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8 June 2022

Helicoverpa zea (bollworm)

Datasheet Types: Pest, Natural enemy, Invasive species


This datasheet on Helicoverpa zea covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Prevention/Control, Further Information.


Preferred Scientific Name
Helicoverpa zea Boddie (1850)
Preferred Common Name
Other Scientific Names
Bombyx obsoleta Fabricius
Chloridea obsoleta Fabricius
Heliothis armigera Huebner Hübner
Heliothis ochracea Cockerell
Heliothis umbrosa Grote
Heliothis zea Boddie
Phalaena zea Boddie
International Common Names
bollworm, American
corn earworm
tomato fruitworm
gusano bellotero del algodon
gusano de la bellota del algodón
gusano de la mazorca
gusano de la mazorca del maiz
gusano de las cápsulas
gusano del elote del maíz
gusano del fruto del tomate
gusano elotero
noctua del tomate
oruga de la mazorca
chenille des epis du mais
noctuelle de la tomate
noctuelle des tomates
ver de la capsule
ver de l'épi du maïs
Local Common Names
isoca del maiz
lagarta da espiga do milho
lagarta das espicas
amerikansk bomuldsugle
Amerikanischer Baumwollkapselwurm
Wurm, Amerikanischer Baumwollkapsel-
elotide del cotone
elotide del granturco
elotide del pomodoro
elotide del tomato
nottua del granturco
nottua gialla del granturco
yesil kurt


Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); adult. Cuivre River State Park, Missouri USA. September 2014.
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); adult. Cuivre River State Park, Missouri USA. September 2014.
©Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren/via wikipedia - CC BY 2.0
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); a normal, 12-day-old cotton bollworm larva raised on a control diet. USA.
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); a normal, 12-day-old cotton bollworm larva raised on a control diet. USA.
©Peggy Greb/USDA Agricultural Research Service/ - CC BY 3.0 US
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); late instar larva on cotton boll (Gossypium hirsutum). USA.
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); late instar larva on cotton boll (Gossypium hirsutum). USA.
©Ronald Smith/Auburn University/ - CC BY 3.0 US
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); full grown larva on cotton boll. USA.
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); full grown larva on cotton boll. USA.
©Scott Bauer/USDA Agricultural Research Service/ - CC BY 3.0 US
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); larva in the field, on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). USA.
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); larva in the field, on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). USA.
©Russ Ottens/University of Georgia/ - CC BY 3.0 US
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); larval damage under bloom. USA.
Larval damage
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); larval damage under bloom. USA.
©Ronald Smith/Auburn University/ - CC BY 3.0 US
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); larva and larval damage to corn ear (Zea mays). USA. April 2017.
Larval damage
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); larva and larval damage to corn ear (Zea mays). USA. April 2017.
©Scot Nelson/via flickr - CC BY 2.0
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); larva and larval damage to a corn ear (Zea mays). USA.
Larval damage
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); larva and larval damage to a corn ear (Zea mays). USA.
©Eric R. Day/Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University/ - CC BY 3.0 US
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); larval damage to corn ear (Zea mays). USA.
Larval damage
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); larval damage to corn ear (Zea mays). USA.
©Whitney Cranshaw/Colorado State University/ - CC BY 3.0 US
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); larva in the field, feeding on a panicle of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum). USA.
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); larva in the field, feeding on a panicle of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum). USA.
©Russ Ottens/University of Georgia/ - CC BY 3.0 US
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); pupa, in field, on soyabean (Glycine max). USA. September 2011.
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); pupa, in field, on soyabean (Glycine max). USA. September 2011.
©Adam Sisson/Iowa State University/ - CC BY 3.0 US
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); adult.
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); adult.
Public Domain - Released by the USGS Bee Inventory & Monitoring Lab.
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); adult female. Curepe, Trindad, West Indies. January 1980. Trapped at MV light by Matthew Cock.
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); adult female. Curepe, Trindad, West Indies. January 1980. Trapped at MV light by Matthew Cock.
©CABI(taken by Matthew Cock)
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); adult male. Curepe, Trinidad, West Indies. October 1979. Trapped at MV light by Matthew Cock.
Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); adult male. Curepe, Trinidad, West Indies. October 1979. Trapped at MV light by Matthew Cock.
©CABI(taken by Matthew Cock)

Taxonomic Tree

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Notes on Taxonomy and Nomenclature

The taxonomic situation regarding H. zea is complicated and presents several problems. Hardwick (1965) reviewed the New World corn earworm species complex and the Old World African bollworms, most of which had previously been referred to as a single species (Heliothis armigera or Heliothis obsoleta), and pointed out that there was a complex of species and subspecies involved. Specifically, he proposed that the New World H. zea (first used in 1955) was distinct from the Old World H. armigera on the basis of male and female genitalia; he described the new genus Helicoverpa to include these important pest species. Some 80 or more species were formerly placed in Heliothis (sensu lato) and Hardwick referred 17 species (including 11 new species) to Helicoverpa on the basis of differences in both male and female genitalia. Within this new genus the zea group contains eight species, and the armigera group two species with three subspecies (Hardwick, 1970).
Because the old name of Heliothis for the pest species (four major pest species and three minor) is so well established in the literature, and since dissection of genitalia or genomics is required for identification, there has been resistance to the name change (for example, Heath and Emmet, 1983), but Hardwick's work is generally accepted and so the name change must also be accepted (Matthews, 1991). Later genomic studies confirmed that H. armigera and H. zea are sister species (Cho et al., 1995; Behere et al., 2007). Accepted common names for H. zea are bollworm, corn earworm and tomato fruitworm.


