- Hemp Diseases and Pests
- Tropical Fruits, Volume 1
- High Throughput Plant Metabolomics
- Technological Innovation and AI for Sustainable Development in Events and Festivals
- Nematode Disease Complexes in Agricultural Crops
- Human-Animal Relations in Tourism, Leisure and Development
- Biosecurity for Livestock Diseases in Europe
- Building Human Capital in Tourism and Hospitality
- Stress-Resilient Crops
- Blue-Green Rehabilitation
- Soil Health and Nutrition Management
- Dendrobium nobile: Research and Therapeutic Applications
- Epigenetics for Climate-Smart and Sustainable Agriculture
- Carps
- Illustrated Garden Glossary
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Social Research
- Agroecology in Practice
- Glossary of Agricultural Biotechnology
- Chalcidoidea of the World
- Genome Editing for Crop Improvement
- Livestock Immunity to Ticks
- The Rangelands of Libya
- Invasive Species Reviews
- Tilapia
- Polar Tourism and Communities
- The Handbook of Mites of Stored Products
- Principles of One Health for a better planet
- Tourism Case Studies Asia-Pacific Region
- One Health Case Studies
- Practical Control of Mosquitoes Disease Vectors
- A Handbook for the Sheep Clinician
- Niche Tourism and Sustainability
- Agricultural Innovation for Societal Change
- Tortoise Husbandry and Welfare
- Soils for Landscape Development
- Rural SME Business Management
- Tourism Case Studies Latin America Region
- Soil Specifications Templates
- Conversations About Visiting and Managing the National Parks
- Livestock Handling and Transport
- Climate Change Reviews
- Introduction to Animal and Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology
- The Handbook of Ornamental Fish Health and Welfare
- The Handbook of Zoonotic Diseases of Goats
- Sensory Tourism
- History and Future of Plants, Planet and People
- The Impact of Therapy and Pet Animals on Human Stress
- Composition and Nature of the Culicidae (Mosquitoes)
- Spanish-English Horticultural Dictionary, Revised Edition
- Biodiversity and Conservation Along an East African Railway
- A Colour Atlas of Companion Animal Parasites
- Zebrafish
- Potential Pulses
- Understanding, Assessing and Improving Farm Animal Welfare
- Customer Experience Management in the Caribbean
- Entomopathogenic Nematodes as Biological Control Agents
- Antarctic Whaling
- Equine Respiratory Endoscopy
- Tourism and COVID-19
- Arthropod Management and Landscape Considerations in Large-scale Agroecosystems
- Biological Control Programmes in Canada, 2013-2023
- The Untold Stories of African Agriculture
- Climate Change and Global Health
- Antiparasitic Drug Resistance in Veterinary Practice
- Plant Nematology
- Genetics of Salt Tolerance in Plants
- Sustainable Ecological Restoration and Conservation in the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region
- Conservation of Dragonflies
- Communication and Tourism
- Guide to the Alien and Invasive Animals of the Caribbean
- Living With the Trees of Life
- Human-Animal Interactions in Zoos
- Sustainable Events Management
- Guide to the Naturalized and Invasive Plants of Malawi
- Guide to the Naturalized, Invasive and Potentially Invasive Plants of Socotra, Yemen
- Quantifying Diets of Wildlife and Fish
- Nature-based Tourism and Wellbeing
- Applied Animal Endocrinology
- Breed Differences in Dog Behavior
- Gender-responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation, Level 2.
- Guide to the Naturalized and Invasive Plants of the Caribbean
- Aquatic Food Security
- Farm Animal Medicine and Surgery
- Emerging Voices for Animals in Tourism
- Biology and Integrated Management of Turfgrass Diseases
- Elephant Tourism in Nepal
- Agritourism for Sustainable Development
- Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement
- Vegetable Seeds
- The Olive
- Farmer Innovations and Best Practices by Shifting Cultivators in Asia-Pacific
- Biology and Management of the Formosan Subterranean Termite and Related Species
- Parasitoid Wasps of South East Asia
- Tourism, Heritage and Commodification of Non-human Animals
- Farm Business Management
- Animal-assisted Interventions
- The Encyclopedia of Animal Nutrition
- Students' Dictionary of Zoo and Aquarium Studies
- Ganoderma Diseases of Tropical Crops
- Algal Biotechnology
- Kiwifruit
- One Welfare Animal Health and Welfare, Food Security and Sustainability
- Wattles
- Parasitic Plants in African Agriculture
- Veterinary Treatment for Working Equines
- Parasites and Biological Invasions
- Sustainable Agricultural Marketing and Agribusiness Development
- Bovine Endoscopy
- Linear Models for the Prediction of the Genetic Merit of Animals
- Managing Risk in Agriculture
- Medicinal Plants used in Traditional Persian Medicine
- Sustainable Tourism in the Americas
- Evidence Based Equine Nutrition
- Nanoformulations for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Risk Mitigation
- Afghanistan-Pakistan Shared Waters: State of the Basins
- Differential Diagnosis of Body Fluids in Small Animal Cytology
- Crop Pollination by Bees, Volume 2
- Primary Health Care in Tanzania through a Health Systems Lens
- Urban Pest Management
- Apicomplexa in Livestock
- Therapeutic Strategies in Veterinary Oncology
- Veterinary Treatment of Llamas and Alpacas
- Fungal Plant Pathogens
- Parasitism and Parasitic Control in Animals
- Ending Plastic Waste
- Equine Thermography in Practice
- An Interprofessional Approach to Veterinary Nutrition
- One Health for Dog-mediated Rabies Elimination in Asia
- Courtship and Mate-finding in Insects
- Infection Control in Small Animal Clinical Practice
- Technology and Social Transformations in Hospitality, Tourism and Gastronomy
- Islandscapes and Tourism
- Exercise
- Speculation by Commodity Index Funds
- Managing the Smart Revolution in Tourism Firms
- Climate Change on Diseases and Disorders of Finfish in Cage Culture
- Managing Microorganisms
- Teaching Cases in Tourism, Hospitality and Events
- One Health for Veterinary Nurses and Technicians
- Psocids as Global Pests of Stored Products
- Managing Tourism Enterprises
- Small Animal Fluid Therapy
- Tourism, Recreation and Biological Invasions
- Descriptions of Medical Fungi
- The Cat
- Microbial Biocontrol Agents
- Exploring the Leisure - Health Nexus
- Interacting with Animals
- Transgenic Insects
- Handbook of Phytonutrients in Indigenous Fruits and Vegetables
- Sea Lice Biology and Control
- Science Communication Skills for Journalists
- Small Animal Neuroanatomic Lesion Localization Practice Book
- Biostimulants for Crop Production and Sustainable Agriculture
- Gender-responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation
- Food Industry 4.0
- Companion Animal Behaviour Problems
- Gac Fruit
- Tourism as a Resource-based Industry
- Salmon Farming
- Butterflies of Cyprus
- Fungicides in Practice
- Festival and Event Tourism
- Feline Reproduction
- Encyclopedia of Scale Insect Pests
- Emotional Well-being for Animal Welfare Professionals
- Mineral Nutrition of Livestock
- Advances in Fig Research and Sustainable Production
- The Fig
- Aquaculture
- Nematodes as Model Organisms
- Fraser’s The Behaviour and Welfare of the Horse
- Earth Observation, Public Health and One Health
- Rabbit Production
- Contemporary Tourist Behaviour
- Tourism Transformations in Protected Area Gateway Communities
- Sustainable Agricultural Intensification
- Tourism Planning and Development in Western Europe
- Peer-to-peer Accommodation and Community Resilience
- Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition
- Plants for Soil Regeneration
- Vietnam Tourism
- The History and Evolution of Tourism
- Manual of Animal Andrology
- Conservation Agriculture in Africa
- The Fruit Fly Fauna (Diptera : Tephritidae : Dacinae) of Papua New Guinea, Indonesian Papua, Associated Islands and Bougainville
- Pest management in cotton: a global perspective
- The Shrimp Book II
- Managing events, festivals and the visitor economy: concepts, collaborations and cases
- Women, leisure and tourism: self-actualization and empowerment through the production and consumption of experience
- A tale of a man, a worm and a snail: the schistosomiasis control initiative
- Land governance and gender: the tenure-gender nexus in land management and land policy
- Integrated nematode management: state-of-the-art and visions for the future
- Farm business management: the decisive farmer
- Phytochemistry of Australia's Tropical Rainforest
- Transforming tertiary agricultural education in Africa
- Broom and Fraser’s domestic animal behaviour and welfare
- Gene flow: monitoring, modeling and mitigation
- Strategic event leveraging: models, practices and prospects
- Bridging Research Disciplines to Advance Animal Welfare Science: A Practical Guide
- An introduction to pet dental care: for veterinary nurses and technicians
- Mutation breeding, genetic diversity and crop adaptation to climate change
- Understanding Soils in Urban Environments
- A manual for agribusiness value chain analysis in developing countries
- Presenting science concisely
- Leisure activities in the outdoors: learning, developing and challenging
- Creative tourism: activating cultural resources and engaging creative travellers
- Poultry Health: A Guide for Professionals
- Practical canine behaviour: for veterinary nurses and technicians
- Tourism, climate change and the geopolitics of arctic development: the critical case of Greenland
- Companion Animal Bereavement: A One Health Workbook for Veterinary Professionals
- Burbot
- Handbook of invasive plant-parasitic nematodes
- Applied crop physiology: understanding the fundamentals of grain crop management
- Spices, scents and silk: catalysts of world trade
- Diagnosing hemp and cannabis crop diseases
- Illustrated Plant Glossary
- Insects as animal feed: novel ingredients for use in pet, aquaculture and livestock diets
