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Open access
8 May 2020

Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode)

Datasheet Types: Pest, Natural enemy, Invasive species


This datasheet on Meloidogyne incognita covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Further Information.


Preferred Scientific Name
Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White, 1919) Chitwood 1949
Preferred Common Name
root-knot nematode
Other Scientific Names
Meloidogyne acrita (Chitwood, 1949) Esser, Perry and Taylor, 1976
Meloidogyne incognita acrita Chitwood, 1949
Meloidogyne wartellei Golden & Birchfield, 1978
Oxyuris incognita Kofoid & White, 1919
International Common Names
root-knot eelworm
southern root-knot nematode
anguillula de las raices
nemátodo agallador
nemátodo de la raiz
nemátodo de las agallas
nemátodo de los nódulos de las raíces
nemátodo nódulador
nemátodo sureno de quiste (Mexico)
anguillule a noeud de la patate
anguillule des racines
nématode à galles
nématode cécidogène
nématode des galles des racines
nématode des racines
nematóide das galhas
Local Common Names
suedliches wurzelgallen-aelchen
gyökércsomós fonálférgek
anguillula delle radici
anguillula gallicola delle radici
South Africa
Wortelknop aalwurm
nematoda bengkak akar
kok ur nematodu
EPPO code
MELGIN (Meloidogyne incognita)


Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); male, full body image.
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); male, full body image.
©Pest & Diseases Image Library (PaDIL) - CC BY 3.0 AU
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); male, spicule.
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); male, spicule.
©Pest & Diseases Image Library (PaDIL) - CC BY 3.0 AU
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); female. (Reproduced from Orton Williams KJ, 1973. CIH Descriptions of Plant-parasitic Nematodes. Set 2, No.18. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.)
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); female. (Reproduced from Orton Williams KJ, 1973. CIH Descriptions of Plant-parasitic Nematodes. Set 2, No.18. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.)
©CAB International
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); male, perineal pattern.
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); male, perineal pattern.
©Pest & Diseases Image Library (PaDIL) - CC BY 3.0 AU
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); symptoms in potato (Solanum tuberosum).
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); symptoms in potato (Solanum tuberosum).
©Elizabeth Bush, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University/via - CC BY 3.0 US
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); posterior cuticular patterns of females. (reproduced from Orton Williams KJ, 1973. CIH Descriptions of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. Set 2, No.18. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.)
Cuticular patterns
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); posterior cuticular patterns of females. (reproduced from Orton Williams KJ, 1973. CIH Descriptions of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. Set 2, No.18. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.)
©CAB International
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); male, perineal pattern.
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); male, perineal pattern.
©Pest & Diseases Image Library (PaDIL) - CC BY 3.0 AU
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); posterior cuticular patterns of females.(reproduced from Orton Williams KJ, 1973. CIH Descriptions of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. Set 2, No.18. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.)
Cuticular patterns
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); posterior cuticular patterns of females.(reproduced from Orton Williams KJ, 1973. CIH Descriptions of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. Set 2, No.18. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.)
©CAB International
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); posterior cuticular patterns of females. (reproduced from Orton Williams KJ, 1973. CIH Descriptions of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. Set 2, No.18. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.)
Cuticular patterns
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); posterior cuticular patterns of females. (reproduced from Orton Williams KJ, 1973. CIH Descriptions of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. Set 2, No.18. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.)
©CAB International
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); male, perineal pattern.
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); male, perineal pattern.
©Pest & Diseases Image Library (PaDIL) - CC BY 3.0 AU
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); posterior cuticular patterns of females. (reproduced from Orton Williams KJ, 1973. CIH Descriptions of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. Set 2, No.18. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.)
Cuticular patterns
Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode); posterior cuticular patterns of females. (reproduced from Orton Williams KJ, 1973. CIH Descriptions of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. Set 2, No.18. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.)
©CAB International

Taxonomic Tree

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Notes on Taxonomy and Nomenclature

Meloidogyne species may be difficult to identify with certainty due to their inherent variability. Adult females and infective juveniles should be examined before making an identification. Male characters are also useful if they are available for examination, because some populations may not produce males, but they may be stimulated to produce males by putting the host plant under stress ( Snyder et al., 2006 ). 



Endoparasitic, body pear-shaped, pearly white. Stylet knobs usually rounded, sometimes drawn out laterally. Distance of the dorsal esophageal gland to the base of the stylet is short, 2-3 µm. Excretory pore at level of or posterior to stylet knobs, 10-20 annules posterior to the anterior end. Posterior perineal pattern variable. Typical pattern 'incognita type'; with striae closely spaced, very wavy to zig-zag especially dorsally and laterally. Dorsal arch high, squarish. Lateral field not clear, sometimes marked by breaks in striae, broken ends often forked, pattern merging into body striae. Alternate 'Acrita type'; with striae smoother, more widely spaced (or with coarse, widely spaced striae separated by fine, closely spaced striae visible for short distances). Dorsal arch variable, may be flattened at top with the overall appearance of a trapezoid. Striae often forked along a 'lateral line'. Limits of pattern more or less well-defined. Aberrant patterns occur.


Vermiform, 1-2 mm in length. Head not offset, distinct head cap on top of a large head annule that may be further divided into 1-3 incomplete, smaller annules appearing stepped in outline in lateral view. Body clearly annulated. Conus of stylet longer than shaft, stylet knobs prominent, usually of greater width than length, with flat, concave anterior margins. Excretory pore at level of posterior end of isthmus with hemizonid usually 0-5 annules anterior. Lateral field with 4 incisures, outer bands areolated, inner band rarely cross-striated except at posterior end. Testes 1 or 2. Tail bluntly rounded, terminus unstriated. Phasmids at cloaca level or just posterior. Spicules slightly curved, gubernaculum crescentic.

Second-Stage Juvenile

Vermiform, less than 0.5 mm in length. Head not offset, truncate cone shape in lateral view, sub-hemispherical in dorso-ventral view. Head-cap wide containing 2-3 annules. Stylet knobs prominent, rounded. Hemizonid 3 annules long just anterior to excretory pore. Lateral field with 4 incisures, outer bands areolated. Rectum inflated. Tail tapering to subacute terminus, annulations coarsening posteriorly.

