. However seeds and budwood should be grown, preferably in intermediate quarantine, for up to three growth flushes to allow expression of the disease from latent infections. Symptoms on other parts of the tree are normally clearly recognisable. Characteristic saprotrophic mycelium with clamp connection can be isolated from necrotic diseased tissues.

Prevention and Control

Due to the variable regulations around (de)registration of pesticides, your national list of registered pesticides or relevant authority should be consulted to determine which products are legally allowed for use in your country when considering chemical control. Pesticides should always be used in a lawful manner, consistent with the product's label.


The methods of controlling M. perniciosa fall into three broad groups; phytosanitation (or sanitation), spraying with chemicals, and the use of resistance, but in operation they often entail modifications in the way cocoa is grown. Each method or combination of methods needs to be appraised in terms of cost and benefit, and against a background of fluctuating cocoa prices this presents other problems. If witches' broom is controlled, then other pod diseases in the plantation must also be taken into consideration or their incidence may increase, thereby reducing the economic benefit of successful witches' broom control (Rudgard et al., 1993).

Cultural Control or Phytosanitation

Sanitation is based on the concept that by removing infected plant parts the production of inoculum will cease, or at least be reduced to low levels, depending on the efficiency of the removal. This approach has remained the basis of witches' broom control since it was first proposed at the beginning of the twentieth century. In practice, sanitation entails the pruning of brooms as diseased pods generally contribute little inoculum and can be removed during harvesting. The frequency of pruning is related to broom formation, basidioma production and cropping period in the particular area and takes advantage of any dry season when flushing is low and dry brooms can be seen more readily. Essentially it depends on the long (induction) period for basidiomata to develop on brooms which means that the latent period can be several months. There is generally only one disease cycle per rainy season; that is, within the span of one year the disease is monocyclic.In cases where removal of individual brooms is feasible, vegetative brooms should be cut off at least 15-20 cm below the point of infection. Diseased material on cushions should be carefully removed by cutting it off as close as possible to the bark. Diseased pods together with their peduncles should be removed whenever healthy pods are harvested.Diseased tissues are distributed through the branches and canopy of the trees, with the bulk of brooms (both cushion and vegetative) and diseased pods found generally in the high canopy, with only relatively few on the trunk and lower branches. The removal must be as thorough as possible to have any chance of success.It is important to ensure that all removed brooms and diseased pods reach the ground and do not remain suspended on branches within the canopy. Elimination of the diseased tissues from the plantation after pruning is optional in some circumstances but necessary in others. The practice is recommended if annual sanitation has lapsed for more than one year, because older brooms on the ground could produce basidiomata within a few days of rainy conditions if not removed. Where sanitation is regular, pruned tissues can be left in the plantation, provided that removed diseased material should not be heaped or left uncovered on the ground in plantations, and leaf-litter should be allowed to accumulate naturally, or should be placed over the removed diseased material. If phytosanitary removal is combined with structural pruning, it is likely that branches with brooms will be cut off the tree, in which case such material should be cut into small pieces. The material can then be spread on the ground so that it is all in contact with the leaf litter, as this speeds up decomposition.Phytosanitation must be correctly timed, and the choice of times can be determined using epidemiological studies which show the duration and the timing of the climatic and disease cycles. In many cases, additional (secondary) removals would be required to supplement a main (primary) sanitation pruning to ensure effective disease management. Phytosanitation should not be attempted where it is not possible to complete the primary removal at the recommended time. No secondary removal should be applied without a primary removal. Sanitation is most effective where it is routinely practised every year, so that numbers of second-year brooms are kept to a minimum. For the primary removal, a number of criteria for selection of the correct time can be specified. Phenological data show that the periods of greatest incidence of brooms and the periods of minimum production of basidiomata coincide during the annual drier season, where one occurs. At this time, most of the diseased tissues are necrotic and easier to distinguish. The objective of the primary removal is to remove diseased material before the onset of the rains (and thus the onset of basidioma production), particularly as the limited amount of sporophore production in the early part of the rainy season can be significant. In areas with no distinguishable drier season, the primary removal is best timed 1-2 months after the end of the main period of broom formation. A delayed dry season or early onset of rains requires, respectively, a late or an early start in the application of the schedules. A secondary removal is required in some areas to cope with the late-emerging brooms and those missed in the primary removal, and in most cases, to further reduce the number of productive brooms before the main period of pod set and development.The rate at which witches' broom builds up in a new planting will depend on the amount of background inoculum arriving and the efficiency of any phytosanitation implemented. In isolated