- Crop pollination by bees, Volume 1: Evolution, ecology, conservation, and management
- Ecology of freshwater nematodes
- Gender, climate change and livelihoods: vulnerabilities and adaptations
- Molecular breeding in wheat, maize and sorghum: strategies for improving abiotic stress tolerance and yield
- An introduction to economics: concepts for students of agriculture and the rural sector
- Health and natural landscapes: concepts and applications
- Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture
- Fundamentals of applied animal nutrition
- Biology and Management of the German Cockroach
- Managing visitor experiences in nature-based tourism
- RNAi for plant improvement and protection
- Social tourism: global challenges and approaches
- Hydroponics and protected cultivation: a practical guide
- Mycoplasmas in swine
- Humans, horses and events management
- Small-scale rearing of Anagasta kuehniella for Trichogramma production
- Trends in the systematics of bacteria and fungi
- Small animal veterinary psychiatry
- Health promotion: global principles and practice
- Tourism, tradition and culture: a reflection on their role in development
- Issues and cases of degrowth in tourism
- International trade in forest products: lumber trade disputes, models and examples
- Chalcidoidea of Iran (Insecta: Hymenoptera)
- Tropical tuber starches: structural and functional characteristics
- Water conflicts and cooperation: a media handbook
- Practical R for biologists: an introduction
- Genetic improvement of farmed animals
- The elephant tourism business
- Youth and the rural economy in Africa: hard work and hazard
- Ten steps to building a successful veterinary practice
- Nutrition and feeding of organic cattle
- Parasites of cattle and sheep: a practical guide to their biology and control
- Tourism in development: reflective essays
- New Directions in Garden Tourism
- Fasciolosis
- Applied plant science experimental design and statistical analysis using SAS® OnDemand for Academics
- One Health: the theory and practice of integrated health approaches
- Techniques for work with plant and soil nematodes
- The constituents of medicinal plants
- Tourist destinations: structure and synthesis
- The Genetics and Genomics of the Rabbit
- Improving animal welfare: a practical approach
- Genetically Modified Crops in Asia Pacific
- GM Crops and the Global Divide
- Cut Flowers of the World
- Aquaculture Businesses
- Top 100 questions and answers about fleas and pets
- Nutrition of the rabbit
- Courtship and mating in butterflies
- Manual on postharvest handling of Mediterranean tree fruits and nuts
- Sustainable destination branding and marketing: strategies for tourism development
- Handbook of phytosanitary risk management: theory and practice
- Optical manipulation of arthropod pests and beneficials
- Raptor medicine, surgery, and rehabilitation
- Goat production and supply chain management in the tropics
- Consumer behaviour in food and healthy lifestyles: a global perspective
- The physiology of vegetable crops
- A handbook of environmental toxicology: human disorders and ecotoxicology
- Climate change and infectious fish diseases
- Himalayan soap pod tree (Gymnocladus assamicus): an ecologically and economically important tree on the brink of extinction
- Antimicrobial stewardship for nursing practice
- Introduction to animal and veterinary anatomy and physiology
- Events as a strategic marketing tool
- The impact of the International Livestock Research Institute
- The economics of farm animal welfare: theory, evidence and policy
- Basic monitoring in canine and feline emergency patients
- Mental health and well-being in animals
- New land, new life: a success story of new land resettlement in Bangladesh
- Introduction to environmental toxicology
- Urban ecology: its nature and challenges
- Tourism in European microstates and dependencies: geopolitics, scale and resource limitations
- The professional handbook of cider tasting
- ECG interpretation in equine practice
- The fight against food shortages and surpluses: perspectives of a practitioner
- Paratuberculosis: organism, disease, control
- Tourism
- Biotechnology of fruit and nut crops
- Asking animals: an introduction to animal behaviour testing
- Plant pathology and plant diseases
- Tourism routes and trails: theory and practice
- Invasive birds: global trends and impacts
- Quantitative genetics, genomics and plant breeding
- Solving equine behaviour problems: an equitation science approach
- Equine endocrinology
- Asian citrus psyllid: biology, ecology and management of the Huanglongbing vector
- Ecological and economic entomology: a global synthesis
- Organic food systems: meeting the needs of Southern Africa
- Insect pest management
- The slaughter of farmed animals: practical ways of enhancing animal welfare
- Butterfly biology systems: connections and interactions in life history and behaviour
- Climate change and non-infectious fish disorders
- Field guide to the forest trees of Uganda: for identification and conservation
- Communicable diseases: a global perspective
- Equine reproductive physiology, breeding and stud management
- The quest to conserve rare breeds: setting the record straight
- Managing hospitality experiences
- Mason’s World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties
- Horse genetics
- Tourism and gender-based violence: challenging inequalities
- Modern day slavery and orphanage tourism
- Veterinary ethics in practice
- Transcriptomics in entomological research
- Insect Conservation: A Global Synthesis
- Eels Biology, Monitoring, Management, Culture and Exploitation
- Animal Nutrition
- The Science of Communicating Science
- Healthy Soils for Healthy Vines
- Food Plants of the World
- Community-Based Control of Invasive Species
- Largemouth Bass Aquaculture
- Finding Resilience
- Understanding Aquaculture
- Handbook of diseases of banana, abacá and enset
- Modelling nature: an introduction to mathematical modelling of natural systems
- The Common Agricultural Policy and Romanian agriculture
- 555 Questions in veterinary and tropical parasitology
- The economics of integrated pest management of insects
- Winter tourism: trends and challenges
- The discovery of a visual system: the honeybee
- The silviculture of trees used in British forestry
- Air pollution: sources, impacts and controls
- Food Gardens for a Changing World
- Pesticide risk assessment
- Sustainable diets: linking nutrition and food systems
- World Heritage Sites: tourism, local communities and conservation activities
- The ecology and silviculture of oaks
- GM agriculture and food security: fears and facts
- Halophytes and climate change: adaptive mechanisms and potential uses
- Literary tourism: theories, practice and case studies
- Agriculture for improved nutrition: seizing the momentum
- Biosecurity in animal production and veterinary medicine: from principles to practice
- Planetary Health: Human Health in an Era of Global Environmental Change
- Farm business management: the human factor
- Private sector tourism in conservation areas in Africa
- Livestock handling and transport
- Manual of equine dermatology
- Diversity competence: cultures don't meet, people do
- Introductory probability and statistics: applications for forestry and natural sciences
- Emotional intelligence in tourism and hospitality
- TEFL Tourism: Principles, Commodification & the Sustainability of Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- Differential diagnosis in small animal cytology: the skin and subcutis
- Overtourism: excesses, discontents and measures in travel and tourism
- Biology and management of Bactrocera and related fruit flies
- The economics of soybean disease control
- Farm Business Management - 3 volume set
- Cleaner Fish Biology and Aquaculture Applications
- Digital technologies for agricultural and rural development in the global south
- Nutrition and feeding of organic pigs
- Capacity building for sustainable development
- Temperate agroforestry systems
- Tour operators and operations: development, management and responsibility
- Creating experience value in tourism
- Rwanda's land tenure reform: non-existent to best practice
- The bioeconomy: delivering sustainable green growth
- Farm animal behaviour: characteristics for assessment of health and welfare
- Animal welfare
- Nutrition and feeding of organic poultry
- Tourism and animal welfare
- Gender equality and tourism: beyond empowerment
- Handbook of pest management in organic farming
- Tourism, health, wellbeing and protected areas
- Are we pushing animals to their biological limits? Welfare and ethical implications
- Global climate change and coastal tourism: recognizing problems, managing solutions and future expectations
- Cyst nematodes
- Reorienting Indian agriculture: challenges and opportunities
- Crisis and conflict in agriculture
- Lyme disease: an evidence-based approach
- Animal welfare in a changing world
- Automation in tree fruit production: principles and practice
- Managing quality of life in tourism and hospitality
- Controlled atmosphere storage of fruit and vegetables
- Corporate social responsibility: win-win propositions for communities, corporates and agriculture
- Veterinary clinical skills manual
- Adventure Tourism and Outdoor Activities Management: a 21st century toolkit
- Plant parasitic nematodes in subtropical and tropical agriculture
- Parasites and pets: a veterinary nursing guide
- Degrowth in tourism: conceptual, theoretical and philosophical issues
- Practical feline behaviour: understanding cat behaviour and improving welfare
- Ecological effects of electricity generation, storage and use
- Principles of cattle production
- Sustainable bamboo development
- Emerging trends in agri-nanotechnology: fundamental and applied aspects
- Tourism and leisure behaviour in an ageing world
- Fair Trade and organic agriculture: a winning combination?