Measurements (after Whitehead, 1968)

20 females: L = 500-723 (609) µm; width = 331-520 (415) µm; stylet (10) = 13-16 (14) µm; width stylet base (10) = 3-5 (4) µm; dorsal oesophageal gland orifice (8) = 2-4 (3) µm behind stylet base; length median bulb (10) = 37-63 (46) µm; width median bulb (10) = 31-49 (39) µm; length median bulb valves (10) = 13-16 (14) µm; width median bulb valves (10) = 11-13 (12) µm.

14 males: L = 1108-1953 (1583) µm; a = 31.4-55.4 (46.3); length head (13) = 6.8-8.6 (7.9) µm; stylet (13) = 23.0-32.7 (25.0) µm; width stylet base (13) = 4.7-6.8 (5.8) µm; dorsal oesophageal gland orifice (4) = 1.4-2.5 (2.1) µm behind stylet base; b' (12) = 13.8-20.5 (17.4); c (13) = 97-255 (146); length median bulb (12) = 14.4-25.2 (20.0) µm; width median bulb (12) = 8.6-15.8 (11.2) µm; length median bulb valves (12) = 5.8-9.0 (7.2) µm; spicules (length of arc) (12) = 28.8-40.3 (35.2) µm; gubernaculum (7) = 9.4-13.7 (11.2) µm.

25 second-stage juveniles: L = 337-403 (371) µm; a = 24.9-31.5 (28.3); b (21) = 2.02-3.14 (2.36); b' (24) = 6.4-8.4 (7.1); length tail = 38-55 (46) µm; d = 4.0-5.6 (4.9); c = 6.9-10.6 (8.1); length body to middle of genital primordium = 212-247 (230) µm; stylet = 9.6-11.7 (10.5) µm; length median bulb (24) = 10.1-12.9 (11.3) µm; width median bulb (24) = 5.8-8.3 (7.3) µm; length median bulb valves (22) = 3.6-6.47 (5.2) µm.


M. incognita has also been recorded from the following areas of protected agriculture; for example, around temperate research stations and other areas of intensive horticulture. In some cases the nematodes have been able to overwinter due to mild winters and could be expanding their geographical range.

Armenia ( Pogosyan and Karapetyan, 1976 ), Heilongjiang and Ningxia in China ( Yang et al., 1991 ), Hokkaido in Japan ( Yamada and Takakura, 1975 ), Belarus ( Gladkaya, 1981 ), Estonia ( Pallum, 1972 ), Latvia ( Rasina, 1970 ), Lithuania ( Rudzyavichene et al., 1975 ), Macedonia ( Krnjaic, 1977 ), Moldavia ( Batyr and Kozhokaru, 1985 ), Poland ( Brzeski et al., 1978 ), Romania ( Romascu et al., 1974 ), European part of Russia ( Kozhokaru, 1972 ; Gushchin and Efremenko, 1975 ; Mar'enko, 1989 ), Siberia ( Shiabova, 1977 ), Ukraine ( Timchenko, 1981 ) and UK (IIP, 1991).

Distribution Map

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Distribution Table

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Risk of Introduction

M. incognita is widely endemic in subtropical and tropical regions, thus quarantine regulations would be superfluous and none are known to be in place.

Pathway Causes

Pathway causeNotesLong distanceLocalReferences
Botanical gardens and zoos (pathway cause)InfrequentYes  
Breeding and propagation (pathway cause)Possible on vegetatively propagated material.YesYes 
Crop production (pathway cause)Movement of soil on machinery. Movement of infected plant material.YesYes 
Digestion and excretion (pathway cause)Eggs can pass through the intestine. Yes 
Flooding and other natural disasters (pathway cause)Flood washes infected soil downstream.YesYes 
Food (pathway cause)Root crops commonly found in the market.YesYes 
Garden waste disposal (pathway cause)Root and root crops infected. Yes 
Military movements (pathway cause)Movement of soil on equipment.YesYes 
Nursery trade (pathway cause)Movement of infected plants.YesYes 
People sharing resources (pathway cause)Sharing plants that are infected. Sharing soil that are infestedYesYes 

Pathway Vectors

Pathway vectorNotesLong distanceLocalReferences
Clothing, footwear and possessions (pathway vector)Eggs and galls in soil. Infested soil on footwear.YesYes 
Containers and packaging - wood (pathway vector) Yes  
Land vehicles (pathway vector)Eggs and galls in soil.Yes  
Mail (pathway vector)Eggs and galls in soil.Yes  
Soil, sand and gravel (pathway vector)Eggs and galls in soil. Movement of infested soil.YesYes 
Debris and waste associated with human activities (pathway vector)Movement of infested soil. Yes 
Machinery and equipment (pathway vector)Movement of infested soilYesYes 
Mulch, straw, baskets and sod (pathway vector)Movement of infested sod. Yes 
Plants or parts of plants (pathway vector)Movement of infected plants.YesYes 

Plant Trade

Plant parts liable to carry the pest in trade/transportPest stagesBorne internallyBorne externallyVisibility of pest or symptoms
YesYesPest or symptoms not visible to the naked eye but usually visible under light microscope
Growing medium accompanying plants
 YesPest or symptoms not visible to the naked eye but usually visible under light microscope
YesYesPest or symptoms not visible to the naked eye but usually visible under light microscope
Seedlings/Micropropagated plants
YesYesPest or symptoms not visible to the naked eye but usually visible under light microscope
Plant parts not known to carry the pest in trade/transport
Fruits (inc. pods)
Stems (above ground)/Shoots/Trunks/Branches
True seeds (inc. grain)

Wood Packaging

Not known container or packing
Loose wood packing material
Processed or treated wood
Solid wood packing material with bark
Solid wood packing material without bark

Hosts/Species Affected

M. incognita is probably the most widely distributed and economically important species of plant parasitic nematode in tropical and subtropical regions. Two-thirds of the root-knot nematode samples obtained from a number of tropical countries were of M. incognita ( Sasser, 1979 ). In India alone, 232 plant genera have been reported as hosts to M. incognita ( Krishnappa, 1985 ) and worldwide the species is a parasite of a wide range of crop plants.