Eggs are subspherical, radially ribbed (n = 11 to 17), 0.51 mm high and 0.57 mm in diameter, attached individually to the plant substrate, white to yellowish-green when laid, developing a reddish band and finally turning dark grey before hatching. Egg maturity takes 2-3 days at 20-30°C (Neunzig, 1964; Hardwick, 1965). Eggs are preferentially laid on hosts during the flowering period and on many different tissue types, but primarily on leaves (Hardwick, 1965; Neunzig, 1969; Braswell et al., 2019c).
On hatching, the tiny caterpillars are translucent or yellowish-white, with a black head, but appear grey or brown to the naked eye; they grow through six instars usually, but five and seven instars are not uncommon, and the final body size is approximately 40 mm long. In the third instar, different colour phases can develop. Often, longitudinal lines of white, cream or yellow are present, and the spiracular band is the most distinct. As the larvae develop, the pattern becomes better defined, but in the final instar (sixth) the colouration can change abruptly into a bright pattern with extra striations. However, larvae can be green, reddish, or pink, without most of the brown or black pigmentation. Larval colour is determined by the interaction of environment (light, temperature and developmental host) and genetics. Larvae have five pairs of prolegs (Neunzig, 1964; Hardwick, 1965; Neunzig, 1969).
Pupae are light to dark brown depending on maturity and approximately 20 mm long, with two distinct terminal cremaster spines. Pupae reside in earthen cells, ranging from 0.5-25 cm below the soil surface (Barber, 1941; Eger et al., 1983), but most commonly around 3-5 cm (Roach and Hopkins, 1979; Stadelbacher and Martin, 1980; Eger et al., 1983).
A stout-bodied (20-25 mm long) brown moth of wingspan 38-43 mm; forewing pale brown-yellow to brown-pink (female) to greenish (male) with darker transverse markings, underwings pale with a broad dark marginal band.


Helicoverpa zea is confined to the New World. It occurs throughout the Americas from Canada to Argentina (International Institute of Entomology, 1993).

Distribution Map

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Distribution Table

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Risk of Introduction

Helicoverpa zea was recently added to the EPPO A1 list of quarantine pests and is also considered as a quarantine pest by APPPC. Originally, H. zea was considered as practically synonymous with Helicoverpa armigera, an A2 quarantine pest (EPPO/CABI, 1996). The addition to the EPPO list harmonizes it with EU Directive Annex I/A1.
Phytosanitary Measures
For the related H. armigera, EPPO (OEPP/EPPO, 1990) makes recommendations on phytosanitary measures which would also be suitable for H. zea. According to these, imported propagation material should derive from an area where H. armigera does not occur or from a place of production where H. armigera has not been detected during the previous 3 months.
Bibliographies are included in the monograph by Hardwick (1965) (2000 titles on H. zea), and the reviews by Fitt (1989) (194 titles), and King and Coleman (1989) (159 references). Most of the basic research on H. zea was done in the early 1900s and published under early synonyms. Many references to H. zea are made in publications relating to the cultivation/protection of specific crops, for example, Chiang (1978), Centre for Overseas Pest Research (1983) and Pitre (1985).

Means of Movement and Dispersal

Natural Dispersal

Helicoverpa zea is a facultative seasonal nocturnal migrant, and adults migrate in response to poor local conditions for reproduction, when weather conditions are suitable. Three types of movement are practiced by Helicoverpa moths: short-range, long-range and migration. Short-range dispersal is usually within the crop and low over the foliage, and largely independent of wind currents. Long-range flights are higher (up to 10 m), further (1-10 km), and usually downwind, from crop to crop. Migratory flights occur at higher altitudes (up to 1-2 km) and may last for several hours. The moths can be carried downwind hundreds of kilometres; 400 km is not uncommon for such a flight. There is now evidence that many of them originate in Mexico as young adults and migrate northwards into the USA in the early spring. Probably three generations are required to effect the annual displacement from Mexico up to southern Ontario. Transatlantic dispersal is clearly a possibility for this moth, although it has not yet been demonstrated.
Vector Transmission (biotic)

Accidental Introduction

Air-freight transportation of agricultural produce from the New World to Europe is an ever-increasing commercial enterprise, especially with vegetables and ornamentals. Almost every year, caterpillars of H. zea are intercepted on this produce in the UK (Seymour, 1978).