- A history of pesticides
- Culicipedia: species-group, genus-group and family-group names in Culicidae (Diptera)
- Bovine tuberculosis
- Biopesticides manual: guidelines for selecting, sourcing and using biocontrol agents for key pests of tobacco
- Urban pest control: a practitioner's guide
- British and Irish butterflies: an island perspective
- Sea Bass and Sea Bream
- Fertilizer Use Optimization in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Legumes in cropping systems
- Natural polymers for drug delivery
- The ethology of domestic animals: an introductory text
- Medicinal plants of the world
- Enabling agri-entrepreneurship and innovation: empirical evidence and solutions for conflict regions and transitioning economies
- Building agricultural extension capacity in post-conflict settings
- Guide to the naturalized and invasive plants of Laikipia
- Biostatistics for animal science
- Reproductive technologies in farm animals
- Global urban agriculture
- Gender and rural globalization: international perspectives on gender and rural development
- Aquaculture: An Introductory Text
- Indigenous knowledge: enhancing its contribution to natural resources management
- Bovine pathology: a text and color atlas
- Plant stress physiology
- The business of plant breeding: market-led approaches to new variety design in Africa
- Integrated management of insect pests on canola and other Brassica oilseed crops
- The encyclopedia of herbs & spices. Volumes 1 and 2
- Service failures and recovery in tourism and hospitality: a practical manual
- UV-B radiation and plant life: molecular biology to ecology
- Shifting cultivation policies: balancing environmental and social sustainability
- Microbial food safety: a food systems approach
- Tourism and resilience
- Aphids as crop pests
- Woodland development: a long-term study of Lady Park Wood
- Managing outdoor recreation: case studies in the national parks
- Fish viruses and bacteria: pathobiology and protection
- Tourism and geopolitics: issues and concepts from Central and Eastern Europe
- Guide to the naturalized and invasive plants of Eastern Africa
- Decentralized governance of adaptation to climate change in Africa
- Linking urban and rural tourism: strategies in sustainability
- The handbook of microbial metabolism of amino acids
- Health benefits of green tea: an evidence-based approach
- Conservation agriculture for Africa: building resilient farming systems in a changing climate
- Maize kernel development
- Vegetable grafting: principles and practices
- Tourism theory: concepts, models and systems
- Invasive plant species of the world: a reference guide to environmental weeds
- Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods, Langkawi, Malaysia, September 11-15, 2017
- Conservation and management of tropical rainforests: an integrated approach to sustainability
- Data analysis in vegetation ecology
- Seed biology and yield of grain crops
- Antimicrobial peptides: discovery, design and novel therapeutic strategies
- Proceedings of the 11th International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting, 14-16th September 2017, Samorin, Slovakia
- Biocontrol agents: entomopathogenic and slug parasitic nematodes
- Olfaction in animal behaviour and welfare
- Integrated pest management in tropical regions
- Guide to the naturalized and invasive plants of Southeast Asia
- Plant biodiversity: monitoring, assessment and conservation
- Advances in PGPR research
- Arctic tourism experiences: production, consumption and sustainability
- Mass tourism in a small world
- Field guide for the identification of damage on woody sentinel plants
- Special interest tourism: concepts, contexts and cases
- Cruise ship tourism
- Antimicrobial stewardship: principles and practice
- Communicable Diseases
- Tourist behaviour: an international perspective
- Practical veterinary forensics
- The Handbook of Mites of Economic Plants: Identification, Bio-ecology and Control
- Food supply networks: trust and e-business
- Mononegaviruses of veterinary importance. Volume 2: molecular epidemiology and control
- Mountain tourism: experiences, communities, environments and sustainable futures
- Global health research in an unequal world: ethics case studies from Africa
- Equine thermography in practice
- Farm business management: the fundamentals of good practice
- International trade and food security: the future of Indian agriculture
- Enhancing crop genepool use: capturing wild relative and landrace diversity for crop improvement
- Tropical forage legumes: harnessing the potential of Desmanthus and other genera for heavy clay soils
- Training guide on integrated pest management in tobacco
- Chronic non-communicable diseases in low and middle-income countries
- Postharvest: an introduction to the physiology and handling of fruit and vegetables
- Keys to the tropical fruit flies (Tephritidae: Dacinae) of South-East Asia: Indomalaya to North-West Australasia
- Analytical techniques for natural product research
- Farm-level modelling: techniques, applications and policy
- Raptor medicine, surgery, and rehabilitation
- Molecular methods in plant disease diagnostics
- Operations management in the travel industry
- Nutrition experiments in pigs and poultry: a practical guide
- Leafy medicinal herbs: botany, chemistry, postharvest technology and uses
- The handbook of naturally occurring insecticidal toxins
- Plants and planting on landscape sites: selection and supervision
- Environmental horticulture: science and management of green landscapes
- Big data's big potential in developing economies: impact on agriculture, health and environmental security
- Strawberry: growth, development and diseases
- Transformative travel in a mobile world
- The handbook of microbial bioresources
- Mason's world encyclopedia of livestock breeds and breeding. Volume 1 and Volume 2
- Intellectual property issues in biotechnology
- Millets value chain for nutritional security: a replicable success model from India
- Biocontrol of major grapevine diseases: leading research
- Forest hydrology: processes, management and assessment
- Sustainable water management in smallholder farming: theory and practice
- Health emergency preparedness and response
- Biotechnology of major cereals
- Review of invertebrate biological control agents introduced into Europe
- Harnessing dividends from drylands: innovative scaling up with soil nutrients
- Heritage tourism destinations: preservation, communication and development
- Water dynamics in plant production
- The encyclopedia of sustainable tourism
- Tree-crop interactions: agroforestry in a changing climate
- Transition pathways towards sustainability in agriculture: case studies from Europe
- Amino acids in higher plants
- One Health: the theory and practice of integrated health approaches
- Demystifying theories in tourism research
- The animal trade
- Potato and sweetpotato in Africa: transforming the value chains for food and nutrition security
- Land-use change impacts on soil processes: tropical and savannah ecosystems
- Disease selection: the way disease changed the world
- The pesticide encyclopedia
- Crop improvement, adoption, and impact of improved varieties in food crops in sub-Saharan Africa
- The genetics of cattle
- The behavioural biology of chickens
- Europe's changing woods and forests: from wildwood to managed landscapes
- Tourism enterprise: developments, management and sustainability
- Transformational tourism: host perspectives
- Nutrition and behavior: a multidisciplinary approach
- Food tourism: a practical marketing guide
- Epidemiology for field veterinarians: an introduction
- Religious tourism and pilgrimage management: an international perspective
- Sustainable crop disease management using natural products
- Domestic animal behaviour and welfare
- Equine reproductive physiology, breeding and stud management
- The nature of crops: how we came to eat the plants we do
- Garden centre management
- Nutritional modelling for pigs and poultry
- Plants as a source of natural antioxidants
- Biocontrol agents of phytonematodes
- Visual soil evaluation: realising potential crop production with minimum environmental impact
- Improving animal welfare: a practical approach
- Risk and safety management in the leisure, events, tourism and sports industries
- Soil carbon: science, management and policy for multiple benefits
- Brassica oilseeds: breeding and management
- Ideological, social and cultural aspects of events
- Rodent pests and their control
- Principles of tropical horticulture
- Vegetable production and practices
- Regenerating forests and livelihoods in Nepal: a new lease of life. Unfolding the experience of 20 years of poverty alleviation through leasehold forestry in the Himalayas
- Rabbit behaviour, health and care
- Tuberculosis, leprosy and mycobacterial diseases of man and animals: the many hosts of mycobacteria
- Coping with risk in agriculture: applied decision analysis
- Exotic fruits and nuts of the New World
- Handbook of scales in tourism and hospitality research
- Abiotic stresses in crop plants
- Transition to agricultural market economies: the future of Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine
- Home parenteral nutrition
- Conservation agriculture in subsistence farming. Case studies from South Asia and beyond
- An Introduction to Economics
- Bacteria and fungi from fish and other aquatic animals: A practical identification manual
- Climate change and global health
- Diseases of temperate horticultural plants