Host Plants and Other Plants Affected

HostFamilyHost statusReferences
Abelmoschus esculentus (okra)MalvaceaeMain
Abelmoschus manihot (bele)MalvaceaeUnknown
Singh et al. (2012)
Acacia confusaFabaceaeMain 
Achillea millefolium (yarrow)AsteraceaeOther 
Actinidia deliciosa (kiwifruit)ActinidiaceaeOther 
Ageratum conyzoides (billy goat weed)AsteraceaeUnknown
Albizia lebbeck (Indian siris)FabaceaeOther
Alcea rosea (Hollyhock)MalvaceaeOther 
Allium cepa (onion)LiliaceaeUnknown
Khan et al. (2007)
Allium fistulosum (Welsh onion)LiliaceaeUnknown
Aloe vera (true aloe)AloaceaeOther
Amaranthus (amaranth)AmaranthaceaeOther 
Amaranthus blitoides (spreading amaranth)AmaranthaceaeOther 
Amaranthus blitum (livid amaranth)AmaranthaceaeOther 
Amaranthus deflexus (Perennial Pigweed)AmaranthaceaeWild host 
Amaranthus hybridus (smooth pigweed)AmaranthaceaeWild host 
Amaranthus spinosus (spiny amaranth)AmaranthaceaeWild host 
Amaranthus viridis (slender amaranth)AmaranthaceaeWild host
Singh et al. (2012)
Anacardium occidentale (cashew nut)AnacardiaceaeHabitat/association 
Ananas comosus (pineapple)BromeliaceaeOther
Anchusa azurea (Italian alkanet)BoraginaceaeWild host 
Anethum graveolens (dill)ApiaceaeOther
Apium graveolens (celery)ApiaceaeUnknown
Aptenia cordifoliaAizoaceaeHabitat/association 
Arabidopsis thalianaBrassicaceaeOther 
Araujia sericifera (Arejishi)AsclepiadaceaeWild host
d'Errico et al. (2014)
Areca catechu (betelnut palm)ArecaceaeHabitat/association 
Asparagus officinalis (asparagus)LiliaceaeOther
Basella alba (malabar spinach)BasellaceaeHabitat/association 
Bassia scopariaChenopodiaceaeOther 
Bertholletia excelsa (Brazil nut)LecythidaceaeUnknown 
Beta vulgaris (beetroot)ChenopodiaceaeOther
Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla Unknown
Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera (sugarbeet)ChenopodiaceaeUnknown
Bidens pilosa (blackjack)AsteraceaeWild host 
Brassica nigra (black mustard)BrassicaceaeUnknown
Brassica oleracea (cabbages, cauliflowers)BrassicaceaeUnknown
Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes (kohlrabi)BrassicaceaeMain 
Brassica oleracea var. viridis (collards)BrassicaceaeUnknown
Brassica rapa (field mustard)BrassicaceaeUnknown
Brassicaceae (cruciferous crops)BrassicaceaeOther 
Calendula officinalis (Pot marigold)AsteraceaeOther
Canavalia ensiformis (jack bean)FabaceaeOther 
Canna indica (canna lilly)CannaceaeHabitat/association 
Cannabis sativa (hemp)CannabaceaeOther
Capsicum (peppers)SolanaceaeUnknown
Capsicum annuum (bell pepper)SolanaceaeMain
Capsicum chinense (habanero pepper)SolanaceaeUnknown
Cardamine circaeoides Unknown
Cardiospermum halicacabum (balloon vine)SapindaceaeWild host 
Carica papaya (pawpaw)CaricaceaeMain
Chamaesyce prostrataEuphorbiaceaeUnknown
Chenopodium album (fat hen)ChenopodiaceaeWild host 
Chenopodium murale (nettle-leaf goosefoot)ChenopodiaceaeWild host 
Chrysanthemum (daisy)AsteraceaeOther 
Cicer arietinum (chickpea)FabaceaeUnknown
Cichorium (chicory)AsteraceaeOther 
Citrullus lanatus (watermelon)CucurbitaceaeUnknown
Cleome viscosa (Asian spiderflower)CapparaceaeWild host
Clinopodium nepeta Wild host
Clitoria ternatea (butterfly-pea)FabaceaeOther
Cocos nucifera (coconut)ArecaceaeHabitat/association 
Coffea (coffee)RubiaceaeMain
Coffea arabica (arabica coffee)RubiaceaeMain
Coffea canephora (robusta coffee)RubiaceaeOther 
Colocasia esculenta (taro)AraceaeUnknown
Singh et al. (2012)
Commelina benghalensis (wandering jew)CommelinaceaeWild host 
Convolvulus arvensis (bindweed)ConvolvulaceaeWild host 
Cordia myxa (sebesten)BoraginaceaeOther
Cordyline fruticosa (ti plant)AgavaceaeOther 
Cordyline fruticosa (ti plant)AgavaceaeOther 
Coriandrum sativum (coriander)ApiaceaeOther
Cucumis anguria (West Indian gherkin)CucurbitaceaeOther 
Cucumis melo (melon)CucurbitaceaeOther 
Cucumis sativus (cucumber)CucurbitaceaeOther
Cucurbita (pumpkin)CucurbitaceaeUnknown
Cucurbita argyrosperma (silver-seed gourd)CucurbitaceaeMain
Cucurbita maxima (giant pumpkin)CucurbitaceaeMain
Singh et al. (2012)
Cucurbita moschata (pumpkin)CucurbitaceaeMain 
Cucurbita pepo (marrow)CucurbitaceaeMain 
Cucurbitaceae (cucurbits)CucurbitaceaeMain 
Cullen corylifolium (black-dot)FabaceaeOther 
Curcuma alismatifoliaZingiberaceaeOther 
Curcuma longa (turmeric)ZingiberaceaeOther
Cyperus (flatsedge)CyperaceaeOther 
Cyperus haspanCyperaceaeOther 
Cyperus rotundus (purple nutsedge)CyperaceaeWild host 
Dahlia coccineaAsteraceaeOther
Datura metel (Hindu datura)SolanaceaeOther 
Datura stramonium (jimsonweed)SolanaceaeWild host 
Daucus carota (carrot)ApiaceaeOther
Digitaria horizontalisPoaceaeWild host 
Digitaria insularis (sourgrass)PoaceaeWild host 
Digitaria sanguinalis (large crabgrass)PoaceaeUnknown
Song et al. (2019)
Dioscorea (yam)DioscoreaceaeOther 
Dioscorea alata (white yam)DioscoreaceaeOther
Dioscorea batatas (Chinese yam)DioscoreaceaeOther 
Dioscorea cayenensis (Guinea yam)DioscoreaceaeHabitat/association 
Dioscorea esculenta (Asiatic yam)DioscoreaceaeUnknown
Singh et al. (2012)
Dioscorea rotundataDioscoreaceaeOther 
Duranta erecta (golden dewdrop)VerbenaceaeOther 
Echinochloa crus-galli (barnyard grass)PoaceaeWild host 
Eleusine indica (goose grass)PoaceaeUnknown
Song et al. (2019)
Emilia sonchifolia (red tasselflower)AsteraceaeWild host 
Eragrostis ciliaris (gophertail lovegrass)PoaceaeOther 
Erigeron canadensis Wild host
Eryngium foetidumApiaceaeOther 
Euphorbia heterophylla (wild poinsettia)EuphorbiaceaeWild host 
Euphorbia prostrataEuphorbiaceaeOther 
Euphorbia tirucalli (Indian-tree spurge)EuphorbiaceaeOther 
Fabaceae (leguminous plants)FabaceaeMain 
Fagopyrum esculentum (buckwheat) Unknown
Ficus benjamina (weeping fig)MoraceaeOther 
Ficus carica (common fig)MoraceaeUnknown
Ficus elastica (rubber plant)MoraceaeOther 
Ficus religiosa (sacred fig tree)MoraceaeOther
Fumaria officinalis Wild host
Galinsoga parviflora (gallant soldier)AsteraceaeWild host
Gazania (treasure-flower)AsteraceaeOther 
Gerbera jamesonii (African daisy)AsteraceaeUnknown
Gloxinia Habitat/association 
Glycine max (soyabean)FabaceaeUnknown
Gomphrena globosa (globe amaranth)AmaranthaceaeOther 
Gossypium (cotton)MalvaceaeOther 
Gossypium hirsutum (Bourbon cotton)MalvaceaeUnknown
Souza et al. (2022)
Gynostemma pentaphyllum Unknown
Helianthus annuus (sunflower)AsteraceaeOther 
Hemerocallis (daylilies)LiliaceaeOther 
Hevea brasiliensis (rubber)EuphorbiaceaeHabitat/association 
Hibiscus cannabinus (kenaf)MalvaceaeMain 
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (Chinese rose)MalvaceaeUnknown