plantings, especially in low-risk areas, it would be possible to maintain disease at insignificant levels provided sanitation is started early, and practised conscientiously every year. In high-risk areas, background inoculum alone may cause appreciable pod losses however thoroughly the planting itself is cleared of brooms.In established plantings the most accessible point at which to interfere with the disease cycle remains the production of inoculum, and the key management method is the removal of potential sources of inoculum to sanitize the planting. In plantations with canopies less than 3.5-4 m tall phytosanitation is generally practicable provided that methods of sanitation are practised thoughtfully. However, reductions in pod loss may not be significant if neighbouring areas of cocoa are not sanitized. Phytosanitation methods need to be qualified where the amount of pod loss to witches' broom does not justify action to control the disease. However, accumulated cushion infection and death from witches' broom can also be a threat to cocoa production. There is no direct evidence that reduced cushion activity decreases pod set, but the risk should be avoided where the potential for cushion disease incidence is high, and so phytosanitation is recommended even in areas of low incidence of cushion disease.Research has shown that careful broom removal reduces disease incidence dramatically in some, but not all, situations. Successful phytosanitation is jeopardized when inoculum from adjacent or nearby farms reaches the sanitized area in sufficient quantities to cause appreciable pod loss and abundant infections on shoots and flower cushions. It is not possible to predict precisely the outcome of sanitation for a particular situation, but some indications can be given. The distribution of cocoa varies greatly across regions and countries, from almost continuous to sporadic. In all plantings of cocoa where phytosanitation is practised in the surrounding cocoa, there is a high probability that pod losses can be reduced substantially. In discontinuous plantings (farms separated by at least several hundred metres) where phytosanitation is not practised in the neighbouring cocoa, the chances of achieving a successful reduction in pod losses are moderately strong. Prediction of any reductions in pod losses is more difficult for a sanitized field of cocoa surrounded by continuous plantations where brooms are not removed. The probability of significant reductions will be smaller in areas where disease incidence is high, but the possibilities for yield increases will be greater than in low-incidence areas.The rehabilitation of old or heavily diseased plantings where cocoa has exceeded 5 m in height involves the application of treatments to increase the cocoa production of low-yielding trees. Where witches' broom is present, application in single plantations may not be successful due to the risks from background disease pressure. Rehabilitation of a witches' broom-infected plantation also needs to be associated with a commitment to regular maintenance and regular sanitation pruning to maintain any improvement in yield. High disease incidence can force farmers to change from intensive management, because cumulative cycles of broom formation cause heavier pod losses.Cocoa plantations fall into two categories for the recommendation of treatments. The first category has cocoa with a branch structure originating below 2 m. Such trees should receive a structural pruning to reduce height and improve access to the canopy, followed by a sanitation pruning.The second category consists of cocoa that lacks any branch structure below 3-4 m and trees should be pollarded at between 0.5 and 1.5 m from the ground to stimulate chupons for the regeneration of the tree. Bud grafting onto basal chupons is an additional possibility. Plantations of cocoa with the seedling habit may contain individuals that are exceptionally heavily attacked by witches' broom, which may also be unproductive. Such trees could be eliminated and replaced by better material. In cases where the potential production of the existing cocoa is generally low, interplanting with improved seedlings followed by gradual removal of the old trees (Turrialba Method) might be preferable to rehabilitation.The success or failure of these treatments is influenced by the time of year in which they are carried out. The most important consideration is the phenology of the recuperating trees and the microclimate to which the regenerating trees will be exposed. In shaded plantings where variations of microclimate are less violent, the selected pruning treatment should be applied towards the end of the rainy season. This allows the canopy to start reforming during the dry season and continue into the early rainy season when there is no risk of infection. The recommendation only needs to be adapted for unshaded plantings where daytime temperatures are excessive (over 32°C) in the dry season (Brazilian Amazon). In such cases, the selected pruning treatment should be applied at the middle/end of the dry season.All treatments generate considerable quantities of infected material pruned onto the ground within the plantation, and much of this is capable of producing basidiomata. All the branches, foliage and brooms should be cut up, making a compact layer of organic matter that will be quickly covered with fallen leaves and decompose rapidly. Mineral oil may then be sprayed onto the cut material on the ground to inhibit sporulation on the brooms.These treatments are intended to increase pod production in the medium term, but will immediately reduce pod production as they involve the removal of either part or most of the fruit-bearing wood and/or the leaf area of the canopy. The beneficial effects of such practices on yield and the time taken for recovery have only been partially investigated. Early results are encouraging, and indicate that about 1-3 years are required for the two recommended rehabilitation pruning methods. The Turrialba Method involves no appreciable yield loss if carefully managed.

