Leuciscus leuciscus (common dace)
Datasheet Types: Invasive species, Host animal
This datasheet on Leuciscus leuciscus covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Further Information.
- Preferred Scientific Name
- Leuciscus leuciscus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Preferred Common Name
- common dace
- Other Scientific Names
- Cyprinus dobula Linnaeus, 1758
- Cyprinus graining Walbaum, 1792
- Cyprinus grislagine Linnaeus, 1758
- Cyprinus lancastriensis Shaw, 1804
- Cyprinus leuciscus Linnaeus, 1758
- Cyprinus mugilis Vallot, 1837
- Cyprinus salax Gronow, 1854
- Cyprinus simus Römer-Büchner, 1827
- Cyprinus squalus Walbaum, 1792
- Cyprinus umbra Walbaum, 1792
- Idus stagnalis Dubalen, 1913
- Leuciscus argenteus Fitzinger, 1832
- Leuciscus dobula Linnaeus, 1758
- Leuciscus leuciscus baicalensis kirgisorum Berg, 1912
- Leuciscus leuciscus roulei Bertin & Estève, 1948
- Leuciscus majalis Agassiz, 1835
- Leuciscus rodens Agassiz, 1835
- Leuciscus rostratus Agassiz, 1835
- Leuciscus rostratus Valenciennes, 1844
- Leuciscus saltator Bonaparte, 1845
- Leuciscus vulgaris Fleming, 1828
- Squalidus baicalensis non Dybowski, 1874
- Squalius chalybeius Heckel, 1852
- Squalius lepusculus Heckel, 1852
- Squalius leuciscus elata Fatio, 1882
- Squalius leuciscus elongata Fatio, 1882
- Squalius leuciscus lateristriga Fatio, 1882
- Squalius mehdem Warpachowski, 1897
- Squalius vulgaris argenteus Walecki, 1863
- Squalius vulgaris leptorhinus Walecki, 1863
- Squalius vulgaris minor Walecki, 1863
- Squalius vulgaris robustior Walecki, 1863
- International Common Names
- Englishdacedarsengraininghasel
- Spanishleucisco
- Frenchaccourcieasséeaubourchevaine vaudoiscouciedardgandoisepoinonetrouzausièjesièjovandoise
- Russianelets obyknovennyieletz
- Arabickeltschimyk
- Local Common Names
- AustriaHasel
- Azerbaijaneletz
- Belaruseletzkljanjekyal’chikyaletz
- Bulgariaklen
- Croatiarießling
- Czech Republicbelaušbelicejalec obycajnyjelecproudníkvodní zajícek
- Denmarkalmindelig Strømskallestrømskalle
- Estoniateib
- Finlandkorpiainenseipi
- GermanyAngelfishDaseDöbelFaseHaselHaseleHasilaHäslingLaschenLukeMerzlingNefelNestlingRießlingSchnädelSchnörgelSchnottfischSpitzhasselSpringerStämmStichhasselUrbanWeißbleierZinnfisch
- Hungarynyuldomolykó
- Irelanddeas
- Latviabaltais sapalseletz
- Lithuaniabaltalis sapalsstrepetys
- Netherlandsgruishesselingserpelingspringer
- Norfolk Islandgullbusthaslong
- Norwaygullbusthaslong
- Polandjelecnestlingsalez
- Romaniacleanclean mic
- Serbiaklenic
- Slovakiajalec obycajný
- Sloveniaklenic
- SwedenStäm
- Ukrainealycheletzjal’chykjalec’jalychkljuvakverbljanyk

Common dace (Leuciscus leuciscus); adult, length ca.16 cm. Caught in the Lipetsk oblast, Russia.
Alexander Suvorov, the copyright holder of this work, release this work into the public domain. This applies worldwide, where possible.
Summary of Invasiveness
The common dace can be considered an invasive species outside its native range because it has the ecological characteristics of recognized successful invaders. It is a feeding generalist (i.e. debris, small invertebrates, etc.) but usually has a high plant content in its diet. In addition it has high fecundity, fast growth rate and is considered tolerant of anthropogenic pressures. It is a long-lived, highly mobile fish due to its pelagic condition. Humans may also facilitate its spread due to its value as a bait species in recreational fishing. It is common in river backwaters and considered a nuisance because it invades salmonid fisheries. It is a common species in aquaculture (FAO, 1997).