Hibiscus syriacus (shrubby althaea)MalvaceaeOther 
Hibiscus trionum (Venice mallow)MalvaceaeWild host 
Humulus lupulus (hop)CannabaceaeUnknown
Hylocereus undatus (dragon fruit)CactaceaeUnknown
Souza et al. (2022)
Impatiens (balsam)BalsaminaceaeUnknown
Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato)ConvolvulaceaeOther
Singh et al. (2012)
Ipomoea nil (white edge morning-glory)ConvolvulaceaeWild host 
Ipomoea purpurea (tall morning glory)ConvolvulaceaeWild host
Isatis tinctoria (dyer's woad)BrassicaceaeUnknown
Ixeris chinensis Unknown
Jacquemontia pentanthaConvolvulaceaeOther 
Jasminum multiflorum (star jasmine)OleaceaeHabitat/association 
Jasminum sambac (Arabian jasmine)OleaceaeOther
Juglans (walnuts)JuglandaceaeHabitat/association 
Juglans regia (walnut)JuglandaceaeUnknown
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoiCrassulaceaeOther 
Lactuca (lettuce)AsteraceaeOther 
Lactuca sativa (lettuce)AsteraceaeMain
Lactuca serriola (prickly lettuce)AsteraceaeWild host 
Lagenaria siceraria (bottle gourd)CucurbitaceaeMain
Singh et al. (2012)
Lantana camara (lantana)VerbenaceaeOther
Lavandula angustifolia (lavender)LamiaceaeOther 
Lavandula intermedia Unknown
Özdemir (2022)
Lens culinaris subsp. culinaris (lentil)FabaceaeOther 
Leonotis nepetifolia (Christmas candlestick)LamiaceaeUnknown
Lotus corniculatus (bird's-foot trefoil)FabaceaeOther
Luffa acutangula (angled luffa)CucurbitaceaeMain
Luffa aegyptiaca (loofah)CucurbitaceaeMain
Luffa aegyptiaca (loofah)CucurbitaceaeMain 
Malachra alceifolia Unknown
Malpighia emarginataMalpighiaceaeOther 
Malpighia glabra (acerola)MalpighiaceaeOther 
Malva pusilla (round-leaved mallow)MalvaceaeWild host 
Mammillaria backebergiana Unknown
Mangifera indica (mango)AnacardiaceaeMain
Manihot esculenta (cassava)EuphorbiaceaeOther
Singh et al. (2012)
Medicago sativa (lucerne)FabaceaeMain 
Melilotus indica (Indian sweetclover)FabaceaeWild host 
Mentha piperita (Peppermint)LamiaceaeUnknown
Mentha spicata (Spear mint)LamiaceaeOther 
Mercurialis annua Wild host
Miconia cinnamomifoliaMelastomataceaeUnknown
Mitragyna speciosaRubiaceaeUnknown
Momordica charantia (bitter gourd)CucurbitaceaeOther
Morinda citrifolia (Indian mulberry)RubiaceaeOther 
Morus (mulberrytree)MoraceaeOther 
Morus alba (mora)MoraceaeUnknown
Morus nigra (black mulberry)MoraceaeOther 
Murraya paniculata (orange jessamine)RutaceaeOther 
Musa (banana)MusaceaeOther
Musa acuminata (wild banana)MusaceaeUnknown
Singh et al. (2012)
Musa x paradisiaca (plantain)MusaceaeOther 
Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco)SolanaceaeUnknown
Singh et al. (2012)
Ocimum basilicum (basil)LamiaceaeUnknown
Oenanthe javanicaApiaceaeOther 
Olea europaeaOleaceaeUnknown
Olea europaea subsp. europaea (European olive)OleaceaeHabitat/association 
Ophiopogon japonicusLiliaceaeOther 
Oryza sativa (rice)PoaceaeMain
Oxalis pes-caprae Wild host
Parthenium hysterophorus (parthenium weed)AsteraceaeHabitat/association 
Passiflora edulis (passionfruit)PassifloraceaeOther
Paulownia elongata (elongate paulownia)ScrophulariaceaeOther
Persicaria posumbuPolygonaceaeOther 
Petroselinum crispum (parsley)ApiaceaeUnknown
Phaseolus (beans)FabaceaeMain 
Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean)FabaceaeMain
Singh et al. (2012)
Phoenix dactylifera (date-palm)ArecaceaeOther
Phyla nodifloraVerbenaceaeOther 
Piper methysticum (kava)PiperaceaeUnknown
Singh et al. (2012)
Piper nigrum (black pepper)PiperaceaeOther
Pisum sativum (pea)FabaceaeUnknown
Pithecellobium dulce (Manila tamarind)FabaceaeOther
Pittosporum tobira (Japanese pittosporum)PittosporaceaeOther 
Plantago lanceolata (ribwort plantain)PlantaginaceaeWild host 
Polianthes tuberosa (tuberose)AgavaceaeOther
Polygonum aviculare (prostrate knotweed)PolygonaceaeWild host 
Pongamia pinnata (Indian beech)FabaceaeOther
Portulaca oleracea (purslane)PortulacaceaeWild host 
Portulaca quadrifida (chickenweed)PortulacaceaeOther 
Prosopis juliflora (mesquite)FabaceaeOther
Prunus (stone fruit)RosaceaeOther 
Prunus domestica (plum)RosaceaeOther 
Prunus persica (peach)RosaceaeOther 
Prunus salicina (Japanese plum)RosaceaeMain 
Psidium guajava (guava)LithomyrtusUnknown
Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (winged bean)FabaceaeOther 
Ptychosperma elegans (solitaire palm)ArecaceaeHabitat/association 
Punica granatum (pomegranate)PunicaceaeOther
Radermachera sinicaBignoniaceaeOther
Raphanus sativus (radish)BrassicaceaeUnknown
Rhaponticum repens (Russian knapweed)AsteraceaeWild host 
Ricinus communis (castor bean)EuphorbiaceaeUnknown
Rollinia mucosaAnnonaceaeWild host 
Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary)LamiaceaeMain 
Rumex acetosa (sour dock)PolygonaceaeWild host 
Saccharum officinarum (sugarcane)PoaceaeOther
Salvia miltiorrhizaLamiaceaeUnknown
Samanea saman (rain tree)FabaceaeMain 
Sansevieria trifasciata (mother-in-law’s tongue)AgavaceaeOther 
Schinus terebinthifolius (Brazilian pepper tree)AnacardiaceaeWild host 
Sesamum indicum (sesame)PedaliaceaeOther 
Setaria viridis (green foxtail)PoaceaeWild host
Song et al. (2019)
Sida rhombifoliaMalvaceaeWild host 
Sinapis alba (white mustard)BrassicaceaeWild host
Solanum americanumSolanaceaeWild host 
Solanum lycopersicum (tomato)SolanaceaeMain
Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme Unknown
Solanum melongena (aubergine)SolanaceaeMain
Solanum nigrum (black nightshade)SolanaceaeWild host 
Solanum sisymbriifolium (sticky nightshade)SolanaceaeWild host 
Solanum tuberosum (potato)SolanaceaeOther
Spinacia oleracea (spinach)ChenopodiaceaeOther
Stachys byzantinaLamiaceaeUnknown
Tabebuia serratifoliaBignoniaceaeWild host 
Tagetes erecta (Mexican marigold)AsteraceaeOther 
Tephrosia vogelii (Vogel's tephrosia)FabaceaeOther 
Trachyspermum ammiApiaceaeOther 
Triticum aestivum (wheat)PoaceaeUnknown
Veitchia merrillii (Christmas palm)ArecaceaeHabitat/association 
Vernonia cinereaAsteraceaeWild host
Vigna angularis (adzuki bean)FabaceaeOther 
Vigna mungo (black gram)FabaceaeOther 
Vigna radiata (mung bean)FabaceaeOther 
Vigna unguiculata (cowpea)FabaceaeUnknown
Singh et al. (2012)
Viola pilosaViolaceaeOther 
Vitex agnus-castus (chaste tree)LamiaceaeOther
Vitex trifolia (simple-leaf chaste-tree)LamiaceaeOther 
Vitis vinifera (grapevine)VitaceaeUnknown 
Washingtonia robusta (mexican washington-palm)ArecaceaeOther
Xanthosoma (cocoyam)AraceaeOther 
Zea mays (maize)PoaceaeOther
Zingiber officinale (ginger)ZingiberaceaeUnknown
Singh et al. (2012)