Pathway Causes

Pathway causeNotesLong distanceLocalReferences
Crop production (pathway cause) YesYes 
Cut flower trade (pathway cause) YesYes 

Pathway Vectors

Pathway vectorNotesLong distanceLocalReferences
Aircraft (pathway vector) YesYes 
Bulk freight or cargo (pathway vector) YesYes 

Plant Trade

Plant parts liable to carry the pest in trade/transportPest stagesBorne internallyBorne externallyVisibility of pest or symptoms
 YesPest or symptoms not visible to the naked eye but usually visible under light microscope
YesYesPest or symptoms usually visible to the naked eye
Fruits (inc. pods)
 YesPest or symptoms not visible to the naked eye but usually visible under light microscope
Fruits (inc. pods)
YesYesPest or symptoms usually visible to the naked eye
 YesPest or symptoms not visible to the naked eye but usually visible under light microscope
 YesPest or symptoms usually visible to the naked eye
Stems (above ground)/Shoots/Trunks/Branches
 YesPest or symptoms not visible to the naked eye but usually visible under light microscope
Stems (above ground)/Shoots/Trunks/Branches
 YesPest or symptoms usually visible to the naked eye
Plant parts not known to carry the pest in trade/transport
Growing medium accompanying plants
Seedlings/Micropropagated plants
True seeds (inc. grain)

Hosts/Species Affected

Helicoverpa zea is polyphagous in feeding habits but it shows a definite preference in North America for young maize cobs, and particularly for the cultivars grown as sweetcorn and popcorn, and also for sorghum. Most hosts are recorded from the Fabaceae (41% of total), Solanaceae (14%), Poaceae (9%), Asteraceae (8%) and Malvaceae (8%) (Cunningham and Zalucki, 2014); in total, more than 100 plant species are recorded as hosts. A feeding preference is shown for flowers and fruits of host plants.

Host Plants and Other Plants Affected

HostFamilyHost statusReferences
Abelmoschus esculentus (okra)MalvaceaeMain 
Abelmoschus esculentus (okra)MalvaceaeOther 
Abutilon theophrasti (velvet leaf)MalvaceaeOther 
Acalypha (Copperleaf)EuphorbiaceaeWild host 
Alcea rosea (Hollyhock)MalvaceaeOther 
Allium cepa (onion)LiliaceaeOther 
Amaranthus (amaranth)AmaranthaceaeOther 
Amaranthus palmeri (Palmer amaranth)AmaranthaceaeWild host 
Arachis hypogaea (groundnut)FabaceaeOther 
Asparagus officinalis (asparagus)LiliaceaeOther 
Astragalus crassicarpus Wild host 
Brachiaria texanaPoaceaeWild host 
Brassica oleracea (cabbages, cauliflowers)BrassicaceaeOther 
Brassica oleracea var. botrytis (cauliflower)BrassicaceaeOther 
Brassica oleracea var. capitata (cabbage)BrassicaceaeOther 
Brassica oleracea var. viridis (collards)BrassicaceaeOther 
Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea)FabaceaeMain 
Canna indica (canna lilly)CannaceaeWild host 
Cannabis sativa (hemp)CannabaceaeOther 
Capsicum (peppers)SolanaceaeOther 
Capsicum annuum (bell pepper)SolanaceaeMain 
Capsicum frutescens (chilli)SolanaceaeWild host 
Castilleja indivisaScrophulariaceaeWild host 
Chenopodium quinoa (quinoa)ChenopodiaceaeOther 
Chrysanthemum (daisy)AsteraceaeOther 
Cicer arietinum (chickpea)FabaceaeOther 
Citrullus lanatus (watermelon)CucurbitaceaeOther 
Cleome gynandra (wild spider flower)CapparaceaeWild host 
Cleome spinosaCapparaceaeWild host 
Coronilla varia Other 
Croptilon divaricum Wild host 
Crotalaria (rattlepods)FabaceaeWild host 
Croton hirtusEuphorbiaceaeWild host 
Cucumis melo (melon)CucurbitaceaeOther 
Cucumis sativus (cucumber)CucurbitaceaeOther 
Cucurbita pepo (marrow)CucurbitaceaeOther 
Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus (globe artichoke)AsteraceaeUnknown 
Datura stramonium (jimsonweed)SolanaceaeWild host 
Desmodium rigidum Wild host 
Desmodium tortuosum (Florida beggarweed)FabaceaeWild host 
Digitaria sanguinalis (large crabgrass)PoaceaeWild host 
Erythrina herbaceaFabaceaeWild host 
Ficus carica (common fig)MoraceaeOther 
Fragaria (strawberry)RosaceaeOther 
Fragaria ananassa (strawberry)RosaceaeOther 
Fragaria chiloensis (Chilean strawberry)RosaceaeWild host 
Geranium carolinianum (Carolina geranium)GeraniaceaeOther 
Geranium dissectum (cutleaf geranium)GeraniaceaeOther 
Gerbera (Barbeton daisy)AsteraceaeOther 
Gladiolus (sword lily)IridaceaeOther 
Glycine max (soyabean)FabaceaeMain 
Gossypium (cotton)MalvaceaeMain 
Helianthus annuus (sunflower)AsteraceaeMain 
Helianthus debilis (beach sunflower)AsteraceaeWild host 
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (Chinese rose)MalvaceaeOther 
Ipomea cordatotriloba Wild host 
Ipomoea purpurea (tall morning glory)ConvolvulaceaeOther 
Jacquemontia tamnifolia (Smallflower morningglory) Wild host 
Kummerowia stipulacea Wild host 
Lactuca sativa (lettuce)AsteraceaeOther 
Lamium amplexicaule (henbit deadnettle)LamiaceaeWild host 
Lathyrus hirsutusFabaceaeWild host 
Lathyrus latifolius (broad-leaved everlasting pea (UK))FabaceaeWild host 
Lespedeza juncea var. sericea (Sericea lespedeza)FabaceaeWild host 
Linaria canadensisScrophulariaceaeWild host 
Linum usitatissimum (flax) Wild host 
Lonicera japonica (Japanese honeysuckle)CaprifoliaceaeWild host 
Ludwigia decurrens Wild host 
Lupinus (lupins)FabaceaeWild host 
Lupinus texensis Wild host 
Medicago lupulina (black medick)FabaceaeWild host 
Medicago polymorpha (bur clover)FabaceaeWild host 
Medicago sativa (lucerne)FabaceaeOther 
Melilotus albus (honey clover)FabaceaeWild host 
Melilotus officinalis (yellow sweet clover)FabaceaeWild host 
Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco)SolanaceaeOther 
Oenothera (evening primrose)OnagraceaeWild host 
Panicum miliaceum (millet)PoaceaeOther 
Panicum scoparium Wild host 
Persicaria pensylvanicaPolygonaceaeWild host 
Petitia Wild host 
Phaseolus (beans)FabaceaeMain 
Phaseolus lanatus Main 
Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean)FabaceaeMain 
Physalis (Groundcherry)SolanaceaeWild host 
Pisum sativum (pea)FabaceaeMain 
Prunus persica (peach)RosaceaeMain 
Pyrus communis (European pear)RosaceaeMain 
Rosa (roses)RosaceaeMain 
Ruellia ciliatiflora Wild host 
Ruellia nudiflora var. runyoni Wild host 
Saccharum officinarum (sugarcane)PoaceaeOther 
Salix (willows)SalicaceaeOther 
Sesamum indicum (sesame)PedaliaceaeMain 
Setaria italica (foxtail millet)PoaceaeWild host 
SidaMalvaceaeWild host 
Sida spinosa (teaweed (USA))MalvaceaeWild host 
Solanum carolinense (horsenettle)SolanaceaeWild host 
Solanum lycopersicum (tomato)SolanaceaeOther 
Solanum lycopersicum (tomato)SolanaceaeMain 
Solanum melongena (aubergine)SolanaceaeMain 
Solanum rostratum (prickly nightshade)SolanaceaeWild host 
Solanum tuberosum (potato)SolanaceaeMain 
Sorghum bicolor (sorghum)PoaceaeMain 
Sorghum halepense (Johnson grass)PoaceaeWild host 
Spinacia oleracea (spinach)ChenopodiaceaeOther 
Stachys agraria Wild host 
Tagetes (marigold)AsteraceaeOther 
Trifolium (clovers)FabaceaeWild host 
Trifolium campestre (Hop trefoil)FabaceaeWild host 
Trifolium hybridum (alsike clover)FabaceaeWild host 
Trifolium incarnatum (Crimson clover)FabaceaeWild host 
Trifolium pratense (red clover)FabaceaeWild host 
Trifolium repens (white clover)FabaceaeWild host 
Trifolium resupinatum (Shaftal clover)FabaceaeWild host 
Triticum aestivum (wheat)PoaceaeMain 
Verbena neomexicana Wild host 
Vicia sativa (common vetch)FabaceaeOther 
Vicia villosa (hairy vetch)FabaceaeWild host 
Vigna unguiculata (cowpea)FabaceaeOther 
Vitis (grape)VitaceaeMain 
Xanthium (Cocklebur)AsteraceaeWild host 
Xanthium strumarium (common cocklebur)AsteraceaeWild host 
Zea mays (maize)PoaceaeMain 
Zea mays subsp. mays (sweetcorn)PoaceaeMain 