- Urban insect pests: sustainable management strategies
- Global forest fragmentation
- Pig disease identification and diagnosis guide
- Poplars and willows: trees for society and the environment
- Animal andrology: theories and applications
- Sentience and animal welfare
- Conservation agriculture: global prospects and challenges
- Beef cattle production systems
- Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever
- Plant adaptation to environmental change: significance of amino acids and their derivatives
- A manual for tilapia business management
- Dogs in the leisure experience
- Canine and feline epilepsy: diagnosis and management
- Imagineering: innovation in the experience economy
- Metabolomics and systems biology in human health and medicine
- Natural environments and human health
- Creating experience value in tourism
- Fruit ripening: physiology, signalling and genomics
- Phytochemicals of nutraceutical importance
- Applied plant virology
- Linear models for the prediction of animal breeding values
- Seeds: the ecology of regeneration in plant communities
- Livestock handling and transport
- Dilemmas in animal welfare
- Diseases and disorders of finfish in cage culture
- Biological control of plant-parasitic nematodes: soil ecosystem management in sustainable agriculture
- Practical canine behaviour: for veterinary nurses and technicians
- Fungicides in crop protection
- Africa Soil Health Consortium: Handbook for Integrated Soil Fertility Management
- The silviculture of trees used in British forestry
- Infectious forest diseases
- Research themes for events
- Sustainable animal agriculture
- Veterinary treatment of pigs
- Greenhouse technology and management
- Innovation in agri-food clusters: theory and case studies
- Shifting Cultivation and Secondary Succession in the Tropics
- Horse genetics
- Camel meat and meat products
- Rural women in leadership: positive factors for leadership development
- Cultural tourism
- Dogs, zoonoses and public health
- The encyclopaedia of medical and veterinary entomology
- Forestry in a global context
- Agricultural markets in a transitioning economy: an Albanian case study
- Nutrition and physical activity in inflammatory diseases
- The CABI encyclopedia of forest trees
- Ticks and tick-borne diseases: geographical distribution and control strategies in the Euro-Asia region
- Tourism
Salmonella in domestic animals
- Tropical fruit flies (Tephritidae: Dacinae) of South-East Asia: Indomalaya to North-West Australasia
- Geographic health data: fundamental techniques for analysis
- Rabbit production
- Garden tourism
- Promoting investment in agriculture for increased production and productivity
- Realizing Africa's rice promise
- Parasitic nematodes: molecular biology, biochemistry and immunology
- Mononegaviruses of veterinary importance. Volume I: Pathobiology and molecular diagnosis
- Farm animal medicine and surgery for small animal veterinarians
- Biological and environmental control of disease vectors
- Hemp: industrial production and uses
- Biological control programmes in Canada 2001-2012
- Principles of horticultural physiology
- Biofuel crops: production, physiology and genetics
- Nautical tourism
- Natural antioxidants and biocides from wild medicinal plants
- The host gaze in global tourism
- Disaster management: medical preparedness, response and homeland security
- Transformational tourism: tourist perspectives
- International volunteer tourism: integrating travellers and communities
- Plant nematology
- Developing successful agriculture: an Australian case study
- Trichoderma: biology and applications
- Banana systems in the humid highlands of sub-Saharan Africa: enhancing resilience and productivity
- Animal machines
- Animal abuse: helping animals and people
- Green biosynthesis of nanoparticles: mechanisms and applications
- Genetic epidemiology: methods and applications
- Nutrient deficiencies of field crops: guide to diagnosis and management
- Small animal soft tissue surgery
- Agricultural policies for poverty reduction
- Farm incomes, wealth and agricultural policy: filling the CAP's core information gap
- The business and management of ocean cruises
- Feline behaviour and welfare
- Insect pests in tropical forestry
- Statistical epidemiology
- The behaviour of the domestic cat
- Communicable diseases: a global perspective
- Serbia on the road to EU accession. Consequences for agricultural policy and the agri-food chain
- Integrated pest management: principles and practice
- Dairy herd health
- Plant pest risk analysis: concepts and application
- Veterinary treatment of sheep and goats
- Veterinary practice management
- Growth of farm animals
- Radar entomology: observing insect flight and migration
- Frameworks for tourism research
- Modeling physiology of crop development, growth and yield
- Agrobiodiversity conservation: securing the diversity of crop wild relatives and landraces
- Controversies in tourism
- Health promotion: global principles and practice
- The economics of regulation in agriculture: compliance with public and private standards
- Plant stress physiology
- The genetics of the dog
- Microbial biotechnology: energy and environment
- Fish parasites: pathobiology and protection
- Life at extremes: environments, organisms and strategies for survival
- Sustainable livestock management for poverty alleviation and food security
- Crop plant anatomy
- Veterinary treatment of llamas and alpacas
- Managing outdoor recreation: case studies in the National Parks
- Responsible tourism: concepts, theory and practice
- The biology of mosquitoes. Volume 3: Transmission of viruses and interactions with bacteria
- Plant evolution and the origin of crop species
- A handbook for the sheep clinician
- Living with the trees of life. Towards the transformation of tropical agriculture
- Productivity growth in agriculture: an international perspective
- Maternal and perinatal health in developing countries
- Amino acids in human nutrition and health
- Fungicide resistance in crop protection: risk and management
- Arthropod pests of horticultural crops in tropical Asia
- Restoring community connections to the land: building resilience through community-based rangeland management in China and Mongolia
- Plant mutation breeding and biotechnology
- Rethinking park protection: treading the uncommon ground of environmental beliefs
- Pandemic influenza
- Goat meat production and quality
- External parasites of small ruminants. A practical guide to their prevention and control
- Beneficial microorganisms in agriculture, food and the environment: safety assessment and regulation
- Special Offer - Buy all Three Volumes of Biology of Mosquitoes
- Alfalfa and Relatives
- Fish Diseases and Disorders: 3 Volume Set
- Small-scale Fisheries Management
- Strategic management in tourism
- Innovation in forestry: territorial and value chain relationships
- Planning for tourism, leisure and sustainability: international case studies
- Chemical food safety
- Plants, biotechnology and agriculture
- The architecture and biology of soils: life in inner space
- Urban pest management: an environmental perspective
- Agricultural seed production
- Farm animal behaviour: characteristics for assessment of health and welfare
- Health-promoting properties of fruit and vegetables
- Zoonotic pathogens in the food chain
- African smallholders. Food crops, markets and policy
- Biology of Hevea rubber
- Soil hydrology, land use and agriculture: measurement and modelling
- Nutrition and feeding of organic cattle
- The food and financial crises in sub-Saharan Africa: origins, impacts and policy implications
- Medical tourism
- Aquaculture and fisheries biotechnology: genetic approaches
- Research themes for tourism
- Tourist destination governance: practice, theory and issues
- Disappearing destinations: Climate change and future challenges for coastal tourism
- The genetics of the pig
- Deafness in dogs and cats
- Destination marketing and management: theories and applications
- Food security in Africa and Asia: strategies for small-scale agricultural development
- Molecular and physiological basis of nematode survival
- Climate change biology
- Grassland productivity and ecosystem services
- A dictionary of entomology
- Fish diseases and disorders. Volume 3: viral, bacterial and fungal infections
- Biology and breeding of food legumes
- Animal welfare
- African seed enterprises: sowing the seeds of food security
- Farm business management: analysis of farming systems
- Turfgrass physiology and ecology: advanced management principles
- Human-livestock interactions: The stockperson and the productivity and welfare of intensively farmed animals
- Natural products in plant pest management
- Natural antimicrobials in food safety and quality
- Agrobiodiversity management for food security: a critical review
- Tropical vegetable production
- Labels of origin for food: local development, global recognition
- Poisoning by plants, mycotoxins and related toxins
- Vegetable production and marketing in Africa: socio-economic research
- GM Crop Manual
- Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of Livestock (2 volume set)
- The Behaviour and Welfare of the Horse
- The Shrimp Book
- Quest for Sustainable International Fisheries
- The Glycaemic Index
- Giants of Tourism
- Medicinal plant biotechnology
- Conservation tourism
- Irrigation management: principles and practices
- Applied animal endocrinology
- Farm business management: the core skills
- Finfish aquaculture diversification
- Principles of ecology in plant production