Growth Stages

Flowering stage
Fruiting stage
Seedling stage
Vegetative growing stage


Field symptoms are typically of stunted, poorly growing plants with yellowing leaves. Infected root systems show characteristic knots or galls, the severity of which varies with the degree of nematode infection and species and variety of plant parasitized (see Dropkin, 1989 ).

List of Symptoms/Signs

Symptom or signLife stagesSign or diagnosisDisease stage
Plants/Leaves/abnormal colours   
Plants/Roots/galls along length   
Plants/Roots/reduced root system   
Plants/Roots/swollen roots   
Plants/Whole plant/dwarfing   
Plants/Whole plant/early senescence   


General identification of root-knot nematode infestation can be conducted by competent nematologists with basic equipment. Identification of species within the genus Meloidogyne requires the services of specialized taxonomists. In addition to classical taxonomic techniques, biochemical methods have been developed ( Esbenshade and Triantaphyllou, 1985 ), and molecular techniques are standard by sequencing the ribosomal DNA 18S-ITS-5.8S, 28S D2/D3 and a mitochondrial DNA fragment flanking cytochrome oxidase gene subunit II ( Ye et al., 2019 ).
The situation regarding M. incognita is complicated by the existence of morphologically indistinguishable races differentiated by their ability to reproduce on resistant tobacco and cotton (Hartman and Sasser, 1985).

Similarities to Other Species/Conditions

The morphology of M. incognita is similar to other species of Meloidogyne and often confused with other species such as M. enterolobii, M. floridensis, M. hispanica, etc. Confusion within this group is common as the characters used tend to be variable; however molecular techniques have made species identification very reliable ( Ye et al., 2019 ).