Growth Stages

Fruiting stage
Flowering stage
Vegetative growing stage


Fruiting structures are consumed or damaged and feeding damage can facilitate entry by diseases and other insect pests. In cotton the square (flower bud), flowers and young bolls are attacked and larvae excavate the interior. This can cause the reproductive tissue to abscise and, in severe cases, cause total yield loss for cotton growers (Pozo-Valdivia et al., 2021). Young shoots and leaves can also be damaged, especially in the absence of fruiting structures.
Young maize plants have serial holes in the leaves following whorl feeding on the apical leaf. On larger plants the silks are grazed and eggs can be found stuck to the silks. As the ears develop, the soft milky grains in the top few centimetres of the cobs are eaten; usually only one large larva per cob can be seen because the larvae are cannibalistic. Ear damage is often localized to the tip but can increase the incidence of disease.
Sorghum heads are grazed. Legume pods are holed and the seeds eaten. Bore holes can be seen in tomato fruits, cotton bolls, cabbage and lettuce hearts, soyabean pods and flower heads.

List of Symptoms/Signs

Symptom or signLife stagesSign or diagnosisDisease stage
Plants/Fruit/external feeding   
Plants/Fruit/internal feeding   
Plants/Growing point/external feeding   
Plants/Growing point/internal feeding; boring   
Plants/Inflorescence/external feeding   
Plants/Inflorescence/internal feeding   
Plants/Leaves/external feeding   
Plants/Seeds/external feeding   
Plants/Seeds/internal feeding   

Similarities to Other Species/Conditions

The adults are similar in appearance to Helicoverpa armigera but differ in several details in their genitalia (Hardwick, 1965); dissection and slide-mounting are required for specific morphological determination, and some aspects are comparative so that a series of closely related species have to be available for comparison. H. armigera and H. zea can be distinguished using molecular techniques. Where H. armigera is invasive in South America, it can hybridize with H. zea (Anderson et al., 2018). In Brazil, these hybrids are more common in areas with more maize and soyabean production (Cordeiro et al., 2020).