- Molecular plant breeding
- Tourism and visual culture, Volume 1: Theories and concepts
- Tourism and visual culture, Volume 2: Methods and cases
- Nutrition, immunity and infection
- Biopesticides: pest management and regulation
- Nourishing the land, nourishing the people: a Madagascar success story
- Mastitis control in dairy herds
- Controlled atmosphere storage of fruits and vegetables
- Tourism, progress and peace
- Paratuberculosis: organism, disease, control
- Invasive plant ecology in natural and agricultural systems
- Cultural Tourism Research Methods
- Breeding for disease resistance in farm animals
- The encyclopedia of applied animal behaviour and welfare
- Fish diseases and disorders, Volume 2
- Nutrition of the rabbit
- Comparative animal nutrition and metabolism
- Temperate and subtropical fruit production
- Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition
- Industrial crops and uses
- Tourism and inequality: problems and prospects
- Agri-food chain relationships
- Veterinary treatment for working equines
- Bread, beer and the seeds of change: Agriculture's imprint on world history
- Experimental statistics for agriculture and horticulture
- Management of fungal plant pathogens
- Phosphorus and calcium utilization and requirements in farm animals
- Coffee wilt disease
- Mineral nutrition of livestock
- Advances in Mycorrhizal Science and Technology
- Insect-resistant Maize
- Manual of Leaf Architecture
- Environmental Impact of Genetically Modified Crops
- Operations management in the travel industry
- Rangeland degradation and recovery in China's pastoral lands
- Citrus mites: identification, bionomy and control
- City tourism: national capital perspectives
- Communicable disease epidemiology and control
- Introduction to pandemic influenza
- Insect pathogens: molecular approaches and techniques
- Quantitative trait loci analysis in animals
- Molecular plant-microbe interactions
- The ethology of domestic animals: an introductory text, modular texts
- Keys to the nematode parasites of vertebrates: archival volume
- Aquaculture: an introductory text
- Agritourism
- Biorational tree-fruit pest management
- Soil ecology and management
- Applied mycology
- River tourism
- Improving Animal Welfare: A Practical Approach
- Potatoes postharvest
- Planted forests: uses, impacts and sustainability
- People and work in events and conventions: a research perspective
- Meat science: an introductory text
- Biostatistics for animal science
- Keys to the Nematode Parasites of Vertebrates: Supplementary Volume
- Root-knot nematodes
- Plant cold hardiness: from the laboratory to the field
- Nematodes as environmental indicators
- Event management and sustainability
- The next rural economies: constructing rural place in global economies
- Principles of cattle production
- Prioritizing agricultural research for development: experiences and lessons
- The ecology and silviculture of oaks
- Farm business management: the human factor
- Tourism strategies and local responses in Southern Africa
- Phytoplasmas: genomes, plant hosts and vectors
- Biofuels: production, application and development
- Tourism and Generation Y
- Vegetable seed production
- Giardia and Cryptosporidium: from molecules to disease
- Intellectual property rights and food security
- Agro-industries for development
- Nutrition Promotion
- Guide to Cultivated Plants
- Tourism and Mobilities
- Botanical medicine in clinical practice
- Tourism, recreation and sustainability: linking culture and the environment
- Keys to the Trematoda, Volume 3
- Tourism management: analysis, behaviour and strategy
- Journeys of discovery in volunteer tourism: international case study perspectives
- The encyclopedia of fruit & nuts
- The economics of animal health and production
- Introductory probability and statistics: applications for forestry and natural sciences
- Dairy goats feeding and nutrition
- Sustainable farmland management: transdisciplinary approaches
- The encyclopedia of tourism and recreation in marine environments
- Mycoplasma diseases of ruminants
- Animal nutrition science
- Domestic duck production: science and practice
- Chemistry of spices
- Resource allocation theory applied to farm animal production
- Areawide pest management: theory and implementation
- Indigenous fruit trees in the tropics: domestication, utilization and commercialization
- The ecosystem approach to fisheries
- Herbal radiomodulators: applications in medicine, homeland defence and space
- Nutrition and feeding of organic poultry
- Mycotoxins: detection methods, management, public health and agricultural trade
- Health benefits of organic food: effects of the environment
- Equine reproductive physiology, breeding and stud management
- Ecohydrology: processes, models and case studies: an approach to the sustainable management of water resources
- Root feeders: an ecosystem approach
- Environmental impacts of pasture-based farming
- Building community capacity for tourism development
- Principles and applications of domestic animal behavior: an introductory text
- Plant genotyping II: SNP technology
- Conserving plant genetic diversity in protected areas: population management of crop wild relatives
- Pest management and phytosanitary trade barriers
- Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds, La Grande Motte, France, 22-27 April, 2007
- Environmental risk assessment of genetically modified organisms: challenges and opportunities with Bt cotton in Vietnam, Vol.4
- Long distance transport and welfare of farm animals
- Ainsworth and Bisbys Dictionary of the Fungi
- Tourism development: growth, myths and inequalities
- Global pesticide resistance in arthropods
- Poultry production in hot climates
- Mathematical modelling in animal nutrition
- Plant membrane and vacuolar transporters
- Plant Names
- Nutrition and Feeding of Organic Pigs
- Non-chemical weed management: principles, concepts and technology
- Inositol phosphates: linking agriculture and the environment
- Ecologically based integrated pest management
- The public, the media and agricultural biotechnology
- Tourism and protected areas: benefits beyond boundaries. The Vth IUCN World Parks Congress
- China's livestock revolution: agribusiness and policy developments in the sheep meat industry
- Seed dispersal: theory and its application in a changing world
- Domestic animal behaviour and welfare
- Animal welfare and meat production
- The encyclopedia of vitamin E
- Forest genetics
- Globalization and the least developed countries: potentials and pitfalls
- Aphids as crop pests
- Prospects for polar tourism
- Insect Conservation Biology
- Crisis management in tourism
- Impact of science on African agriculture and food security
- Chickpea breeding and management
- School health, nutrition and education for all: levelling the playing field
- Transfrontier conservation in Africa: at the confluence of capital, politics and nature
- Redesigning animal agriculture: the challenge of the 21st Century
- The agricultural groundwater revolution: opportunities and threats to development
- Ecology and management of giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)
- Heat treatments for postharvest pest control: theory and practice
- Understanding western tourists in developing countries
- Biodiversity loss and conservation in fragmented forest landscapes: the forests of montane Mexico and temperate South America
- Decentralization and the social economics of development: lessons from Kenya
- International research on natural resource management: advances in impact assessment
- Fungal families of the world
- Sustainable poverty reduction in less-favoured areas
- The behavioural biology of dogs
- Forestry and climate change
- Voluntary food intake and diet selection in farm animals
- Integrated watershed management: connecting people to their land and water
- Crop wild relative conservation and use
- Protozoal abortion in farm ruminants: guidelines for diagnosis and control
- Greenhouse gas sinks
- The Global Theme Park Industry
- Cross-sectoral policy developments in forestry
- Seeds: biology, development and ecology. Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Seeds, Brisbane, Australia, May 2005
- Sustainable forestry: from monitoring and modelling to knowledge management and policy science
- Agricultural biotechnology and intellectual property: seeds of change
- Irrigation systems: design, planning and construction
- Multifunctional agriculture: a transition theory perspective
- Environmental risk assessment of genetically modified organisms, Volume 3. Methodologies for transgenic fish
- Tourism in peripheries: perspectives from the far north and south
- Tourism and gender: embodiment, sensuality and experience
- The Olympic games: a social science perspective
- Global supply chains, standards and the poor: how the globalization of food systems and standards affects rural development and poverty
- Livestock handling and transport
- Biotechnology and plant disease management
- Coffee pests, diseases and their management
- Citrus genetics, breeding and biotechnology
- Dietary supplements for the health and quality of cultured fish
- Biological control: a global perspective
- Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Festivals Management: An International Perspective
- Mathematical models in agriculture: quantitative methods for the plant, animal and ecological sciences
- Organic farming: an international history
- Marine wildlife and tourism management: insights from the natural and social sciences