M. incognita is found worldwide in tropical and subtropical regions, in particular in the warmer areas. For example, in California (USA), M. incognita is found more commonly in the hot valleys of the interior ( Ferris and Van Gundy, 1979 ) and in East Africa it is restricted to altitudes below 2000 m above sea level ( Whitehead, 1969 ). M. incognita is found on many soil types. Damage and yield losses caused are generally more severe on coarse-textured sandy soils ( Van Gundy, 1985 ). Meloidogyne spp. are generally intolerant of flooded soil conditions.

Habitat List

CategorySub categoryHabitatPresenceStatus
TerrestrialTerrestrial – ManagedCultivated / agricultural landPresent, no further detailsHarmful (pest or invasive)
TerrestrialTerrestrial – ManagedProtected agriculture (e.g. glasshouse production)Principal habitatHarmful (pest or invasive)
TerrestrialTerrestrial – ManagedManaged forests, plantations and orchardsPresent, no further detailsHarmful (pest or invasive)
TerrestrialTerrestrial – ManagedManaged grasslands (grazing systems)Present, no further detailsHarmful (pest or invasive)
TerrestrialTerrestrial – ManagedDisturbed areasPresent, no further detailsHarmful (pest or invasive)
TerrestrialTerrestrial – ManagedUrban / peri-urban areasPresent, no further detailsHarmful (pest or invasive)
TerrestrialTerrestrial ‑ Natural / Semi-naturalNatural forestsPresent, no further detailsHarmful (pest or invasive)
TerrestrialTerrestrial ‑ Natural / Semi-naturalNatural grasslandsPresent, no further detailsHarmful (pest or invasive)

Biology and Ecology

The life cycles of Meloidogyne spp. are well studied and in their essentials differ little between the major species ( De Guiran and Ritter, 1979 ). At 21°C M. incognita took 37 days to complete its life cycle on Antirrhinum majus, a similar time to that reported on soyabeans (temperatures not published) ( Ibrahim and El-Saedy, 1987 ). Juveniles penetrate root tips, occasionally invading roots in the zone of root elongation. Invaded nematodes initiate the development of giant cells in the meristematic, cortical and xylem tissues of the root and galling of roots occurs. Third- and fourth-stage juveniles and young females occur after about 6-8 and 15 days, respectively. Adult females were observed after 20 days and egg laying commenced after 25 days ( Ibrahim and El-Saedy, 1987 ).


Climate typeDescriptionPreferred or toleratedRemarks
A - Tropical/Megathermal climateAverage temp. of coolest month > 18°C, > 1500mm precipitation annuallyPreferred 
Af - Tropical rainforest climate> 60mm precipitation per monthPreferred 
Am - Tropical monsoon climateTropical monsoon climate ( < 60mm precipitation driest month but > (100 - [total annual precipitation(mm}/25]))Preferred 
As - Tropical savanna climate with dry summer< 60mm precipitation driest month (in summer) and < (100 - [total annual precipitation{mm}/25])Preferred 
Aw - Tropical wet and dry savanna climate< 60mm precipitation driest month (in winter) and < (100 - [total annual precipitation{mm}/25])Preferred 
B - Dry (arid and semi-arid)< 860mm precipitation annuallyPreferred 
BS - Steppe climate> 430mm and < 860mm annual precipitationPreferred 
BW - Desert climate< 430mm annual precipitationTolerated 
C - Temperate/Mesothermal climateAverage temp. of coldest month > 0°C and < 18°C, mean warmest month > 10°CPreferred 
Cs - Warm temperate climate with dry summerWarm average temp. > 10°C, Cold average temp. > 0°C, dry summersPreferred 
Cw - Warm temperate climate with dry winterWarm temperate climate with dry winter (Warm average temp. > 10°C, Cold average temp. > 0°C, dry winters)Preferred 
Cf - Warm temperate climate, wet all yearWarm average temp. > 10°C, Cold average temp. > 0°C, wet all yearPreferred 

Air Temperature

ParameterLower limit (°C)Upper limit (°C)
Mean minimum temperature of coldest month-1 

Natural enemy of

This content is currently unavailable.

Notes on Natural Enemies

A considerable amount of work has been devoted to the biological control of root-knot nematodes in general and M. incognita in particular ( Kerry, 1987 ). Most research has concentrated on the endoparasitic microorganism Pasteuria penetrans and the egg-parasitic fungus Purpureocillium lilacinum (syn. Paecilomyces lilanicus ). Experimental work has been encouraging, for example, P. penetrans in the control of M. incognita on tomatoes ( Sayre, 1980 ) and P. lilanicinum in the control of M. incognita on potatoes ( Jatala, 1985 ). The development of P. lilanicinum has reached the stage of multi-local field trials ( Jatala, 1985 ). However, there are considerable problems in the preparation and incorporation of inocula of putative biocontrol agents and the practical application of such technology remains to be developed ( Kerry, 1987 ).