Habitat List

CategorySub categoryHabitatPresenceStatus
TerrestrialTerrestrial – ManagedCultivated / agricultural landPresent, no further detailsHarmful (pest or invasive)
TerrestrialTerrestrial – ManagedProtected agriculture (e.g. glasshouse production)Present, no further detailsHarmful (pest or invasive)
TerrestrialTerrestrial – ManagedManaged forests, plantations and orchardsPresent, no further detailsHarmful (pest or invasive)
TerrestrialTerrestrial – ManagedManaged grasslands (grazing systems)Present, no further detailsNatural
TerrestrialTerrestrial – ManagedDisturbed areasPresent, no further detailsNatural
TerrestrialTerrestrial – ManagedRail / roadsidesPresent, no further detailsNatural
TerrestrialTerrestrial ‑ Natural / Semi-naturalNatural forestsPresent, no further detailsNatural
TerrestrialTerrestrial ‑ Natural / Semi-naturalNatural grasslandsPresent, no further detailsNatural
TerrestrialTerrestrial ‑ Natural / Semi-naturalRiverbanksPresent, no further detailsNatural

Biology and Ecology

Eggs are laid mostly on the silks of maize plants in small numbers (one to three), stuck to the plant tissues. However, in cotton, they are mostly laid on the leaves throughout the plant, but are more common near blooms (Braswell et al., 2019a, b). Choice of oviposition site by the female seems to be governed by a combination of physical and chemical cues. Female fecundity can be dependent upon the quality and quantity of larval food, and also on the quality of adult nutrition. Up to 3000 eggs have been laid by a single female in captivity, but a few hundred to a thousand per female is more usual in the wild (Quaintance and Brues, 1905; Bilbo et al., 2018). Hatching occurs after 2-4 days and the eggs change colour from green through red to grey. The tiny grey larvae first eat the eggshell and most of the newly hatched larvae disperse from the plant or die (Zalucki et al., 2002; Braswell et al., 2019a, b). Those that remain wander actively for a while before starting to feed on the plant. In maize, they usually feed on the silks initially and then on the young tender kernels after entering the tip of the husk. By the third instar the larvae become cannibalistic and usually only one larva survives per cob. Feeding damage is typically confined to the tip of the cob. In cotton, small larvae initially feed on squares (flower buds), but they can consume small bolls. Once larvae gain a sufficient size, they begin to feed on larger sized bolls (Braswell et al., 2019a). Larval development usually takes 14-25 (mean 16) days, but under cooler conditions up to 60 days may be required. In the final instar (usually sixth) feeding ceases and the fully fed caterpillar leaves the cob and descends to the ground. It then burrows into the soil and forms an earthen cell, where it rests in a prepupal state for a day or two, before finally pupating. Two basic types of pupal diapause are recognized, one in relation to cold and the other in response to arid conditions. In the tropics, pupation takes 10-14 (mean 13) days; the male takes 1 day longer than the female. Diapausing pupae are viable as far north as 40-45°N in the USA.
Adults are nocturnal in habit and emerge in the evenings. Maize fields in the USA regularly produce 40,000 to 50,000 adult moths per hectare. Flying adults respond to light radiation at night and are attracted to light traps (Hardwick, 1968), especially the ultraviolet type, in company with many other local noctuids. Sex aggregation pheromones have been identified and synthesized for most of the Heliothis/Helicoverpa pest species, and pheromone traps can be used for population monitoring. Adult longevity is recorded as being about 17 days in captivity; they drink water and feed on nectar from both floral and extrafloral nectaries. The moths fly strongly and are regular seasonal migrants, flying hundreds of kilometres from the USA into Canada. They migrate by flying high with prevailing wind currents.
The life cycle can be completed in 28-30 days at 25°C and in the tropics there may be up to 10-11 generations per year. All stages of the insect are to be found throughout the year if food is available, but development is slowed or stopped by either drought or cold. In the northern USA there are only two generations per year, in Canada only one generation.

Natural enemy of

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Notes on Natural Enemies

Kogan et al. (1989) provides a full list of natural enemy records and their relative importance in biological control is discussed in Reay-Jones (2019).