Taxonomic Tree
Notes on Taxonomy and Nomenclature
Populations from Siberia and East Asia usually referred to Leuciscus leuciscus are distinct species, Leuciscus baicalensis and Leuciscus dzungaricus (Kottelat and Freyhof, 2007).
The common dace (L. leuciscus) is a freshwater fish (Cyprinidae family) that reaches 15 cm TL male/unsexed (Muus and Dahlström, 1968), with a maximum reported length of 40 cm TL male/unsexed (Billard, 1993). It has 2-3 dorsal spines in total, 7-9 dorsal soft rays, 3 anal spines, 7-9 anal soft rays and 42-46 vertebrae. The maximum weight reported is 1000 g (Billard, 1993), and maximum reported age is 16 years (Zhukov, 1965; Wüstemann and Kammerad, 1995). The common dace has a fast growth rate and it can reach up to 85 mm SL in the first year.
Pathogens Carried
Europe and Asia: North, Baltic, White and Barents Sea basins; Caspian basin, in Volga and Ural drainages; Black Sea basin, from Danube to Dnieper drainages; Atlantic basin, in Seine drainage; Mediterranean basin from Rhône to Arc drainages (France). It has a localized distribution in Romania, Scandinavia and in central Finland (Kottelat and Freyhof, 2007).
Distribution Map
Distribution Table
History of Introduction and Spread
In Ireland, common dace gained access to the country through the accidental release of bait fish by British pike anglers and its spread to other watercourses has probably been expedited by coarse anglers wanting to improve the fishing amenity (Caffrey et al., 2007).
Introduced to | Introduced from | Year | Reasons | Introduced by | Established in wild through | References | Notes | |
Natural reproduction | Continuous restocking | |||||||
Ireland | England and Wales | 1889 | Yes | Yes | Gained access to the country through the accidental release of bait fish |
Risk of Introduction
The common dace is without interest to the aquarium trade, but is considered a valuable species in aquaculture (FAO, 1997) and also has interest as a bait fish and angling species. Therefore, recreational fishing, escapes from aquaculture facilities and interconnection of waterways represent the main pathways of introduction into other locations.
Means of Movement and Dispersal
L. leuciscus is a potamodromous species (Riede, 2004). The range of migration is 10°W to 155°E and 72°N to 41°N.
Its small size added to its use as bait fish contribute to its dispersal.
Pathway Causes
Pathway cause | Notes | Long distance | Local | References |
Acclimatization societies (pathway cause) | Yes | |||
Aquaculture (pathway cause) | Yes | Yes | ||
Fisheries (pathway cause) | Yes | |||
Intentional release (pathway cause) | Yes | |||
Interbasin transfers (pathway cause) | Yes | |||
Interconnected waterways (pathway cause) | Yes |
Pathway Vectors
Pathway vector | Notes | Long distance | Local | References |
Bait (pathway vector) | Yes | |||
Land vehicles (pathway vector) | Yes |
The similar morphological traits between species of the Leuciscus genus require the aid of specialists to distinguish between them. The combination of morphological and genetic traits may also be necessary to ensure proper identification (particularly in juvenile specimens) and this procedure may also allow detection of hybrids.
Similarities to Other Species/Conditions
Common dace can be distinguished from congeners in Europe by the following morphological traits: subinferior or subterminal mouth; subequal jaw, upper jaw slightly longer; upper lip tip about level with centre of eye; not projecting snout; articulation of lower jaw distinctly behind anterior margin of eye; horizontal branch of preoperculum shorter than vertical branch; and 40-50 + 1-2 scales on lateral line (Billard, 1993). Rarely longer than 30 cm TL; normally 47-52 scales in lateral line; anal fin concave; caudal fin forked with 19 rays (Wüstemann and Kammerad, 1995).
The common dace is a gregarious rheophilous and epipelagic fish species (Billard, 1993). Adults aggregate in dense swarms in winter in the lower reaches of rivers or backwaters and often migrate to spawning streams in autumn and overwinter there. Juveniles spend winter in cavities along the shores. The species inhabits shallow shoreline habitats as juveniles and faster-flowing waters as adults (Kottelat and Freyhof, 2007).