- No Tillage Seeding in Conservation Agriculture
- Applied Nutrition for Young Pigs
- Organic Agriculture
- The Glycaemic Index: a physiological classification of dietary carbohydrate
- An introduction to economics: concepts for students of agriculture and the rural sector
- The Common Agricultural Policy and organic farming: an institutional perspective on continuity and change
- Climate change in developing countries: results from the Netherlands Climate Change Studies Assistance Programme
- Tourism consumption and representation: narratives of place and self
- Cruise ship tourism
- Integrated food safety and veterinary public health
- Tourism, culture and regeneration
- Home parenteral nutrition
- The economics of livestock disease insurance: concepts, issues and international case studies
- Destination recommendation systems: behavioural foundations and applications
- Cold hardiness in plants: molecular genetics, cell biology and physiology. Seventh International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar, Sapporo, Japan, 10-15 July 2004
- Soil erosion and sediment redistribution in river catchments: measurement, modelling and management
- Freshwater nematodes: ecology and taxonomy
- Multiple Dwelling and Tourism: Negotiating Place, Home and Identity
- Managing tourism and hospitality services: theory and international applications
- Global wine tourism: research, management and marketing
- Feeding in domestic vertebrates: from structure to behaviour
- The conservation of cultural landscapes
- Molecular approaches to soil, rhizosphere and plant microorganism analysis
- Animal and human health and welfare: a comparative philosophical analysis
- Stereotypic animal behaviour: fundamentals and applications to welfare
- Protective effects of tea on human health
- Forests and society: sustainability and life cycles of forests in human landscapes
- Global development of organic agriculture: challenges and prospects
- Tilapia culture
- Tourism in the new Europe: the challenges and opportunities of EU enlargement
- Microbial ecology of aerial plant surfaces
- Rural gender relations: issues and case studies
- Fundamentals of tropical turf management
- Landscape trees and shrubs: selection, use and management
- The oestrid flies: biology, host-parasite relationships, impact and management
- Protein turnover
- Development with identity: community, culture and sustainability in the Andes
- Pink tourism: holidays of gay men and lesbians
- Leisure in contemporary society
- Sociological perspectives of organic agriculture: from pioneer to policy
- Olive oil and health
- Nutrition and behavior: a multidisciplinary approach
- Fish diseases and disorders. Volume 1: protozoan and metazoan infections
- Going organic: mobilizing networks for environmentally responsible food production
- The amenity migrants: seeking and sustaining mountains and their cultures
- 'E' issues for agribusiness: the 'what', 'why', 'how'
- The molecular biology and biotechnology of flowering
- Testing methods for seed-transmitted viruses: principles and protocols
- Environmental risk assessment of genetically modified organisms. Volume 2: methodologies for assessing Bt cotton in Brazil
- Tourism and welfare: ethics, responsibility and sustained well-being
- The encyclopedia of seeds: science, technology and uses
- Nutrient digestion and utilization in farm animals: modelling approaches
- Mechanistic modelling in pig & poultry production
- Indigenous Ecotourism: Sustainable Development and Management
- Growing older: tourism and leisure behaviour of older adults
- Environmental impact of invertebrates for biological control of arthropods: methods and risk assessment
- Soil Biodiversity in Amazonian and Other Brazilian Ecosystems
- WTO negotiations and agricultural trade liberalization: the effect of developed countries' policies on developing countries
- International trade and policies for genetically modified products
- The psychology of food choice
- Parasitic flatworms: molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology and physiology
- Toxocara: the enigmatic parasite
- Policy reform and adjustment in the agricultural sectors of developed countries
- Vacation decision making
- Plant nematology
- Adventure tourism
- Rights to plant genetic resources and traditional knowledge: basic issues and perspectives
- CAP and the Regions
- Agriculture as a Producer and Consumer of Energy
- Innovations in Rural Extension
- Fishery co-management: a practical handbook
- Monitoring for a sustainable tourism transition: the challenge of developing and using indicators
- Irrigation and drainage performance assessment: practical guidelines
- Starter packs: a strategy to fight hunger in developing countries? Lessons from the Malawi experience 1998-2003
- The measurement of roundwood: methodologies and conversion ratios
- Tourism research methods: integrating theory with practice
- Tourism SMEs, service quality and destination competitiveness
- Rural change and sustainability: agriculture, the environment and communities
- Land use change in tropical watersheds: evidence, causes and remedies
- Tourism behaviour: travellers' decisions and actions
- Organic phosphorus in the environment
- Plant parasitic nematodes in subtropical and tropical agriculture
- Mammalian genomics
- Free time and leisure participation: international perspectives
- Natural resource management in agriculture: methods for assessing economic and environmental impacts
- Conflict, social capital and managing natural resources: a West African case study
- Nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition of cattle: reducing the environmental impact of cattle operations
- Valuing crop biodiversity: on-farm genetic resources and economic change
- Seed fate: predation, dispersal and seedling establishment
- Keys to the Trematoda: Volume 2
- Communicable disease epidemiology and control: a global perspective
- Plant diversity and evolution: genotypic and phenotypic variation in higher plants
- Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism
- Urban aquaculture
- Silvopastoralism and sustainable land management. Proceedings of an international congress on silvopastoralism and sustainable management held in Lugo, Spain, April 2004
- Irrigation and River Basin Management: Options for Governance and Institutions
- Linear models for the prediction of animal breeding values
- Microbiological methods for assessing soil quality
- Aquaculture: an introductory text
- Western corn rootworm: ecology and management
- Valuing mediterranean forests: towards total economic value
- Biotechnology of fruit and nut crops
- Tropical forests of the Guiana shield: ancient forests in a modern world
- Phytobacteriology: Principles and Practice
- Nematodes as biocontrol agents
- The genetic diversity of cacao and its utilization
- Researching the culture in agri-culture: social research for international development
- Hormonal regulation of farm animal growth
- The African food crisis: lessons from the Asian Green Revolution
- Nitrate, agriculture and the environment
- Flower seeds: biology and technology
- Rust diseases of willow and poplar
- Regulating the Liabilities of Agricultural Biotechnology
- Environmental impacts of sugar production: the cultivation and processing of sugarcane and sugar beet
- Integrated resource and environmental management: the human dimension
- A bond scheme for common agricultural policy reform
- Nematode behaviour
- Poultry behaviour and welfare
- Measuring and auditing broiler welfare
- Saving seeds: the economics of conserving crop genetic resources ex situ in the future harvest centres of the CGIAR
Phoma identification manual. Differentiation of specific and infra-specific taxa in culture
- Reproductive technologies in farm animals
- The family business in tourism and hospitality
- Wastewater use in irrigated agriculture: confronting the livelihood and environmental realities
- Dairy sheep nutrition
- Intellectual property rights in agricultural biotechnology
- The regulation of agricultural biotechnology
- Animal health and welfare in organic agriculture
- The trypanosomiases
- Consumer acceptance of genetically modified foods
- Climate change in contrasting river basins: adaptation strategies for water, food and environment
- Aquaculture and fisheries biotechnology: genetic approaches
- Consumer psychology of tourism, hospitality and leisure
- Biostatistics for animal science
- Forests at the land-atmosphere interface
- Environmental risk assessment of genetically modified organisms. Volume 1: A case study of Bt maize in Kenya
- Cycad classification: concepts and recommendations
- Improving tourism and hospitality services
- Biodiversity of West African forests: an ecological atlas of woody plant species
- Natural enemies of terrestrial molluscs
- Fluorides in the environment: effects on plants and animals
- Poisonous plants and related toxins
- Postharvest physiology and hypobaric storage of fresh produce
- Genetics, evolution and biological control
- Tourism and transition: governance, transformation and development
- Nematology: advances and perspectives. Volume 1: Nematode morphology, physiology, and ecology
- The encyclopedia of farm animal nutrition
- Good statistical practice for natural resources research
- GIS and spatial analysis in veterinary science
- Below-ground interactions in tropical agroecosystems: concepts and models with multiple plant components
- Integrated pest management: potential, constraints and challenges