Natural enemies

Natural enemyTypeLife stagesSpecificityReferencesBiological control inBiological control on
Actinoplagia koehleriParasite     
Agelaius phoeniceus (red-winged blackbird)Predator     
Archytas incertusParasite     
Archytas marmoratusParasite
Archytas platonicusParasite     
Archytas scutellatusParasite     
Aspergillus niger (black mould of onion)Antagonist     
Ateloglutus chilensisParasite     
Athrycia cinereaParasite     
Bacillus circulansPathogen
Bacillus subtilisPathogen
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)Pathogen
Bacillus thuringiensis serovar. alestiPathogen
Bacillus thuringiensis serovar. israelensisPathogen
Bacillus thuringiensis serovar. kurstakiPathogen
Bacillus thuringiensis serovar. thuringiensisPathogen
Beauveria bassiana (white muscardine fungus)Pathogen     
Boettcheria latisternaParasite     
Brachymeria incertaParasite     
Brachymeria ovataParasite
Brachymeria robustaParasite     
Bracon mellitorParasite     
Bracon platynotaeParasite     
Calleida decoraPredator
Calosoma sayiPredator
Campoletis argentifronsParasite     
Campoletis flavicinctaParasite     
Campoletis griotiParasite     
Campoletis sonorensisParasite     
Carcelia illotaParasite     
Cardiochiles seminigerParasite
Chaetogaedia analisParasite     
Chaetogaedia monticolaParasite     
Chelonus blackburniParasite
Chelonus curvimaculatusParasite
Chelonus insularisParasite
Chelonus narayaniParasite
Chetogena claripennisParasite     
Chetogena edwardsiiParasite
Chetogena floridensisParasite     
Chetogena omissaParasite     
Chetogena tachinomoidesParasite     
Chrysoperla carnea (aphid lion)Predator     
Chrysoperla rufilabrisPredator     
Coleomegilla maculata (beetle, Spotted ladybird)Predator     
Collops quadrimaculatusPredator     
Compsilura concinnataParasite     
Conura igneoidesParasite     
Cotesia congregataParasite
Cotesia kazakParasite
Cotesia marginiventrisParasite
Cryptus albitarsisParasite     
cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virusesPathogen
Diapetimorpha introitaParasite     
Dusona lacticinctaParasite     
Encarsia porteriParasite
Enicospilus concolorParasite     
Entomophaga aulicaePathogen     
Erythemis simplicicollisPredator     
Eucelatoria australisParasite     
Eucelatoria bryaniParasite
Eucelatoria rubentisParasite     
Euplectrus comstockiiParasite     
Euplectrus platyhypenaeParasite     
Exorista mellaParasite     
Geocoris punctipesPredator
Geocoris uliginosusPredator
Glyptapanteles militarisParasite     
Gonia capitataParasite     
Goniophthalmus halli (Copperleaf)Parasite     
Gymnochaetopsis fulvicaudaParasite     
Helicobia rapaxParasite     
Helicoverpa armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virusPathogen
Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirusPathogen     
Heliothis nucleopolyhedrosis virusPathogen     
Hippodamia convergens (lady beetle, convergent)Predator     
Hyposoter exiguaeParasite     
Hyposoter rivalisParasite     
Ichneumon promissoriusParasite     
Incamyia charliniParasite     
Incamyia spinicostaParasite     
Iridovirus (iridescent viruses)Pathogen
Lebia analisPredator
Lespesia aletiaeParasite
Lespesia archippivoraParasite
Lespesia frenchiiParasite     
Leuconostoc mesenteroidesPathogen     
Linnaemya comtaParasite     
Lydella minenseParasite
Megaselia nigricepsParasite     
Meloboris fuscifemoraParasite     
Metaplagia occidentalisParasite     
Metarhizium anisopliae (green muscardine fungus)Pathogen     
Metavoria orientalisParasite     
Meteorus arizonensisParasite     
Meteorus autographaeParasite
Meteorus laphygmaeParasite     
Microplitis croceipesParasite
Microplitis demolitorParasite
Microplitis melianaeParasite     
Microplitis rufiventrisParasite
Muscina levidaParasite     
Muscina stabulans (false stable fly)Parasite     
Nabis alternatus (damsel bug, western)Predator     
Nabis roseipennisPredator     
Nemorilla pysteParasite
Netelia spinipesParasite     
Nomuraea rileyi (parasite of Anticarsia on soybean)Pathogen
  USA; South Carolinasoyabeans
Notoxus monodonPredator     
Nucleopolyhedrosis virusPathogen
Ophion flavidusParasite     
Orius insidiosusPredator
Orius tristicolor (minute pirate bug)Predator     
Oxyopes salticus (striped lynx spider)Predator     
Paecilomyces tenuipesPathogen     
Palexorista laxaParasite
Paratriphleps laeviusculusPredator   USAcotton; maize; tomatoes
Pelegrina galatheaPredator     
Peleteria pygmaeaParasite     
Peucetia viridans (green lynx spider)Predator     
Phidippus audaxPredator     
Philonthus alumnusPredator     
Phyllobaenus pubescensPredator     
Plagiomima spinosulaParasite     
Podisus maculiventris (spined soldier bug)Predator     
Podisus nigrispinusPredator     
Podisus placidusPredator     
Polistes metricusPredator     
Pristomerus pacificus appalachianusParasite     
Pristomerus spinatorParasite     
Pseudatomoscelis seriatus (cotton, fleahopper)Predator     
Rogas perplexusParasite
Sagaritis provancheriParasite     
Sinophorus eruficinctusParasite     
Siphona plusiaeParasite     
Solenopsis invicta (red imported fire ant)Predator     
Spallanzania hebesParasite     
Spanagonicus albofasciatus (black fleahopper)Predator     
Spilochalcis femorataParasite     
Staphylococcus epidermidisPathogen     
Steinernema carpocapsaeParasite     
Steinernema feltiaeParasite     
Steinernema riobraveParasite     
Stenotrophomonas maltophiliaPathogen     
Telenomus heliothidisParasite     
Telenomus remusParasite     
Telenomus spodopteraeParasite
Therion californicum      
Toxoneuron bicolorParasite
Trichogramma atopoviriliaParasite
Trichogramma brevicapillumParasite
Trichogramma chilonisParasite
Trichogramma deionParasite
Trichogramma evanescensParasite
Trichogramma exiguumParasite
Trichogramma maltbyiParasite
Trichogramma minutum (minute egg parasite)Parasite
Trichogramma parkeriParasite
Trichogramma perkinsiParasite
Trichogramma pretiosumParasite
  California; Nicaragua; Nova Scotia; Texas; USA; Texascotton
Trichogramma thalenseParasite
Vairimorpha necatrixPathogen     
Vespula pensylvanica (western yellowjacket)Predator     
virus-like particlesParasite     
Voria aurifronsParasite     
Winthemia quadripustulata (tachina, red-tailed)Parasite     
Winthemia rufiventrisParasite
Winthemia rufopictaParasite     
Winthemia sinuataParasite     
Zele melleusParasite     
Zelus tetracanthusPredator     
Zenillia blandaParasite     