Natural enemies

Natural enemyTypeLife stagesSpecificityReferencesBiological control inBiological control on
Alternaria humicolaPathogen     
Arachnula impatiensPathogen     
Arthrobotrys amerosporaPredator     
Arthrobotrys cladodesPredator     
Arthrobotrys conoidesPredator     
Arthrobotrys dactyloides (antagonist: Nematodes)Predator     
Arthrobotrys fusiformisPredator     
Arthrobotrys irregularis (antagonist: Root knot nematode)Predator     
Arthrobotrys lacdodesPredator     
Arthrobotrys musiformisPredator     
Arthrobotrys oligosporaPredator    cucumbers
Arthrobotrys vermicolaPredator     
Aspergillus niger (black mould of onion)Antagonist     
Athelia rolfsii (sclerotium rot)Pathogen
Aureobasidium pullulans (blue stain of wood)Antagonist     
Azotobacter chroococcum (nitrogen-fixing bacterium)Pathogen   India 
Bacillus cereusPathogen     
Bacillus subtilisPathogen     
Beauveria bassiana (white muscardine fungus)Pathogen     
Catenaria anguillulaePathogen    tomatoes
Cochliobolus lunatus (head mould of grasses, rice and sorghum)Pathogen     
Cylindrocarpon olidum (nematophagous fungus)Pathogen     
Dactylaria brochophagaPredator     
Dactylella lysipagaPredator     
Fusarium oxysporum (basal rot)Pathogen     
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceris (Fusarium wilt of chickpea)Pathogen     
Haematonectria haematococca (dry rot of potato)Pathogen     
Harposporium anguillulaeParasite     
Harposporium oxysporiumParasite     
Hirsutella rhossiliensis (parasite of nematodes)Pathogen     
Hypocrea rufa (green mould of narcissus)Mycoparasite     
Micrococcus luteusPathogen     
Monacrosporium cionopagumPredator     
Monacrosporium ellipsosporumPredator     
Monacrosporium endermataPredator     
Monacrosporium fusiformisPredator     
Monacrosporium lysifagaPredator     
Monacrosporium megalalosporumPredator     
Mononchoides fortidensPredator     
Mononchoides longicaudatusPredator     
Mononchus aquaticusParasite     
Myrothecium verrucaria (myrothecium blotch)Pathogen     
Paecilomyces lilacinus (biocontrol: nematodes)Parasite
  India; Puerto Rico 
Pasteuria penetrans (parasite of nematodes)Pathogen   Ecuador 
Serratia marcescensPathogen     
Streptomyces saraceticusPathogen     
Thanatephorus cucumeris (many names, depending on host)Pathogen     
Vampyrella voraxPathogen     
Verticillium chlamydosporium (nematode egg parasite)Parasite

Impact Summary

Environment (generally) 



The root knot nematode species, M. incognita, is the most widespread and probably the most serious plant parasitic nematode pest of tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world ( Sasser, 1979 ). It occurs as a pest on a very wide range of crops. Most estimates of yield loss come from the use of nematicides and it should be noted that these can possibly cause other beneficial growth effects.


The most accurate and detailed estimates of cotton yield losses due to nematodes have been undertaken in states of the USA where nematicides are regularly used. In Arkansas, where M. incognita is by far the most important nematode of cotton, yield losses after the application of nematicides are estimated at 1.5% annually; in South Carolina, M. incognita with other nematodes account for an estimated 5% loss annually ( Kirkpatrick, 1988, 1989). In Texas over a 16-year period of field experiments, the average cotton yield increase was 26% when fields infested with M. incognita were fumigated with nematicides. In six Texan counties, where over 47% of field soils were infested with M. incognita, it was calculated that the total annual yield loss was 10.2% or 85,600 cotton bales ( Orr and Robinson, 1984 ). Disease complexes involving M. incognita and vascular Fusarium wilt on cotton are well recognized. Where the two organisms occur together, increasing the nematode population has a greater effect on wilt incidence and cotton yield loss than an increase in the Fusarium population ( Starr et al., 1989 ; Hillocks and Bridge, 1992 ; Hillocks, 1997 ).


Root knot nematodes, mainly M. incognita and M. javanica, are always pests of economic importance in tobacco culture, wherever the climate favours them ( Barker et al., 1981 ; Shepherd and Barker, 1990 ). In North America, losses to tobacco from root knot nematodes, mainly M. incognita, have been estimated to range from 1 to 14% annually in areas where control measures are the norm ( Shepherd and Barker, 1990 ). Root knot nematodes, probably M. incognita, have been estimated to cause 50 to 60% yield losses in parts of Turkey and losses of 25% from field infestation and 50% if the infestation started in the seedbed in India ( Shepherd and Barker, 1990 ). The percentage loss in tobacco yield is estimated to be 8 to 9% for each ten-fold increase in the initial population of M. incognita ( Barker et al., 1981 ). In Cuba, in the region where the highest quality tobacco for cigars is produced, the losses due to M. incognita are estimated at 27.5% of the crop potential of flue-cured tobacco ( Garcia and Perez, 1987 ; Fernandez and Ortega, 1998).

Food Legumes

M. incognita is a major economic pest of food legumes in the tropics and subtropics (Sikora and Greco, 1990). Moderate soil populations of 1000 nematodes per plant in pathogenicity pot experiments can reduce pod yields of chickpea ( Cicer arietinum ) by 27% and very high soil populations of 10,000 per plant reduce pod yields by 87%. In M. incognita -infested field plots treated with nematicides, yield of chickpea can increase by 15 to 33% (Reddy, 1976). Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is very badly damaged by Meloidogyne species in the tropics. Significant bean yield increases of 45 to 60% have been achieved in Kenya by reducing mixed soil populations of M. incognita and M. javanica with the application of nematicides ( Ngundo and Taylor, 1974 ). Similarly in Peru and Colombia, in fields infested with mixed populations of Meloidogyne species, mainly M. incognita, common bean seed yield can be reduced by 26 to 63% depending on the bean cultivar grown and other factors ( Mullin et al., 1991 ). M. incognita is a serious pest of Phaseolus vulgaris in the USA where there is a reduction of 66% in crop value in fields where the nematodes are not controlled. The reduced crop value is a result of a combination of reduced plant stands and a 27% lower average pod production by surviving plants ( Smittle and Johnson, 1982 ). Cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata ) is another very susceptible host crop of M. incognita . In Nigerian soils where M. incognita is the predominant nematode parasite, application of nematicides can increase cowpea yields by 95 to 222% ( Babatola and Omotade, 1991 ). Soyabean ( Glycine max ) is another legume severely damaged by root knot nematodes and in Brazil yield can be reduced by over 55% in the presence of M. incognita ( Antonio, 1988 ). In India, nematicide application to farmers' fields infested with a mixture of M. incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis increased yield of soyabean by 19% ( Prasad, 1999 ).


M. incognita is a major pest of vegetables throughout the tropics and subtropics. Many crops grown as vegetables are susceptible to the nematode particularly tomato, aubergine, okra, cucumber, melon, carrot, gourds, lettuce and peppers. Estimates of vegetable crop losses due Meloidogyne species, mainly M. incognita and M. javanica, have ranged from 17 to 20% for aubergine ( Solanum melongena ), 18 to 33% for melon and 24 to 38% for tomato ( Sasser, 1979 ). In India, yield losses of okra ( Abelmoschus esculentus ), tomato and aubergine field crops are estimated at 91%, 42 to 54% and 18%, respectively ( Bhatti and Jain, 1977 ; Subramaniyan et al., 1990 ). Other trials in India using nematicides showed that in fields naturally infested with mixed populations of M. incognita and M. javanica the avoidable yield losses in peas, okra, tomato and bottle gourd ( Lagenaria siceraria ) crops is 46% to 56% ( Sharma and Baheti, 1992 ).