- Nematology: advances and perspectives. Volume 2: Nematode management and utilization
- Introgression from genetically modified plants into wild relatives
- Volunteering as leisure/leisure as volunteering: an international assessment
- Muscle development of livestock animals: physiology, genetics and meat quality
- Destination benchmarking: concepts, practices and operations
- Coping with risk in agriculture
- Soy protein and formulated meat products
- Bacteria from fish and other aquatic animals: a practical identification manual
- New horizons in tourism: strange experiences and stranger practices
- Managing soil quality: challenges in modern agriculture
- Biotechnology and Sustainable Development
- Disease-related Malnutrition
- Seeds of Concern
- Integrated pest management in the global arena
- Case studies in ecotourism
- Forest policy for private forestry: global and regional challenges
- Integrated natural resources management: linking productivity, the environment and development
- Principles of plant health and quarantine
- Soil fertility decline in the tropics: with case studies on plantations
- Ecotourism policy and planning
- Modelling forest systems. Workshop on the interface between reality, modelling and the parameter estimation processes, Sesimbra, Portugal, 2-5 June 2002
- Amino acids in animal nutrition
- Biological control in IPM systems in Africa
- Tourism in destination communities
- Nutrients for sugar beet production: soil-plant relationships
- Laboratory production of cattle embryos
- The biology of seeds: recent research advances. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Seeds, Salamanca, Spain, 2002
- Applied animal endocrinology
- The pineapple: botany, production and uses
- Food safety: contaminants and toxins
- Weeds and weed management on arable land: an ecological approach
- Service quality in leisure and tourism
- Banana wars: the anatomy of a trade dispute
- Poultry genetics, breeding and biotechnology
- Stable isotopes in human nutrition: laboratory methods and research applications
- Crop variety improvement and its effect on productivity: the impact of international agricultural research
- The ecology of soil decomposition
- Agriculture and international trade: law, policy and the WTO
- Plant evolution and the origin of crop species
- Health, nutrition and food demand
- Diseases of tropical fruit crops
- Molecular nutrition
- Local partnerships for rural development: the European experience
- Weed ecology in natural and agricultural systems
- Quality control and production of biological control agents: theory and testing procedures
- Mites of greenhouses: identification, biology and control
- Water dynamics in plant production
- Responsible fisheries in the marine ecosystem
- The competitive destination: a sustainable tourism perspective
- Organic fruit growing
- Crocodiles: biology, husbandry and diseases
- Giardia
- Rice Almanac
- Contracting for Agricultural Extension
- Managing plant genetic diversity. Proceedings of an international conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-16 June 2000
- Globalization and the developing countries: emerging strategies for rural development and poverty alleviation
- Intellectual property rights in animal breeding and genetics
- Mason's world dictionary of livestock breeds, types and varieties
- Leisure and tourism policy and planning
- Ecotourism programme planning
- Nutrient requirements and feeding of finfish for aquaculture
- Public concerns, environmental standards and agricultural trade
- Desiccation and survival in plants: drying without dying
- Agricultural research policy in an era of privatization
- Keys to the Trematoda: Volume 1
- Methods in agricultural chemical analysis: a practical handbook
- Diseases and disorders of finfish in cage culture
- Global rangelands: progress and prospects. VI International Rangeland Congress on 'People and Rangelands: Building the Future', Townsville, Australia, 1999
- Tourism in national parks and protected areas: planning and management
- Farmers, scientists and plant breeding: integrating knowledge and practice
- Trees, crops and soil fertility: concepts and research methods
- Taenia solium cysticercosis: from basic to clinical science
- Crop-soil simulation models: applications in developing countries
- Tourism in Western Europe: a collection of case histories
- Growth of farm animals
- The behavioural ecology of parasites
- The ecology and silviculture of oaks
- Rural aquaculture
- Agricultural biotechnology and transatlantic trade: regulatory barriers to GM crops
- The avocado: botany, production and uses
- Allium crop science: recent advances
- Sheep Nutrition
- The tourist as a metaphor of the social world
- Agricultural biotechnology: country case studies - a decade of development
- Seed dispersal and frugivory: ecology, evolution and conservation. Third International Symposium-Workshop on Frugivores and Seed Dispersal, São Pedro, Brazil, 6-11 August 2000
- Lyme borreliosis: biology, epidemiology and control
- Natural resources management in African agriculture: understanding and improving current practices
- The dynamics of hired farm labour: constraints and community responses
- Tropical fruit pests and pollinators: biology, economic importance, natural enemies and control
- Benchmarking in tourism and hospitality industries: the selection of benchmarking partners
- Cassava: biology, production and utilization
- Responsible marine aquaculture
- Worms and human disease
- Animal domestication and behavior
- Plant resistance to parasitic nematodes
- Agriculture, hydrology and water quality
- Trees on the farm: assessing the adoption potential of agroforestry practices in Africa
- Tropical mycology: volume 2, micromycetes
Verticillium wilts
- Molluscs as crop pests
- Persistence and change in rural communities: a 50-year follow-up to six classic studies
- Nitrogen fixation: global perspectives. Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 2-7 July 2001
- Entomopathogenic nematology
- Quantitative genetics, genomics and plant breeding
- Macrocyclic lactones in antiparasitic therapy
- Poultry feedstuffs: supply, composition and nutritive value
- Economic and social issues in agricultural biotechnology
- The ethology of domestic animals: an introductory text
- Convention on Biological Diversity and Product Commercialisation in Development Assistance Projects
- Durian
- Broadening the Genetic Base of Crop Production
- Enzymes in farm animal nutrition
- Consumer psychology of tourism, hospitality and leisure. Volume 2
- The genetics of the dog
- Nitrogen fixation in tropical cropping systems
- Waste composting for urban and peri-urban agriculture: closing the rural-urban nutrient cycle in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Plant genotyping: the DNA fingerprinting of plants
- Market development for genetically modified foods
- Insects on palms
- Evaluating indirect ecological effects of biological control. Key papers from the symposium 'Indirect ecological effects in biological control', Montpellier, France, 17-20 October 1999
- Agricultural technologies and tropical deforestation
- The weaner pig: nutrition and management. Proceedings of a British Society of Animal Science Occasional Meeting, University of Nottingham, UK, September 2000
- Digestive physiology of pigs. Proceedings of the 8th Symposium, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, 20-22 June 2000
- Volunteer tourism: experiences that make a difference
- Food safety and international competitiveness: the case of beef
- Fungi as biocontrol agents: progress, problems and potential
- The biology of terrestrial molluscs
- Securing the harvest: biotechnology, breeding and seed systems for African crops
- Rural tourism and recreation: principles to practice
- Tropical mycology: volume 1, macromycetes
- Environmental policies for agricultural pollution control
- Sustainable management of soil organic matter
- Principles of tropical agronomy
- Biotic interactions in plant-pathogen associations
- The biotechnology revolution in global agriculture: innovation, invention and investment in the canola industry
- Biological Control Programmes in Canada, 1981-2000
- Plant pathologist's pocketbook
- Parasitic nematodes: molecular biology, biochemistry and immunology
- Social behaviour in farm animals
- Forestry budgets and accounts
- Nitrate and man: toxic, harmless or beneficial?
- Pines of silvicultural importance
- The biology of wetas, king crickets and their allies
- Tradeoffs or synergies? Agricultural intensification, economic development and the environment
- The sustainable management of vertisols
- Recreational and environmental markets for forest enterprises: a new approach towards marketability of public goods
- Encyclopedia of arthropod-transmitted infections of man and domesticated animals
- Integrated plant nutrient management in sub-Saharan Africa: from concept to practice
- Cultural attractions and European tourism
- Crop science: progress and prospects. Papers presented at the Third International Crop Science Congress, Hamburg, Germany, 17-22 August 2000
- Planning agricultural research: a sourcebook
- Invasive alien species: a toolkit of best prevention and management practices
- Tourism ecolabelling: certification and promotion of sustainable management
- Competition and succession in pastures
- Quantitative trait loci analysis in animals
- Tourism and the less developed world: issues and case studies
- The Encyclopedia of Ecotourism
- Tourism and development in mountain regions.