Impact Summary

Environment (generally)Positive and negative
Human healthNegative


In North America, it is reported that H. zea is the second most important economic pest species (preceded by codling moth, Cydia pomonella) (Hardwick, 1965). Fitt (1989) quotes the estimated annual cost of damage by H. zea and H. virescens together on all crops in the USA as more than US$ 1000 million, despite the expenditure of US$ 250 million on insecticide application.
Reasons for the success and importance of this agricultural pest include its high fecundity, polyphagous larval feeding habits, high mobility of both larvae locally and adults with their facultative seasonal migration, and a facultative pupal diapause.
Damage is usually serious and costly because of the larval feeding preference for the reproductive structures and growing points rich in nitrogen (for example, maize cobs and tassels, sorghum heads, cotton bolls and buds, etc), and they have a direct influence on yield. Many of the crops attacked are of high value (cotton, maize, tomatoes). If this pest should become established in protected cultivation economic damage could be widespread.
Infestations of maize grown for silage or for grain are not of direct economic importance; losses are typically about 5% and no control measures are taken, but they serve as a focus, or reservoir of infestation. In many areas the first generation is not regarded as a pest (often on Trifolium) and it does not become an economic pest on cultivated crops until the second, third or even fourth generation.

Impact: Economic

In North America, H. zea has long been reported as a major economic pest. During the 1960s, it was noted as being the second most important economic pest species (preceded by codling moth, Cydia pomonella) (Hardwick, 1965). Fitt (1989) quoted the estimated annual cost of damage by H. zea and Heliothis virescens together on all crops in the USA as more than US$ 1000 million, despite the expenditure of US$ 250 million on insecticide application. During 2019, H. zea and H. virescens were estimated at nearly US$ 117 million in costs of control and direct losses in cotton (Cook and Threet, 2020), and over US$ 117 million in costs of control and direct losses in soyabean (Musser et al., 2020).
Reasons for the success and importance of this agricultural pest include its high fecundity, polyphagous larval feeding habits, high mobility of both larvae locally and adults with their facultative seasonal migration and a facultative pupal diapause (Fitt, 1989).
Damage is usually serious and costly because of the larval feeding preference for the reproductive structures and growing points rich in nitrogen (for example, sorghum heads, cotton bolls and buds, soyabean seeds, etc.), and they have a direct influence on yield. Many of the crops attacked are of high value (hemp, tobacco, tomatoes). If this pest should become established in protected cultivation economic damage could be widespread.
Infestations of maize grown for silage or for grain are not of direct economic importance, and no control measures are taken, but they serve as a focus, or reservoir of infestation. In many areas the first generation is not regarded as a pest (often on Trifolium) and it does not become an economic pest on cultivated crops until the second, third or even fourth generation.

Detection and Inspection

Feeding damage is usually visible and the larvae can be seen on the surface of plants but often they are hidden within plant reproductive tissue (flowers, fruits, etc). Bore holes may be visible, but otherwise it is necessary to cut open the tissue to detect the pest. Because of morphological similarity, it is impossible to distinguish the larvae of H. zea from those of Helicoverpa armigera, already present in the EPPO region. Positive identification is achieved by rearing the larvae and examining the genitalia of the adult.

Prevention and Control

Due to the variable regulations around (de)registration of pesticides, your national list of registered pesticides or relevant authority should be consulted to determine which products are legally allowed for use in your country when considering chemical control. Pesticides should always be used in a lawful manner, consistent with the product's label.


Control of H. zea has been advocated in the USA since the middle of the 19th century, and measures fall into two broad categories: those aimed at an overall pest population reduction and others aimed at the protection of a particular crop. In most situations it is now recommended that integrated pest management be used (Bottrell, 1979).

Cultural Control

Various cultural practices can be used to kill the different instars, including deep ploughing, discing and other methods of mechanical destruction, manipulation of sowing dates and use of trap crops.