Habitat List
Category | Sub category | Habitat | Presence | Status |
Freshwater | Irrigation channels | Secondary/tolerated habitat | Natural | |
Freshwater | Lakes | Secondary/tolerated habitat | Natural | |
Freshwater | Reservoirs | Secondary/tolerated habitat | Natural | |
Freshwater | Rivers / streams | Principal habitat | Natural | |
Freshwater | Ponds | Secondary/tolerated habitat | Productive/non-natural | |
Brackish | Estuaries | Secondary/tolerated habitat | Natural | |
Brackish | Lagoons | Secondary/tolerated habitat | Natural |
Biology and Ecology
Some genetic records were listed with the same values in South Pyrenees, former Yugoslavia and other unspecified localities. Haploid/gametic chromosome number (n) is 25, whereas diploid/zygotic chromosome number (2n) is 50-50 (Sofradzija, 1977; Hafez et al., 1978; Vasil’ev, 1980; Arkhipchuk, 1999). DNA analysis of this species is included in Perea et al. (2010).
Reproductive Biology
Sokolov and Berdicheskii (1989) reported that common dace regularly undertake migration of some tens of kilometres to spawning sites, which are often situated in tributaries.
The species spawns for the first time at 2–3 years and standard length 11–14 cm (Cepkyn, 2002). Common dace usually spawns only once or twice during its life, in March-April when temperatures reach 5–10ºC (Zhukov, 1965). Males form large aggregations, each male defending a small territory. Females spawn only once a year and, in some populations, during a very short period (3-5 days). Females lay sticky eggs into excavations made in gravel. Fecundity is estimated at between 1550 and 22600 eggs (Zhukov, 1965; Movchan and Smirnov, 1981). Larvae feed along shores.
Physiology and Phenology
The water temperature tolerance range is 4-28ºC. The tolerance range for other water parameters has not yet been published.
L. leuciscus lives up to 10 years (Kottelat and Freyhof, 2007). Maximum reported age is 16 years (Wüstemann and Kammerad, 1995).
L. leuciscus feeds on plants, small invertebrates and detritus (Kottelat and Freyhof, 2007). Diet composition may vary seasonally (Weatherly, 1987). The gut content of specimens captured in September in the River Dee, UK, is shown below:
Natural food sources | Life stage | Contribution to total food intake % |
Plants, benthic algae, weeds | 49 | |
Detritus, debris | 29.1 | |
Zoobenthos, aerial insects | Larval | 18.5 |
Other plants, phytoplankton, diatoms | 3.2 | |
Zoobenthos, insects (Chironomidae) | Larval | 1.2 |
Environmental Requirements
Fast-flowing waters.
Latitude/Altitude Ranges
Latitude North (°N) | Latitude South (°S) | Altitude lower (m) | Altitude upper (m) |
72-41 |
Water Tolerances
Parameter | Minimum value | Maximum value | Typical value | Status | Life stage | Notes |
Velocity (cm/h) | Optimum | Prefers fast flowing waters | ||||
Water pH (pH) | 6.0 | 8.0 | Optimum | |||
Water temperature (ºC temperature) | 4 | 28 | Optimum | Leuven et al., 2011 |
List of Diseases and Disorders
Notes on Natural Enemies
All piscivorous animals, native or introduced, are potential natural enemies of the common dace.
Predation by Squalius cephalus (Cyprinidae), Lota lota (Lotidae), Perca fluviatilis (Percidae), Oncorhynchus mykiss and Salmo trutta (Salmonidae) has been reported in Germany (Wüstemann and Kammerad, 1995) and by Esox lucius (Esocidae) in the River Frome, UK (Maitland and Campbell, 1992).
Although fish are not the main prey item for many raptors, juveniles and adults of common dace have been found in the gut content of Buteo buteo, Circus aeruginosus,Milvus sp. and Strix aluco in Germany (Wüstemann and Kammerad, 1995). Otherwise, common dace can be a common prey item for specialized piscivorous raptors such as Haliaeetus albicilla and Pandion haliaetus and for other waterbirds (Podiceps sp., Phalacrocorax carbo,Ardea cinerea,Larus sp. and Alcedo atthis (Wüstemann and Kammerad, 1995).
Only one mammalian predator of common dace is reported: Lutra lutra (European otter; Procyonidae). It feeds on both juvenile and adult forms (Wüstemann and Kammerad, 1995).