The primary damage to yams ( Dioscorea species) by M. incognita is in the reduction in quality and marketability of the tubers due to the extensive surface galling caused by the root knot nematodes ( Jatala and Bridge, 1990 ). It is estimated that there is a reduction of 39 to 52% in the price of galled tubers compared with healthy ones ( Nwauzor and Fawole, 1982 ). However, there are instances were the nematode is known to actually reduce yields, for example in Nigeria significant yield reduction can occur in D. alata due to M. incognita ( Adesiyan and Odihirin, 1978 ). In Martinique, M. incognita is reported to have completely destroyed a crop of the yam D. trifida ( Kermarrec, 1974 ). In India, pot experiments have demonstrated that even low nematode populations of 100 M. incognita juveniles per plant can cause a highly significant reduction in yam ( D. rotundata ) tuber weights of 27% and larger nematode populations over 55% yield loss ( Mohandas and Ramakrishnan, 1997 ).


Losses of potatoes due to Meloidogyne species, mainly M. incognita and M. chitwoodi, are estimated at 25% or more ( Mai et al., 1981 ).


M. incognita is an important pest of black pepper ( Piper nigrum ) in many countries particularly in Brazil and India where infestation levels of over 90% have been reported ( Koshy and Bridge, 1990 ). As few as 10 juveniles per plant can reduce black pepper growth by 16% under potted conditions ( Koshy et al., 1979 ). Cardamom ( Elettaria cardamomum ) suffers yield losses of 32 to 47% in the presence of M. incognita in India ( Ali, 1986 ). In Australia, M. incognita and M. javanica are pests of ginger and severe infestation of rhizomes can reduce yields by 57% ( Pegg et al., 1974 ). In pot experiments, a reduction of 74% in ginger rhizome weight has been recorded with initial M. incognita soil populations of 10,000 nematodes ( Sukumaran and Sundararaju, 1986 ).


M. incognita is found in many coffee-growing areas in the world but it is in Brazil where its effects have been the most catastrophic. In Brazil, the nematode has caused the complete destruction of coffee plantations and resulted in major agricultural changes as farmers were forced to adopt alternative crops ( Campos et al., 1990 ).

Risk and Impact Factors


Has a broad native range
Abundant in its native range
Highly adaptable to different environments
Is a habitat generalist
Tolerates, or benefits from, cultivation, browsing pressure, mutilation, fire etc
Tolerant of shade
Capable of securing and ingesting a wide range of food
Benefits from human association (i.e. it is a human commensal)
Fast growing
Has high reproductive potential
Has propagules that can remain viable for more than one year
Reproduces asexually
Has high genetic variability

Impact outcomes

Ecosystem change/ habitat alteration
Host damage
Increases vulnerability to invasions
Modification of nutrient regime
Monoculture formation
Negatively impacts agriculture
Negatively impacts cultural/traditional practices
Negatively impacts forestry
Negatively impacts livelihoods
Negatively impacts animal/plant collections
Damages animal/plant products
Negatively impacts trade/international relations

Impact mechanisms

Antagonistic (micro-organisms)
Competition - monopolizing resources
Induces hypersensitivity
Interaction with other invasive species
Parasitism (incl. parasitoid)

Likelihood of entry/control

Highly likely to be transported internationally accidentally
Difficult to identify/detect as a commodity contaminant
Difficult to identify/detect in the field
Difficult/costly to control

Uses List

General > Research model

Detection and Inspection

Above-ground symptoms are non-specific (see Symptoms): examination of roots can reveal the presence of swollen roots and galls. However, some hosts such as maize do not form galls. Closer examination, for example with a hand lens, can show the presence of egg masses on the root surface.

Prevention and Control

Due to the variable regulations around (de)registration of pesticides, your national list of registered pesticides or relevant authority should be consulted to determine which products are legally allowed for use in your country when considering chemical control. Pesticides should always be used in a lawful manner, consistent with the product's label.
Methods for the control of M. incognita vary with the production system used and the value of the crop. Chemical control may be used on high-value crops, and a wide range of chemicals are available (Johnson, 1985a; Hague and Gowen, 1987 ). More recently, seed treatments have become widely utilized to minimize the amount on active ingredient applied or for the application of biological control agents. Often these tactics are reserved for the most important row crops like soyabean, maize and cotton ( Monfort et al., 2006 ). Strategies of cultural control are less well developed and crop rotations are difficult to design because of the wide host range of M. incognita . Groundnuts or maize, which are both poor or non-hosts to M. incognita, have been evaluated for use in cropping systems designed to manage this nematode ( Raymundo, 1985 ). Systems of integrating cropping sequences and chemical control have been evaluated in the USA (Johnson, 1985b). Resistance to M. incognita exists in a number of commercial crop varieties, principally vegetables ( Lehman and Cochran, 1991 ). These have generally been developed in the USA, but have been evaluated in other parts of the world (for example, see Krishnappa, 1985 ).

Links to Websites

Global register of Introduced and Invasive species (GRIIS) source for updated system data added to species habitat list.
Plant and Insect Parasitic Nematode, Nebraska 


Organization of Tropical American Nematologists (OTAN) Tropical America
International Federation of Nematological Societies (IFNS) World
European Society of Nematologists (ESN)INRA
Society of Nematologists (SON)Box 190, Mesilla Park
New Mexico 88047


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Ahmed, N., Omara, A. E., 2018 . Efficiency of Trichoderma harzianum as a biocontrol agent in combination with humate and chitosan against Meloidogyne incognita on tomato.Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 51 ( 11/12 ) 673 - 683
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Wen Yi, Chen KunYuan, Cui JiangKuan, Wang TieLin, Zhang HongRui, Zheng FengRu, Li WenYang, Chen Feng, 2023 . First report of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita on Salvia miltiorrhiza in Henan Province, China.Plant Disease, 107 ( 3 ) 969 - 969
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