Biological Control

In many areas, natural control of this pest may be quite effective for most of the time. Insect parasitoids attack the eggs (especially Trichogramma spp.) and larvae, and some predators can be important in reducing pest populations. King and Coleman (1989) discuss the prospects for long-term biological control of Heliothis/Helicoverpa spp., and clearly this should be an important component of any regional IPM programme.
The most frequently tried method of achieving biological control has been by augmentative releases of artificially reared parasites or predators, especially using Trichogramma spp. However, releases in cotton have not been consistently effective against heliothine populations. Microplitis croceipes could be more effective because it is less affected by organophosphate pesticides and synthetic pyrethroids.
There has also been interest in exploiting entomophagous pathogens such as Bacillus thuringiensis and Heliothis NPV. NPV is commercially applied worldwide for control of Helicoverpa species, especially in Australia and Brazil, but increasingly in the USA. A number of pest and beneficial arthropod species can aid in dispersing the virus beyond where it is applied (Black et al., 2019). In cotton, maize and soyabean, transgenic crop varieties expressing the active B. thuringiensis toxin have been used commercially.

Host-Plant Resistance

The development of crop cultivars resistant or tolerant to damage by Helicoverpa spp. has major potential in their management, particularly for communities with few resources. Many crops possess some genetic potential that can be exploited by breeders to produce varieties less subject to pest damage. Resistance can take three basic forms: antixenosis, antibiosis and tolerance. Varieties of crop hosts showing resistance to Helicoverpa spp. have been identified or developed in cotton, chickpeas, soyabean, tomato, maize, sorghum, millet and tobacco.
In maize, resistant genotypes have been identified which have a high concentration of maysin (rhamnosyl-6-C-(4-ketofucosyl)-5,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxyflavone), a C-glycosyl flavone, in silk tissue. Quantitative trait loci for maysin production were identified on chromosomes one (p1) and nine (umc105a) (Byrne et al., 1996).
In cotton, gossypol glands on the calyx crowns of flower buds confers considerable resistance to H. zea (Calhoun et al., 1997).
Transgenic maize, cotton and soyabean containing genes encoding delta-endotoxins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) kurstaki [Bacillus thuringiensis serovar. kurstaki] have been commercialized in various parts of the world. H. zea is targeted with Bt maize and cotton in the USA, and Bt maize, cotton, and soyabean in Brazil. Two types of Cry toxins (in the families Cry1A and Cry2A) have been used extensively, and H. zea has evolved resistance to these toxins in the USA (Dively et al., 2016; Reisig et al., 2018). Increasingly, these Cry traits are being pyramided with Vip3Aa20 in maize and Vip3Aa19 in cotton. H. zea is effectively controlled with the Vip3Aa toxin (Leite et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2020).
There is little knowledge of the interactions between natural enemies of Helicoverpa and host-plant resistance, but it cannot be assumed that resistance will always be compatible with natural control. For example, laboratory tests using resistant tomato plants containing an alkaloid (alpha-tomatine) were found to be toxic to Hyposoter exiguae, a parasite of H. zea. The parasite acquired the alkaloid from its host after the host had ingested the alkaloid (Campbell and Duffey, 1979).

Chemical Control

Chemical control of the larvae has been the most widely used and generally successful method of managing H. zea on most crops, but it is not easy because larvae feed within plant structures. The early history of chemical control of H. zea is given by Hardwick (1965). Pesticide resistance has been known for some years and is quite widespread (Fitt, 1989) especially on cotton crops.
For cotton, chlorantraniliprole is the most efficacious foliar insecticide, because it is systemic in the plant with long-lasting residual (Reisig et al., 2019; Babu et al., 2021). In soyabean, a suite of insecticides, including chlorantraniliprole, emamectin benzoate, indoxacarb, spinosad, spinetoram are effective. Foliar insecticides are not recommended in maize, as H. zea rarely limits yield (Reay-Jones and Reisig, 2014; Bibb et al., 2018; Olivi et al., 2019), however in sweetcorn, multiple sprays, with rotations and mixtures of chlorantraniliprole, pyrethroids, spinosad and spinetoram applications are generally made 3 days after silk emergence and applied on a weekly basis until silks dry down.

Sterile Backcrosses

Sterile male offspring are produced when certain species are crossed, for example, Heliothis subflexa and Heliothis virescens. This fact has been exploited and evaluated on the island of St. Croix, Virgin Islands, where after a three-year release programme, suppression was achieved.

Pheromonal Control

Mating of H. zea was reduced by 50% in a 12 ha maize field treated with hollow fibres containing (Z)-9-tetradecenyl formate (Mitchell and McLaughlin, 1982). Likewise, (Z)-11-hexadecenal, a component of the H. virescens pheromone, reduced the mating of females of H. zea by 85% (Mitchell et al., 1976).

Links to Websites

GISD/IASPMR: Invasive Alien Species Pathway Management Resource and DAISIE European Invasive Alien Species Gateway source for updated system data added to species habitat list.


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Published online: 8 June 2022





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  • Ficus carica (common fig), CABI Compendium, 10.1079/cabicompendium.24078, CABI Compendium, (2024).
  • Reactivación de dos cepas del virus de la poliedrosis nuclear VPNHz1991 para el manejo del gusano elotero (Helicoverpa zea)Reactivation of two strains of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus VPNHz1991 for the management of the corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea), Rev. iberoam. bioecon. cambio clim., 10.5377/ribcc.v9i18.17547, 9, 18, (2193-2201), (2023).

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