- Insect Pest Management
- Field and laboratory methods for grassland and animal production research
- Carbohydrates in grain legume seeds: improving nutritional quality and agronomic characteristics
Salmonella in domestic animals.
- Farm animal metabolism and nutrition.
- Seed biology: advances and applications. Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Seeds, Merida, Mexico, 1999.
- CAP regimes and the European countryside: prospects for integration between agricultural, regional and environmental policies.
- Grazing ecology and forest history
- Climate change and global crop productivity.
- Hemp diseases and pests: management and biological control - an advanced treatise
- The genetics of the horse.
- A history of farming systems research.
- Invertebrates as webmasters in ecosystems.
- Strategic management in tourism.
- Forest tourism and recreation: case studies in environmental management.
- Nematode parasites of vertebrates: their development and transmission
- Nutrient elements in grassland: soil-plant-animal relationships
- Ganoderma diseases of perennial crops
- Leisure education, community development and populations with special needs.
- Employment dynamics in rural Europe
- Grassland ecophysiology and grazing ecology
- Dogs, zoonoses and public health
- Forage evaluation in ruminant nutrition.
- Ruminant physiology: digestion, metabolism, growth and reproduction
- Bioassays of entomopathogenic microbes and nematodes.
- Fire blight: the disease and its causative agent, Erwinia amylovora.
- Meat science: an introductory text
- Dormancy in plants: from whole plant behaviour to cellular control
- Biotechnology in the Developing World and Countries in Economic Transition
- Biological Control in the Tropics
- Sampling and monitoring in crop protection: the theoretical basis for developing practical decision guides
- Livestock Handling and Transport
- Trends in outdoor recreation, leisure and tourism.
- The biology of animal stress: basic principles and implications for animal welfare.
- Agriculture and intellectual property rights: economic, institutional and implementation issues in biotechnology.
- Seeds: the ecology of regeneration in plant communities
- Crop pollination by bees
- Modelling nutrient utilization in farm animals.
- Tylenchida: parasites of plants and insects
- Central and Eastern European agriculture in an expanding European Union
- Modelling Soil-Biosphere Interactions
- Egg Nutrition and Biotechnology
- Feeding Systems and Feed Evaluation Models
- Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure, Volume 1
- Livestock, Ethics and Quality of Life
- Managing Agricultural Biotechnology
- Forest Dynamics in Heavily Polluted Regions
- Experimental Design and Analysis in Animal Sciences
- Mites
- Pheromones of Non-Lepidopteran Insects Associated with Agricultural Plants
- Ostrich
- Regulation of Feed Intake
- Tree Ring Analysis
- Biological Control of Vertebrate Pests
- Poultry Meat Science
- The Biology of Mosquitoes, Volume 2: Sensory Reception and Behaviour
- Antioxidants in Human Health and Disease
- Equine Artificial Insemination
- Russian-English, English-Russian Forestry and Wood Dictionary
- Coffee, Cocoa and Tea
- Inducible Gene Expression in Plants
- Electronic Information Distribution in Tourism and Hospitality
- Insecticide Resistance
- Lettuce, Endive and Chicory
- Transgenic Animals in Agriculture
- The Mineral Nutrition of Livestock
- Sustainable Tourism Management
- Environmental Indicators and Agricultural Policy
- Forest Policy
- Tsetse Biology and Ecology
- Distribution Maps of Quarantine Pests for Europe
- Tourism and Cultural Conflicts
- Physiology and Biochemistry of Free-living and Plant-parasitic Nematodes
- Silviculture of Mahogany
- Grass for Dairy Cattle
- Soil Erosion at Multiple Scales
- Strategic Planning Systems in Hospitality and Tourism
- Agricultural Biotechnology in International Development
- Agricultural Values of Plant Genetic Resources
- Molecular Variability of Fungal Pathogens
- Thysanoptera: an Identification Guide
- Take-All Disease of Cereals
- Ecology and Management of Grazing Systems
- Maize Technology Development and Transfer
- Smallholder Cash Crop Production Under Market Liberation
- Science Under Scarcity
- Tropical Moist Forest Silviculture and Management
- Plant Breeding and Whole-System Crop Physiology
- Ecological History of European Forests
- Lupins as Crop Plants
- Grassland Dynamics
- Ecotourism in the Less Developed World
- Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals
- Comparative Avian Nutrition
- Economics of Landscape and Wildlife Conservation
- Potato Cyst Nematodes
- Plants that Hyperaccumulate Heavy Metals
- Leisure Management
- Nutrition of Goats
- Temperate Forage Legumes
- Agroforestry for Soil Management
- Forage Seed Production, Volume 1
- Termites
- Thrips as Crop Pests
- Common Agricultural Policy
- Tourism and Sustainability
- Behaviour of Cattle
- Biotechnology and Plant Genetic Resources
- Biodiversity Information
- Soilborne Diseases of Tropical Crops
- Genetics of Sheep
- Transformation of the Agri-food System in Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States
- Phosphorus Loss from Soil to Water
- Selection Indices and Prediction of Genetic Merit in Animal Breeding
- Controlling Mineral Emissions in European Agriculture
- Wheat Production and Utilization
- Agricultural Restructuring and Sustainability
- Gene-for-Gene Relationship in Plant-Parasite Interactions
- Milk Composition, Production and Biotechnology
- Sustainability of Rice Farming
- Genetic and Environmental Manipulation of Horticultural Crops
- Methods in Ecological and Agricultural Entomology
- Crop Residues in Sustainable Mixed Crops/Livestock Farming Systems
- Controlled Reproduction in Farm Animals Series, Volume 4
- Asian Rice Bowls: The Returning Crisis?
- Agro-food Marketing
- Controlled Reproduction in Farm Animals Series , 4 Volume Set
- Controlled Reproduction in Farm Animals Series, Volume 3
- Essential Oil Crops
- Biotechnology of Ornamental Plants
- Driven By Nature
- Principles of Poultry Science
- Controlled Reproduction in Farm Animals Series, Volume 2
- Controlled Reproduction in Farm Animals Series, Volume 1
- Plant Adaptation and Crop Improvement
- World Leisure Participation
- Rice Research in Asia
- European Environment and CAP Reform
- Dictionary of Natural Resource Management
- Viruses of Plants
- Parasitology for the 21st Century
- Progress in Dairy Science
- Cherries: Crop Physiology, Production and Uses
- Forestry, Economics and the Environment
- Reproduction in Poultry
- Soybean
- Environmental Heritage of Soviet Agriculture
- Grassland Nitrogen
- Tropical Legumes in Animal Nutrition
- Genetically Modified Organisms
- Development of Brain and Behaviour in the Chicken
- Economics of Organic Farming
- Conserving Soil Resources
- Keys to the Cestode Parasite of Vertebrates
- Agricultural Management Economics
- Livestock Housing
- Ornamental Bedding Plants
- Preservation and Maintenance of Living Fungi
- Aphids on the World's Trees
- Natural Turf for Sport and Amenity
- Potato Genetics
- Measuring Trees and Forests
- Insect Pests and Fresh Horticultural Products
- Soil Resilience and Sustainable Land Use
- International Mycology Directory
- Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Temperate Agriculture
- Energy and Protein Requirements of Ruminants
- Aphelenchida, Longidoridae and Trichodoridae
- Ecology of Marine Parasites
- Application Technology for Crop Protection
- Tourism, Technology and Competitive Strategies
- Advancement of Veterinary Science - Volume 4
- Ornamental Bulbs, Corms and Tubers
- Fruit Flies of Economic Significance
- Principles of Acarology
- The Biology of Mosquitoes, Volume 1: Development, Nutrition and Reproduction
- Manual of Pig Production in the Tropics
- Mycorrhizas in Ecosystems
- Colletotrichum
- Agricultural Biotechnology
- French-English Horticultural Dictionary
- White Clover
- Coelomycetes
- More Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes
- Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes
- The Language of Tourism: A Sociolinguistic Perspective