Chemical Control

The use of chemicals for the control witches' broom disease has shown theoretical promise which does not bring success in practice. For instance, it has been shown in some cases that certain fungicides can significantly reduce pod disease incidence, although in other cases no effect has been found using the same main ingredient (Laker and Rudgard, 1989). The dose, interval and number of sprays have all been found to affect activity. Commercial application of fungicides for the control of witches' broom has not been adopted in any cocoa-producing country, because increases in production have not given sufficient economic return to motivate farmers into applying the treatments. Two strategies for developing economically effective fungicide control may be viable. The pods may be sprayed with a broad-spectrum residual fungicide or the canopy may be sprayed with a systemic fungicide both to inhibit broom formation and to eradicate mycelium from shoots and flowers. Cocoa has a very different spatial arrangement of spray targets to the majority of crops, and spray equipment typically used on cocoa has been developed for general purposes and does not suit cocoa. This has been a significant inhibitory factor to the development of fungicide usage. Pods are relatively small targets which are dispersed throughout the lower architecture and canopy, up to a height of several metres. The greater part of any chemicals sprayed in cocoa plantations lands on the litter layer. Chemicals are also lost when pod surfaces are saturated with spray and run-off occurs. Residues are eroded by rain and canopy drip, although some redistribution by splash can occur between pods in the canopy. Pods are most susceptible in the period of greatest growth, which means that fungicide residues are diluted by surface expansion. These factors lead to loss or dilution of any active ingredient and result in the breakdown of disease control.Alternative methods of treatment have been found where, with only one application, surface concentrations of protectant fungicide were maintained above lethal doses for sufficient periods, and it is possible that such techniques may be made commercially viable. Correct timing is essential if treatments are to be effective. Epidemiological data can provide information on the period of highest risk to pods in terms of the presence of basidiomata, and also the periods with the greatest numbers of susceptible pods. The comparative epidemiology experiment enables researchers to identify the most effective times that protective chemicals might be applied for control of pod disease from witches' broom.Systemic compounds for protection of vegetative or flower cushion activity might be sprayed on to the canopy, and eradicant compounds could be used to kill developing mycelium in green brooms. Knowledge of the activity of each infection court would be fundamental to the correct use of fungicides. Compounds have been found that translocate sufficiently well with cocoa plants to allow their use in soil applications in young trees. Such compounds might cause problems of residues in the cocoa beans. If those reservations were dealt with satisfactorily, applications would have to be timed slightly earlier than foliar sprays, to allow time for the chemical to be translocated to growing apices. Compounds have also been proposed for use as antisporulants to be sprayed on to brooms, whether on the tree or the ground (e.g. mineral oil). Research has identified the danger that certain active ingredients can stimulate greater basidioma production, and the development of antisporulants is unlikely to receive a high priority.

Biological Control

Within cocoa plantations there is a natural biological control of M. perniciosa in fallen brooms by other micro-organisms, some of which might be exploited either by manipulating the environment of the brooms or by using the antibiotic effect of substances they produce. The discovery of a hyperparasitic fungus, Cladobotryum amazonense, on basidiomata of M. perniciosa has also prompted research on its potential in biological control. However, no organism has been found with sufficiently aggressive antagonistic activity under field conditions to merit further development.Culture extracts of certain antagonistic fungi have been shown to have inhibitory activity against basidiospore germination and saprophytic growth of M. perniciosa, but such extracts seem to be merely fungistatic active ingredients that would have to be bulk manufactured and formulated for wide-scale use. Similar difficulties in reaching brooms with sprays of such extracts would exist to those of reaching canopy pods with fungicide sprays.

Host-Plant Resistance

It is widely recognized that improvements in long-term control of witches' broom can best be achieved by the use of resistant cocoa planting material, and the development of such material is urgently required. The possibility of selecting for resistance was considered in the earliest reports of witches' broom. Many cocoa breeders have noted that not all trees in germplasm collections from wild cocoa populations are equally susceptible, and in earlier work advised the selection of the best bearing trees rather than those which appeared less susceptible, as the disease was considered controllable. This approach was also used in Trinidad after extensive screening within the Trinitario population failed to detect any highly resistant material. However, in this further programme using yielding ability as the main criterion in a situation of high pathogen pressure, there was also a bias towards witches' broom resistance and some clones, such as ICS 95, showed considerable resistance expressed as fewer developed brooms.Meanwhile, a search for immune or resistant trees was made in South America in several expeditions, notably those of FJ Pound in the 1930s. Three clones from Pound's collection, designated Scavina 6, Scavina 12 and IMC 67, contributed a high degree of witches' broom resistance to progeny bred from them to improve bean size. These Trinidad Selected Hybrids have been widely planted in Trinidad since the late 1950s and appear to have been a major factor in reducing witches' broom there to its present relatively low levels. However, when apparently resistant selections of Scavina 6 were sent to Ecuador they became severely infected, probably because they encountered a more aggressive strain of M. perniciosa.Breeding for witches' broom resistance was subsequently started in other countries, often following further searches for germoplasm, for example, the programme at the Tropical Experiment Station, Pichilingue, with material collected by Desrosiers and von Buchwald. While there are selections with some resistance to isolates of M. perniciosa in Brazil, Trinidad and Venezuela, the level of resistance in commercial cocoa is still less than satisfactory. In other countries such as Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador which have more virulent isolates the situation is even less satisfactory.Some resistance to M. perniciosa clearly exists in cultivated cocoa but little is known about its mechanism. In cultivated cocoa, there appears to be a complete range in severity of symptoms depending on pathotype and cocoa clone. Some accessions with relatively little witches' broom and high yields are of obvious interest but, equally, so are those which yield well despite high rates of infection.


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