Natural enemies
Natural enemy | Type | Life stages | Specificity | References | Biological control in | Biological control on |
Alcedo atthis | Predator | Juveniles | ||||
Ardea cinerea | Predator | Adults | ||||
Buteo buteo | Predator | Adults Juveniles | ||||
Circus aeruginosus | Predator | Adults Juveniles | ||||
Esox lucius (pike) | Predator | Adults Juveniles | ||||
Haliaeetus albicilla | Predator | Adults | ||||
Larus | Predator | Adults Juveniles | ||||
Lota lota | Predator | Adults Juveniles | ||||
Lutra lutra | Predator | Adults Juveniles | ||||
Milvus | Predator | Adults Juveniles | ||||
Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout) | Predator | Adults Juveniles | ||||
Pandion haliaetus | Predator | Adults | ||||
Perca fluviatilis (perch) | Predator | Adults Juveniles | ||||
Phalacrocorax carbo | Predator | Adults Juveniles | ||||
Podiceps | Predator | Adults Juveniles | ||||
Salmo trutta fario (brown trout) | Predator | Adults Juveniles | ||||
Strix aluco | Predator | Adults Juveniles |
Impact Summary
Category | Impact |
Environment (generally) | Negative |
Impact: Environmental
L. leuciscus does not represent a risk for humans but it may cause changes in ecosystems (i.e. altering food web structures and nutrient cycling). In Ireland, it threatens native salmonids because dace, trout and salmon have similar habitat preferences. In the Munster Blackwater, efforts have been made to improve the spawning grounds for salmonids, but dace have moved into the area in large numbers successfully competing against the salmonids for spawning sites and also for food (Caffrey et al., 2007). Common dace may predate on juveniles of native species and there is a risk of hybridization with closely related fish species, in particular with other members of the Leuciscus genus.
Risk and Impact Factors
Proved invasive outside its native range
Has a broad native range
Abundant in its native range
Capable of securing and ingesting a wide range of food
Highly mobile locally
Benefits from human association (i.e. it is a human commensal)
Long lived
Fast growing
Has high reproductive potential
Impact outcomes
Altered trophic level
Ecosystem change/ habitat alteration
Modification of natural benthic communities
Impact mechanisms
Rapid growth
Likelihood of entry/control
Highly likely to be transported internationally deliberately
Highly likely to be transported internationally illegally
Difficult/costly to control
The dace is considered a valuable species in aquaculture and as a bait fish species in recreational fishing. In Ireland it is also a target angling species with individual angling catches regularly in excess of 15 kg (Caffrey et al., 2007). It is not of interest to the aquarium trade.
Uses List
General > Sport (hunting, shooting, fishing, racing)
Animal feed, fodder, forage > Bait/attractant
Detection and Inspection
The existence of stowaway species mixed with valuable species in ornamental or any other live fish stocks is not uncommon. The live fish trade therefore requires careful inspection by specialists in order to detect undesirable organisms which are often not labelled. In addition, the regular monitoring of current waters allows managers to detect new fish introductions and to know the spread patterns of exotic species once introduced. This information helps resource managers to identify areas at high risk of invasion and to plan local eradication programmes when possible. Electrofishing is a widely recognized method to catch fish without damaging the ecosystem in current waters. Nets are a complementary sampling tool for surveys performed in lakes or reservoirs.
Prevention and Control
Due to the variable regulations around (de)registration of pesticides, your national list of registered pesticides or relevant authority should be consulted to determine which products are legally allowed for use in your country when considering chemical control. Pesticides should always be used in a lawful manner, consistent with the product's label.
Education programmes are needed to raise public awareness about the threats of introduced species to ecosystems. Regular monitoring of waters by trained specialists help to detect new invaders and newly invaded areas.
Complete eradication is almost impossible, particularly in large areas. Local extirpation of introduced fish species may be performed in areas of high conservation value and, in particular, in small streams where the probability of success increases.
Physical barriers and rotenone are commonly used to control small fish. Regular removal of specimens in small streams may mitigate the effect of exotic species.
Monitoring and Surveillance
Regular electrofishing surveys.
Links to Websites
Name | URL | Comment |
Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD) | http://www.barcodinglife.org | |
GISD/IASPMR: Invasive Alien Species Pathway Management Resource and DAISIE European Invasive Alien Species Gateway | https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.m93f6 | Data source for updated system data added to species habitat list. |
World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) | http://www.marinespecies.org/about.php |
Name | Address | Country | URL |
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) | Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome | Italy | http://www.fao.org/ |
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